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(重定向自Mobile Technology)

移動技術(Mobile Technology)

Mobile Technology


The mobile hardware environment is [編輯]


  —— 定義了無線區域網技術的一系列標準。此標準由電氣電子工程協會(IEEE)制定,它包括802.1la、802.1lb和新興802.1lg。802.1lh和802.1li標準在本文發佈時仍在開發中。

- standard. This standard was developed by the IEEE, which includes 802.1la, 802.1lb, and the new 802.1lg. 802.1lh and 802.1li standards were still under development at the time of publication.



  —— 無線接入點是將無線設備或客戶機連接到網路的基站。一些接入點擁有內建服務,包括路由器、防火牆DHCP和列印伺服器等。

- Wireless access points are , which connects wireless devices or clients to the Internet. Some access points have built-in , including routers, 兆位(Mb/s)或每秒千位(Kb/s)來計量

- - to determine the maximum number of data to be transmitted by a line or the maximum signal to pass by one second; usually to .



  —— 一種低成本、低功率無線“線纜替代” 技術,使電話、筆記本電腦PDA和外設等設備能夠通過短程(10米)無線信號進行互連。

- A low-cost, low-power wireless cable replacement technology to enable telephone calls, , and external devices to connect through short distances (10 m)

  英特 迅馳TM移動計算技術

Intifada TM mobile computing technique

  —— 由英特爾開發的一種無線移動計算平臺。英特爾迅馳移動計算技術採用英特爾0奔騰 處理器、英特爾。855晶元組和英特爾PRO/Wireless2100Network Connection,提供了802.1 lb無線能力。

- A wireless mover counter developed by Intel. Intel moving computing techniques use Intel 0 Bendler processors, Intel. 855 crystals and Intel Pro/Wireless2100Network Connection provide 802.1 lb wireless capability.


Fixed Wireless

  —— 在家中和辦公室等固定位置運行無線系統。固定無線設備通常是直接從電源插座而不是電池獲得電源。

– Runs a wireless system at a fixed location such as home and office.


  —— 通用分組無線系統的縮寫,也稱為2.5G,是在GSM行動電話網上傳輸數據的一種方法。

- A generic branch wireless system, also known as 2.5G, is a method of uploading data on the GSM mobile phone network.


  —— 主要用於歐洲的WLAN標準。無線熱點

It's mostly used in European WLAN standards. Wireless hotspots.

  —— 通過無線接入點為移動用戶提供連網或互聯網服務的區域。公共熱點建立在圖書館、機場、酒店甚至咖啡廳和餐館中。

The public hotspots are located in a library, airport, hotel or even service. The public hotspots are based in a café and restaurant. https://wiki.mbreb.com/zh-tw/%E5%92%E5%E5%E5%E5%8E%85=" Café".


  —— 互聯網協議的簡寫,是分配給聯網設備或電腦的一個獨一無二的地址和標識符。

- A brief version of the Internet agreement is a unique address and logo assigned to the network or computer.


Link mass and signal strength

  —— 信號強度是無線適配器接收到的信號的強度, 以decibel-milliwatts(DBm)計量。鏈路質量是在通信過程中對數據包丟失的衡量情況。

- Signal strength is the strength of the signal received by the wireless adapter, measured in terms of decibel-milliwatts (DBm). The quality of the link is a measure of the loss of the data package during the communication process.


Move lP

  —— 移動互聯網協議是一項標準,允許支持無線的攜帶型設備連接一個網路,在不同網路(區域網)之間漫游,同時保留以前的IP地址。

— The Migration Network Agreement is a standard that allows wireless portable devices to be connected to one network and to travel between different networks (), while retaining the previous IP address.


Moving Intel 0 Bendler 4 Processor - M

  —— 基於英特爾。奔騰固4處理器體系結構,移動式英特爾 奔騰@4處理一M提供了先進的性能,支持移動娛樂、通信和教育。

— based on Intel. Bentler 4 system , moving Intel Bentler@4 handles an M that provides forward performance and supports mobile entertainment, communication and education.


  —— 也稱為PAN (個人域網路),可包含8個藍牙設備的小型對等式(ad—hoc)網路。

— Also known as the PAN (personal domain network), which can include eight small bluetooth devices (ad-hoc) networks.



