
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:109 评论:0



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Technological advances in crime, money laundering and terrorism are becoming increasingly difficult to detect and stop, and the absence of global coping mechanisms is even more dramatic.


As long as there is an incentive for crime, its actions can be traced through the currency, which may be the last bastion of illegal and criminal networks around the globe in the face of the constant rise of technology. If we allow digitalized currency based on encryption to move away from the surveillance system, all efforts will be lost.


Global policymakers need to work together to initiate surveillance of digital currency, and learn from it. It is the public’s concern about the current system of credit money that has created the soil of digital currency. Digital currency, like a mirror, reflects problems, but is not a solution.


As the Apple company CEO Cook advised in his recent MIT speech: Humans need to worry not about machines becoming more human, but about humans becoming more and more like machines. The human, human, and economic order requires fair and far-sighted rules and oversight, though these rules are not perfect in themselves.


1. Open Pandora Box


Advances in technology have led most people to feel no more private, personal information, preferences, destination, and consumption are all exposed to the data center. People are beginning to be troubled by the ease and ubiquitous nature of the services they bring.

  2017年5月全球爆發的大規模WannaCry(又稱Wanna Decryptor)勒索病毒向我們展示了硬幣的這一面帶來的可怕未來的冰山一角。

In May 2017, a massive global outbreak of the WannaCry (also known as the Wanna Decryptor) extortion virus showed us the tip of an iceberg of a terrible future brought about by this side of the coin.


For the first time, WannaCry has made it possible for many people to hear the presence of darknets by focusing on cybercrimes with new perspectives and digital bitcoins based on distributed networks.


This can be easily attributed as follows:


A government-initiated “Internet weapon” has been stolen by anonymous hackers, and stolen Internet weapons have been introduced into the dark web, which is difficult to trace; an (or several) anonymously acquired (or purchased) from the dark web to attack computers around the globe and extorted a certain amount of encrypted and unclarified digital currency; to some extent, the attack has lost control, making a large number of public facilities the target of the attack, and it is widely recognized that only a national-to-national cyberwarfare will address these goals, and smart criminals will try to avoid them from the fierce counterattacks of the angry government.


2. Underwater network world: surface networks, deep networks and dark networks


The blackmail virus has made the Internet a new popular word, so what is it?

  我們將現實世界的網路分為表層網路(Surface Web)和深網(Deep Web),而暗網則是深網中的一部分。

We divide the real world into surface web and Deep Web, which are part of the deep web.


Deep networks correspond to surface networks, followed by networks that are accessed by most people. If the Internet world is likened to an ocean, those indexed networks that can be searched by search engines (Google, 100 degrees, or required) are surface networks.


The theory is how big the web is, but it is generally estimated to be much larger in industry than the surface network.

  深網網站數量可能是表層網路的400到500倍,最大的60個深網網站存儲的數據幾乎相等於整個表層網路數據的40倍(Daniel Sui,2015)。正規機構也會在深網中建立了自己的網站,比如美國國會圖書館、美國人口普查局和經濟數據網站Freelunch.com等,另外即時通訊伺服器也存在於深網之中。

Deep Web sites may be 400 to 500 times the number of surface networks, with the largest 60 deep Web sites containing almost 40 times as much data as the entire surface network data (Daniel Sui, 2015). The institutions that are in the process of doing so will also create their own web sites in the deep web, such as the Library of the United States Congress, the United States Census Bureau and the Economic Data website Freelench.com, as well as an instant communication server.

  圖1 你看到的是哪的網路?

Figure 1. What network do you see?



Darknet is part of the deep web, and it is the fastest growing part. In general, the dark web refers to those parts of the deep web that exchange data in an anonymous way through the distributed network, unlike the shallow network and most of the deep web, most of the dark webs can only be accessed anonymously.


Dark Internet is based on encryption technology, and technology is not good or bad. Many dark Internet users do not necessarily act illegally, such as journalists who exchange information via dark Internet, and those who fear being persecuted by the government who are opposed to it.

  洋蔥路由(Tor)是目前以匿名方式登錄暗網的主要手段之一,每一個連接洋蔥路由器的電腦都可以設立一個網站。人們可以連接這個網站,但卻不知道其身在何處。美國海軍研究實驗室是洋蔥路由器的發明者和傳播者。美國政府仍然在繼續發展匿名領域的科技並且對其進行推廣。2010年,洋蔥伺服器還獲得了自由軟體基金會(the Free Software Foundation)的2010年年度社會福利自由軟體獎。

The US Navy Research Laboratory is the inventor and transmitter of onion routers. The US government is still developing and promoting anonymous domain technology. In 2010, the Onion Server also received the FreeSoftware Foundation's 2010 annual Social Welfare Free Software Award.


In addition, the garlic road is becoming more popular by means of "I2P" (an anonymous Internet project, which is a dynamic distributed network). The idea is that no one in the network is trusted, and all data is encrypted.


The uncontrollable Dark World: Crime, Drugs, Money Laundering and Terrorist Trade


Advances in Internet technology are transforming the world into two forms: on the one side of the Internet, people feel they have been watched by invisible eyes, and on the other side, we can hide deeper than any other time in the past.


The dark net allows everyone to hide behind the mask, and here we can see the world after losing the bonds.


The closure of the Silk Road on 1 October 2013 was an inspiration for many who knew about the dark web.

  外號“恐懼海盜羅伯特”的烏布利希(Ross Willian Ulbricht)在2011年創辦絲綢之路網站時的目標是建立一個可以不被政府查獲的線上犯罪市場。在之後的一段時間內絲綢之路網站聲名鵲起,被譽為毒品界的亞馬遜(Amazon)和易趣(Ebay)。

The goal of Ross Willian Ulbricht, a foreign name known as the Pirate Roberts, was to create an online crime market that could not be detected by the government in 2011 when he created the Silk Road website. In the ensuing period, the Silk Road website became famous, and was reputed to be the drug industry's Amazon and Ebay.


As with other Internet shopping platforms, on the Silk Road, traders are also criticized by buyers, including the quality of goods, logistics time, etc. The difference is that customers through anonymous servers never actually access the real address (IP address) of the business, and vice versa.

  圖2 絲綢之路網頁截圖

Figure 2 Silk Road Webshot

  來源:Global Drug Policy Observatory,Swansea University


It took the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) a long time to figure out the actual controllers of this well-known site. After the closure of the Silk Road site, the FBI ruled that the Silk Road was worth more than $1.2 billion (in Bitcoins at that time) by June 2013, with over 150,000 anonymous users and about 4,000 suppliers.


Criminal acts based on the dark web, which are not limited to drugs, and which have not been collected after the closure of the Silk Road, include the purchase of murderers, the payment of fees to watch human slaughter, the sex trade, child pornography, the illegal trade in documents, etc.




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