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DeFi,全称Decentralised Finance(去中心化金融),泛指一切以分布式账本与智能合约为技术基础的金融活动。我们知道,比特币一开始被设计出来,是具有明显的匿名抗审查特性的。要以这样一种技术来完成金融交易,首先要做的,就是在链上复现“信用”。

DeFi, fully known as Decentralized Finance, refers to all financial activities based on technology such as distributed books and smart contracts. We know that Bitcoin was originally designed with a distinct anonymous anti-censorship character. To complete financial transactions with such a technology, the first thing to do is to restore “credit” on the chain.


And then, let me start with the money. The first three sections are chatting, and there's more to it, and friends who are familiar with economic and financial knowledge can skip.


I'm not going to say the usual things, such as the history of currency origin and development.


I wonder if anyone has ever thought of the question: where does the wealth come from when world GDP rises every year?


A simple phrase, “work creates value”, cannot be explained. What is called “work creates value”, in the sense that you are paid for it. Where does your pay come from? Who pays you, where does his money come from?


Economic activity is a cycle of numerous streams of water, which, regardless of the loss of the circulation process, must require a sustainable source of water to sustain growth. Real growth comes from the increase in the amount of material produced, while nominal growth, the source of water, the printing machine, is.


To give a simplified example, assuming that one cell phone last year was 3,000 and the factory produced 1,000, it would take 3 million to buy them last year; this year, the factory technology was upgraded to produce 2,000 mobile phones, with a price increase of $3,200 per cell phone, and $6.4 million this year. The extra $3.4 million in bills would need to be printed.


But why not more if the country can print money? By 2020, the United States had about $21 trillion in GDP, China had 15.6 trillion in GDP, and I had four billion yuan to print than the United States.


Of course not, it'll be inflation.


We must make a clear distinction between inflation and general price increases.

一般物价上涨,一般是因为供不应求;举例来说,手机、汽车刚被生产出来的时候,产能低下,但由于是新东西、又有切实需求,所以价格往往会很高,我记得十年前那种按键式的手机就得好几千。等到产能上去,供应上来了,价格自然下去了;十年后的我们,同样价格可以买到更物美价廉的手机,而按键式手机早被市场淘汰了。 而通货膨胀的原因在于钱印多了,货币贬值。

The general price rises, usually because of inadequate supply; for example, when mobile phones and cars are first produced, they are less productive, but because they are new and demand-driven, prices tend to be high, and I recall that the type of key-pressed cell phones were thousands of good 10 years ago. By the time they went up, the supply came up, and the price went down; 10 years later, we could buy more expensive mobile phones, while the key-press phone was already out of the market.


In the case of mobile phones, 3 million of this year’s $6.4 million total is the original production, 30 million = 3 million is the increase in production efficiency, and 2000* (3200-3000) = 400,000 is the increase in price, which corresponds to the general price increase. And if a banknote printing machine printed 10 million dollars, mobile phone prices would not remain at 32 million dollars, possibly 5,000, and the excess is inflation. (Extrasively simplified, for ease of understanding)


Speaking of which, you may understand that printing money (which produces nominal increases in money) is not a bad thing, but if it is too much to print, it can generate inflation, because the extra money is nowhere else to go, and the real purchasing power will decline.


Why print more money?


To understand this, we have to understand a few other concepts. One is the subject of currency issuance, one is the basic function of money, and one is monetary policy. One comes.


The subject of the issue of the currency.


According to unreliable data, there are 180 + French coins in the world, of which 50 + are freely convertible. If money merely assumes what we usually call the function of exchanging generic equivalents of goods, why do currencies differ? If space restrictions are not taken into account, what is the difference between buying the same thing in renminbi and in dollars?


The reason is simple: the State is behind the French coin. Money is printed, printed by the State. If a country has control over the power to print money, can it grow? It can only become a puppet. Money is enslaved, people are enslaved.


