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When it comes to bitcoin, it is believed that investors interested in bitcoin contract transactions would have heard the word Bitcoin, even if they hadn't encountered bitcoin, but not much to know about bitcoin; in fact, bitcoin is usually used to mean that customers, after overdrafting their investments, lose more than they own, because bitcoin is traded in leverage, so when customers lose more than the guarantee in your account, that's the hole, and investors are sure to be very interested in what bitcoone blew up money. So where's Bitcoin?



Bitcoin is usually used to mean that a customer, after overdrafting an investment, loses more than his own money, and is leveraged by trading in bitcoin, so that when the client loses more than the bond in your account, it explodes. If the deposit is not replenished in a timely manner, the Chamber of Trades and Commerce imposes a mandatory stubble, with the balance remaining after the company’s firm is strong and less your loss, and normally a portion of the money remains, which is returned to the client’s account.


At the same time, the power-level engine will combine the current contract market depth, base margins, bankruptcy prices, index prices, and calculate a price that can be traded as quickly as possible to maximize the surplus from the blast. When the power-level engine entrusts the blast to the market, it will monitor the transaction at a given time. If it is not fully done, the power-level engine will cancel the remaining outstanding warehouse-dealing statements and re-establish the price and quantity-reducing process on the basis of the latest contract-based market depth, base differences, bankruptcy prices, and index prices.


When a warehouse is paid above the (Pingto) bankruptcy price (the guarantee rate is zero), a surplus will result, which will be injected into the risk reserve. This is the fate of that portion of the deposit, which can be understood as a contribution, and why, continue to look at the use of the risk reserve.


In the event that the blast warehouse is paid at less than (empty) the bankruptcy price (the guarantee rate is zero) or until the settlement is not fully settled, there will be a loss of penetrating, which, when settled, gives priority to the application of a risk reserve credit, which is less than offset, and is apportioned on the basis of all the earnings of all profitable users under the three contracts.


1. Sub-hospitals


First of all, there must be no controversy. Some of the new pickles are so hot that the results are, of course, complete. Some people may ask, and others can win. First, it is a gamble that throws themselves out and leaves no room for them, and then they lose, and then they lose. So, when the 100-fold contract goes on forever, the first official recommendation is to take control of the warehouse and try not to get into it.


2. No excess/terminal loss


This is the most common silo phenomenon, which has to do with the culinary psychology of most investors. It's hard to think about returning money and wanting more money when it comes to making a profit. Slicing the flesh for a long time, to stop being thin, is likely to end with a wave of behavior that hits and ends with nothing to play with. So it is important to be clear that there is no way to stop or stop the damage, not to look at the situation, and it is a terrible thing to think about investing.


Three. Reverse as a waver.


The time-seeker is Joon-jae. It is a fire-playing thing to do a lot of waves while the big picture is empty. A lot of real-handedness, and a lot of back-to-back currency friends, encounters such troubles. When the big one comes down, you lose a lot, you cut the meat with determination, and if you drag it down, you drag the money. So it is relatively safer to do the same thing.


4. Blind follower


There's no problem with this, but it's easy to over-depend on. Many times things change, the big man's emergency and provisional judgment is something you may not have. If the big man's strategy has changed, or he's ad hoc, you don't catch up, and the lack of self-judgment is a huge loss.


5. Casualties added


Once heard of the seven blowouts of a friend of coins a night. It was like a cautious move, with a little deposit, that made a big mistake of fuel-added tactics. A larger bond would ensure security, but it would have to be repeated every time it was finished.


6. Steak-over-the-night sleepers


& ldquo; night trips & rdquao; currency circles like to do big things at night. If you can still sleep safely, the risk is great.


7 - Heartless.


The bottom depends first and foremost on the bottom. Often, by reference to the previous price, investors feel they're going to get it out of hand, not knowing that it's going to be a wave, and you're probably going to see the bottom of a ceiling in the middle of a big deal. The deeper you get, the deeper you get, the deeper you get, the deeper you get in the 18-storey hell without cutting your meat, and it's not far from the blast chamber.


8. The omnipotent catcher.


It doesn't exist if you want to catch everything. In the blind, you'll just run out of chips early, and you'll have trouble getting out when it's true, so the master will wait for the moment, and if he doesn't do it, he'll make a good deal.


Nine. Death to death.


In large currency circles, recognition is also a means of survival. In order not to explode, it is also a matter of emotion to continue to add a bond of security.


This is the answer to the question of where the money in the currency ring is going to go, but it is true that the situation in the bitcoins is the most prone for investors to come to an end, mainly because it is related to the cuisine mentality of most investors, and because of the fact that they are satisfied with the profit, they want more for profit, they cut their flesh, they are sick and thin, so they stay in the mood for a long time, and it is likely that the result will be that a wave of passions will come to an end and that they will not be able to play, so it is important to identify their own stop point, that they have no bottom line, that they will not look at the situation, and that it is a terrible thing to imagine investing.




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