  —— 從一個覆蓋區域向另一個覆蓋區域移動,而沒有服務中斷或連接性損失的能力。

- Move from one overflow area to another without the ability to interrupt or connect to the loss of service.


  —— 服務集合標識符,也稱為網路名稱。一種獨一無二的標識符,作為無線設備連接到WLAN 時的密碼。

- Service collection sign, also known as the network name. A unique symbol, which is the password when Wireless connects to WLAN.



  —— 平板電腦是一種輕薄、平面、便攜設備,它將筆記本電腦的性能與紙張記事本的實用性結合在一起,使用數字墨水

A tablet computer is a light, flat, portable device that combines the performance of a laptop with the practicality of a paper notebook, using digital ink.


tablets support handwriting and . Ubiquitus or Pervasive calculates

  —— 從桌面計算模式轉移到了移動、嵌入式、互連和不可見計算模式。

- Moves from desktop computing mode to moving, embedded, interconnected and invisible computing mode.


  —— 通用串列匯流排是一種即插即用的介面,也是連接電腦與外設的手段。

- Universal serial streaming is an interface for plug-in and is a means of connecting computers to external settings.


  —— 虛擬專用網的縮寫,是使用互聯網連接物理上分散的系統來模擬單一專用網的安全方式。VPN 支持遠程和移動用戶訪問公司網路。

— Virtual ad hoc network acronyms are used to use the Internet connection physically dispersed system


  —— 廣域網,指覆蓋主要城市中心或整個國家的網路,例如GPRS、CD—MA和GSM 等。

, which covers major urban centres or national networks such as GPRS, CD-MA and GSM.


  —— 有線等效保密(WEP)協議是對在兩台設備間無線傳輸的數據進行加密的方式,用以防止非法用戶竊聽或侵入無線網路。

— The Wireless Equivalence (WEP) agreement is a way of encrypting data transferred on two devices by wireless transmission to prevent illegal users from bugging or hacking the wireless network.


  —— 代表“無線保真”,指802.11標準的IEEE802.1lb子集。Wi—Fi支持高達11Mb/s的數據傳輸率,是迄今為止最常用的標準。

Wi-Fi supports a data transfer rate of up to 11 mb/s, the most commonly used standard so far.


  —— 無線互聯網服務提供商(WISP)採用中等無線技術提供到用戶電腦的連接。WISP提供了從小型熱點到幾千米的覆蓋範圍。

— Wireless (WISP) provides access to a user's computer using medium wireless technology.


  —— 無線區域網的縮寫,指採用802.1 1無線技術進行互連的一組電腦和相關設備。也稱為LAWN。

— An abbreviation of the wireless area network, which refers to a set of computers and related devices that are connected with 802.11 wireless technology. Also known as LAWN.

  自1890年特思拉(Tesla)為無線通訊奠定了理論基礎,被譽為無線電之父的馬可尼(Marconi) 在1894年第一次將無線信號傳輸到兩英裡外,移動技術給人類社會帶來極大的變革。移動技術在政府部門的應用也可追溯到第一次世界大戰。近年來移動通訊技術與信息技術的融合更使移動技術成為業界關註的焦點。隨著移動通訊和移動計算技術的融合,移動技術的逐步成熟,移動技術的應用與發展帶來的移動交互,為普適計算(Ubiquitous Computing)、隨時隨地(Any time, anywhere)線上聯接、通訊聯絡和信息交換提供了可能,為移動工作提供了新的機遇和挑戰,並推動著社會形態及組織形態的進一步變革。

In 1894, Marconi, who was the father of Wireless Power, first transmitted the wireless signal beyond the two United Kingdoms, moved the technology to make a huge difference to human society. The adaptation of the technology in government services goes back to World War I. In recent years, the transfer technology and enabled the transfer technology to become a focal point in the world.