But why does the French be printed by the State, not by any environmental foundation or by the neighbourhood council next door?


The question goes back — what is the money? As defined in the book, money is the general equivalent in commodity exchange. Whether it is shells, copper money, gold and silver, or banknotes, they all share a common feature: that everyone is willing to buy and sell them. That is “consensus” — something that everyone says is rotting in the chain of blocks.


The consensus of is the basis for the existence of a currency. If we look at the definition of a currency in a broad sense, we find it not too high. Assuming that there are three ABCs who trust you, in theory you can issue a currency. Your currency can move between ABCs, A can buy and sell with B. The currency is guaranteed by your “credit”, and ABC has a common understanding of your “credit”.

问题就在于,ABC认可你的币,但D不认可,E不认可,全球70亿人,69.99999997亿人不认可,所以你只能自娱自乐。那居委会、某某组织呢?也不行,还是太少。 那一个几亿人口的省呢?理论上已经基本可行了,但是还有问题。问题就是,货币发展到今天,已经不仅仅是一般等价物了,它有金融功能,有政策职能,每个省发一个币,岂不是各自为政了?

The problem is that ABC recognizes your currency, but D does not, E does not, and 7 billion people worldwide, and 69,999,999.97 million people do not, so you can enjoy yourself. The Communal Council, a certain organization, no, too few.

(这也是我从一开始就不看好欧元的原因,法币本质上是人民对国家权力的共识,是以国家权力作担保的信用凭证。欧元的共识来自于什么?欧洲某几个国家还是某几个首脑?问过全体欧洲人的意见了吗?欧元出问题了谁负责?欧盟?欧盟里英国出大头还是德国出大头?涉及到的利益纠纷太多了。 一个国家,一个法币,这是最好的安排)

(That's why I didn't like the euro from the beginning. The French coin is essentially a people's consensus on the power of the state, a credit document that guarantees the power of the state. What is the consensus on the euro?

理解了这些,你就能明白萨尔瓦多等国家会愿意接受比特币作为法币。因为萨尔瓦多没有自己的货币,他原来的法币是美元。没有自己的法币意味着什么?意味着国家权力带来的铸币红利完全的丧失。甚至可以这么说,使用美元作唯一法币的小国,都是美国的附庸,本质上都是被美国牵着鼻子走的。 对比之下,使用比特币作法定货币,相比于使用美元或者自己铸币来说,或者确实会是一个不错的选择。

To understand this, you can see that countries like El Salvador will be willing to accept bitcoin as a French currency. Because El Salvador has no currency of its own, he used it as a dollar. What does the absence of his own coin mean?


However, the use of bitcoin as a currency, smooth and high volatility and monetary policy are difficult questions, and I'm still curious about what El Salvador would do.


Second, the basic function of money.


This textbook sums up very well the values scale, the means of circulation, the means of storage, the means of payment and the world currency. No more nonsense, which means, respectively, measuring the value of the commodity (value – price), the general equivalent medium, making it easier to store the goods, making transactions, and trading in the world market.


But beyond basic functions, the distinction between currency and French currency, the country's credibility behind French currency, the source of popular consensus on French currency, and the role of monetary policy in regulating the economy are all worthy of our attention.


Third, monetary policy.


Monetary policy, in short, the central bank influences economic activity by controlling the supply of base money, interest rates, bank reserves, etc. There are many monetary policies, such as open-market operations, adjustment of deposit reserve rates, adjustment of rediscount rates, quantitative easing, etc.


Because of the demands of economic development.


When the economy is weak, monetary policy easing is usually used to stimulate the economy. The central bank distributes overprints of money to the market through the purchase of public debt, gold, securities, etc., which flows through the market, along the industrial chain, to various industries; or by buying foreign exchange (which is compulsory in our country and all excess foreign exchange has to be settled through banks), which is basically printed (not necessarily all printed, depending on how much is in the hands of the central bank).