  信息技術與通訊技術的融合正在給我們的社會生活帶來巨大的變革。移動技術和互聯網已經成為信息通訊技術發展的主要驅動力,藉著高覆蓋率的移動通訊網、高速無線網路和各種不同類型的移動信息終端,移動技術的使用開闢了廣闊的移動交互的空間,並已經成為普及與流行的生活、工作方式。由於移動交互的吸引力與新科技的快速發展, 未來移動信息終端與無線網路將不亞於現在電腦與網路的規模與影響。這些為進一步提高城市管理水平,改善公共服務水平與效率、建設更具回應性的高效、透明、責任政府提供了新的機遇,也有助與跨越數字鴻溝,為市民提供普遍服務,敏捷服務?。

The integration of information technologies and communication technologies is making a huge difference in our social life. Migration technologies and networks have become The main driving force of the development of information technologies > > http://www.bre.bl%2 > > > , and > > > > >


i. Two-way wireless telecommunications (professional or public mobile wireless) or radio broadcasting based on wireless power;


ii. Mobile voice service based on cellular telephones, (SMSWAP (wireless application agreement), PDA個人數字助理)、尋呼機、藍牙技術、RFID(射頻標簽)和GPS全球定位系統終端

iii. PDA (, including laptops, flatboard computers, , `personal digital assistant', 90%DUID ; and


iv. WiFi, WiMax.

  在2009年召開的Gartner 無線與移動產業高峰論壇上,Gartner的資深分析師們經過深入討論,確定了未來兩年將對整個無線產業產生重要影響的8大移動技術。

At the Galtner Wireless and Moving Industries Summit, launched in 2009, Gartner’s resource analysts discussed in depth the eight major mobile technologies that will have a significant impact on the entire wireless industry over the next two years.

1.藍牙3.0(Bluetooth 3.0)

. Bluetooth 3.0


The Bluetooth 3.0 technology scheme will be officially released in 2009 (and its features will freeze at the same time), and the design will be delivered in 2010 to . Bluetooth 3.0 will probably contain new features, such as the "super-low-energy model", which will lead to more new devices (e.g. sensors and exterior devices) and new applications (e.g. health surveillance). In the previous version, Bluetooth operated a single unwired package of technology, while Bluetooth 3.0 intentionally supports three new technologies: "Bold," Wi-Fi, and it will be used as an additional U-fi technology.


2. Moving User Interface (UIs)

  UIs 對移動設備的可用性和支持度具有重要影響,未來兩年(2009~2010年)這將是競爭最激烈的領域,因為不同的設備製造商將通過UIs來區別其手機和平臺。新的和更多變的UIs將使B2E(business-to-employee)和B2C(business-to-consumer)應用的開發和支持變得更加複雜。企業希望界面參數的可選擇性能推動用戶對特定樣式設備的需求,企業也期望用戶界面能推動新的應用行為和性能。更好的界面將使移動Web更容易在小設備上訪問,並將成為消費者和員工更好的通道。

UIS has an important impact on the availability and support of mobile devices, which will be the most competitive domain over the next two years (2009-2010) because different devices will be used to separate their mobile phones and peace stations through UIs. New and more changes B2E (buses-emplaceee) and >. >


3. Moving positioning technology

  定位將使移動應用更加有力和有用,未來,位置信息將成為情境應用的關鍵組成部分。定位還將加強諸如“移動存在”和“移動社區”網路等系統。使用Wi-Fi 技術進行園區內定位的發展成熟將開啟大量基於裝置和人員位置信息的新應用,企業發佈的新的商業和消費者應用將展現定位技術的應用潛力,可是,開發此類應用也將在隱私和安全方面帶來新的挑戰。

will make the mobile application stronger and more useful. In the future, location information will become a key component of the situation. Using the Wi-Fi technology, the development of location within the park will open up new applications for new tools and location information, and new business and consumer technologies will be launched by new businesses and users.


  802.11n技術使得Wi-Fi的數據速率達到了100Mbps~300Mbps,並且多輸入多輸出(MIMO)技術的應用為某些情況下更好地進行無線覆蓋提供了可能。802.11n很可能成為一個“長命”的標準,它定義的Wi-Fi性能指標可能將持續數年。高速Wi-Fi對家庭和辦公室的流媒體應用很有價值。從企業的觀點來看,802.11n是一項獨立和具有替代性的技術,它配置複雜,需要新的接入點、新的客戶端無線界面、新的骨幹網和新的電源。但是,802.11n是第一個可以提供與100 Mbps乙太網性能相當的Wi-Fi技術,而100Mbps乙太網通常被用於辦公室電腦的有線聯網。因此,它使完全無線的辦公室成為可能,在未來兩年,企業可以考慮配置一個新的辦公室或更換較舊的802.11a/b/g系統

802.11 n Technology has enabled Wi-Fi to reach 100 mbps ~ 300 mbps at home and office, and the use of multiple (MIMO) technologies has made possible better wireless coverage in some cases. 802.11n is likely to be a “long-life” standard, defined as Wi-Fi Performance Mark, which may last several years. The high Wi-Fi data rate reached Media Wi-Fi Performance Mark may last several years. 802.11n is a unique and alternative technology

  5. 顯示技術

5. Show technology

  顯示技術限制了很多移動設備和應用的特性。在2009~2010年期間,一些新的顯示技術將會對市場造成影響,包括主動像素顯示技術、被動顯示技術和 pico放映機技術。Pico放映機技術將帶來新的移動應用模式(例如,在桌面上放映的即時介紹可以顯示信息摘要和麵對面銷售會議),電池壽命的改進將受到一些用戶的歡迎,好的離線查看技術將使圖片和信息的分享更加容易,應用於諸如電子書閱讀器等設備上的被動顯示技術將為分發和消費電子文檔提供新的方法。除此之外,顯示技術還將成為移動設備的一個重要的差異化特性和用戶選擇依據。

In the period 2009-2010, a number of new display techniques will have an impact on the market, including the main pixel display technology, the motion display technology, and the pico projector technology. Pico projection technology will bring new migration applications (e.g. the instant presentation on the desktop that will show summary information and face-to-face sales conferences) and battery lifetime changes will be welcomed by users, and the good technology will make it easier to share images and information, and will provide new methods for distribution and consumption of electronic files, such as 總擁有成本TCO)。很多移動瀏覽器都支持Widgets (一種小的移動 Web程式) ,它為手機和小屏幕設備提供了一個註入單一訂閱源(stream simple feeds)的方法。移動Web應用將成為大多數B2C移動策略的一部分。瘦客戶端應用也正在成為應用Wi-Fi和蜂窩連接的校園和企業應用的實用的解決方案。

Moving Web is becoming a low-cost path for simple transfer applications to a large number of facilities. By 2010, although there are some constraints (e.g., there are no generic standards for connective photographs or cellular services such as GPS), moving Web can provide ( > ) Many moving browsers supported Widgets (a small move cost of < > > < > > > > > > > > > > >2%Fb/2%b2%s =Ab2%Smb2%s =Ab2%Abs > Spm2%s =Abs < < > > 2%Spmbs Spbs Sptbs Stbs > > Spbs =Abs Stbs Stbs Stbs Stbs > Stbs > > < > > > > > >


7. Move Broadband


Wireless Wireless has gained explosive growth in 2008, and its main driving force is technological advances such as and HSUPA technology applications, as well as the extremely attractive price developed by mobile operators for these services. The HSPA technology can provide <1-2M or more . In many regions, the HSPA technology can provide sufficient connectivity to replace the Wi-Fi hotspot, and mature and available crystal teams can purchase mobile modules that can expand the software and the capabilities of the card.


  NFC(Near Field Communication)為手機在1~2cm距離上通信提供了一個簡單和安全的方法。NFC正在成為像移動支付這樣的應用的主要標準,併在一些國家進行了成功的測試。NFC還有更廣泛的應用,例如“接觸交換信息”(例如在手機和數字相框之間傳送圖像,或為手機挑選虛擬優惠券等)。Gartner預測,在成熟市場,例如西歐和北美,NFC支付和其他應用在2010年之前不太可能取得很大進展;但在新興市場,NFC很可能會取得重要地位,預計2010年將開始進行一些商業部署。

NFC (Near Field Communication) provides a simple and secure way for mobile phone communications at a distance of 1-2 cm. The NFC is becoming a much broader application like , with some successful tests in some countries. NFC has more extensive applications, such as > /N9%Ebl%Ebl%N > >.