Some people may say: the white wolf is empty, one key increases, and so on. Indeed, in essence, the exchange of money in print is the transfer of part of the people’s wealth into the hands of the state using the sedentary tax; but, in the early stages of economic development, the state obtained large reserves of foreign currency through forced remittances, whether it guaranteed international investment, international payments, or responded to sudden international events (e.g., Soros sniping Hong Kong in 1997, with the result likely to be another without the support of the central government’s foreign exchange reserves), or in cases where it is important to reduce the pressure on the renminbi to appreciate and secure exports. (Another view, a large portion of the dollar’s foreign exchange reserves has also made our country the largest creditor of the dollar and has been heavily constrained).


One of the most important ways in which money can flow to the market is through loans to commercial banks as a base currency, magnifying the flow to society through credit. For example, we often say mortgages. You buy a house that reflects millions of real estate on the end of an asset, and you carry millions of dollars of debt on the end of a debt (if you don't say all that). The money you buy goes into the developer's pocket and is reflected in the GDP of that year, after deducting all the costs of the intermediate link, while your invisible debt indicators for decades are in a position of less public interest.


From this point of view, there is a direct link between inflation and money-discharge. If the effects of monetary easing on nationals are evenly distributed, the effects of internal inflation are almost negligible, since the real purchasing power of the population has not changed, focusing only on exchange rates and imports and exports; and if water distribution is not evenly distributed, inflation will have a negative impact on the lives of the majority of the population.


This imbalance is manifested in many ways. For example, in the past 10 years, most of the water may have flowed to real estate and infrastructure; in the production chain, more to enterprises than to individuals (wage growth is limited). For example, assuming that the government is bidding for a new school, after winning a bid, it will generate more demand for factors of production, including raw materials, machinery and equipment, labour, etc., and so on, it will expand the productive capacity of all types of enterprises. Each link in the water flow will take away a part (who will do it without profit?) and how much remains of the labour at the end? (not to mention corruption, bribery, etc.)


According to business theory, firms take risks for their employees and take them away (not envious, but also negative). If a policy-led, more definitive environment allows firms to obtain these risk gains relatively securely.

由印钱引发通胀,带给所有终端消费者的损失,被形象地称为“铸币税”。 这个时候外币就可以跳出来打劫了。 因为本币通胀、购买力下降,外币却可能相安无事,所以很多人就会把本币兑换为外币。严重的话本国资本大量出逃,本币就有崩溃的风险。也就是国民对国家权力丧失信任、没有共识了,这反映的是人民对统治者信任的崩塌,影响的是一个国家的根基。具体例子可以看看国民党政府、一战后的德国、津巴布韦、委内瑞拉等。

Because of the decline in domestic inflation and purchasing power, the foreign currency is likely to be safe, so many people exchange it for foreign currency. If domestic capital runs out, the currency risks collapse. That is, the loss of national trust in the power of the state, the lack of consensus, which reflects the collapse of the people’s trust in the rulers, and the impact on the very foundations of a country.


Thus, the State printed money in order to adapt to material production and economic activities; if it is not printed too carefully, it triggers inflation; the uneven transmission of inflation is essentially a hidden redistribution of wealth following the imposition of a mooring tax; and once too much printed money causes malignant inflation, the national economy is affected, the social order is challenged and the ruling power is broken.


Even so, Hayek’s vision is unrealistic: there is a consensus behind the currency, and when there is enough consensus on the money issued by the private sector, the “private” has sufficient power, even worse than the French currency, because the “private” malice motive is more likely to be applied. BTC, which uses a distributed account to complete the consensus mechanism, unfortunately has assets – early whales have accumulated large numbers of tokens, and BTC has a consensus that it is unable to perform the various functions of French currency.


But don't worry, the early meta-cosm is not expected to have political attributes, and it is more certain that the crypto-demonstrate chooses to become the prevailing currency of the meta-cosmos.




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