  自1970年早期開始至今,移動通訊行業技術經歷了從誕生、變革到發展演變的過程。在過去的數十年中,移動通訊技術經歷了4-5代技術變革和演變,即從 0G 到 4G1G 技術中引入了蜂窩技術,這使得大規模的移動無線通信成為可能;2G 技術中引入了數字通信取代原先的模擬技術,從而大大提供了無線通信的質量;3G 技術中除了語音通信外,數據通信也是一個焦點,並出現了同時適用於語音和數據通信的會聚網路(converged network);隨著移動通信的不斷研究和發展,4G 將會面臨更多殺手級應用(killer application)的機遇和技術挑戰。這裡,我們簡要列出了各代移動無線通信中所有關鍵的技術和協議,如下表所示:

From the beginning of 1970 to the present, mobile communication technologies have experienced a process of change from birth to birth. Over the past decade, mobile communication technologies have experienced a process of change from birth to development.

  0G:二十世紀 70 年代出現的一種前期的蜂窩行動電話技術。這時,雖然已經出現公文包型的行動電話,但一般仍需要安裝在汽車或卡車上。

0G: A pre-biern cell phone technique appeared in the 1970s. At this point, , but it still needs to be installed in cars or trucks.

  PTT:一鍵通(Push to talk)

PTT: One Key (Push to Talk)

  MTS:行動電話系統(Mobile Telephone System)

MTS: Mobile Telephone System

  IMTS:改進的行動電話業務(Improved Mobile Telephone Service)

IMTS: modified

  AMTS:高級行動電話系統(Advanced Mobile Telephone System)

AMTS: Advanced Mobile Telephone System

  0.5G:一組改進了基本 0G 技術特點的技術。

0.5G: A set of technologies has been adapted to basic 0G technical features.

  Autotel/PALM:Autotel 或者 PALM(公用自動陸地移動:Public Automated Land Mobile)

Autotel/PALM: Autotel or PALM (public Automotive Land Movement: Public Automated Land Mobile)

  ARP:Autoradiopuhelin, Car Radio Phone

  HCMTS:高性能行動電話系統(High Capacity Mobile Telephone System)

HCMTS: High Performance Mobile Telephone System


1G: refers to the first generation of wireless phone technologies, i.e. cellular phones.

  NMT:北歐行動電話(Nordic Mobile Telephone)

NMT: Northern European Operation (Nordic Mobile Telephone)

  AMPS:高級行動電話系統(Advanced Mobile Phone System)

AMPS: Advanced Mobile Phone System

  TAGS:全接入通信系統(TACS:Total Access Communication System)是歐洲版本的 AMPS

TAGS: Full Access Communication System (TACS:Tal Access Community System) is a European version of AMPS

  JTAGS:日本全接入通信系統(Japan Total Access Communication System)

JTAGS: Japan Total Access Communication System

  2G:基於數字技術的第二代無線電話。2G 網路基本上只針對於語音通信,例外的是,某些標準也可使用 SMS 信息作為數據傳輸形式。

2G: based on GSM全球移動通信系統(Global System for Mobile Communications)


  iDEN:綜合數字增強網路(Integrated Digital Enhanced Network)

iDEN: Integrated Digital Enhanced Network

  D-AMPS:基於 TDMA 的數字高級行動電話系統(Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System based on TDMA)

D-AMPS: Digital Advanced Mobile System based on TDMA

  cdmaOne:IS-95 定義的碼分多址技術(Code Division Multiple Access

cdmaOne: IS-95 Defined code multisite technology (Code Division Multi Access)

  PDC:個人數字蜂窩電話(Personal Digital Cellular)

PDC: Personal Digital Cellular

  TDMA:時分多址(Time Division Multiple Access)

TDMA: E-mail 和簡單 Web 瀏覽的數字通信技術。

2.5G:2G and 3G Wireless. It involves E-mail and simple Web browsing digital communications technology, in addition to voice.

  GPRS:通用分組無線業務General Packet Radio Service


  WiDEN:寬頻綜合調度增強網路(Wideband Integrated Dispatch Enhanced Network)

WiDEN: Wideband Integrated Dispatch Enhanced Network

  2.75G:指的是一種技術,雖不滿足 3G 要求,但在市場上卻充當 3G 的角色。

2.75G: refers to a technique that, although not fulfilling the 3G requirement, is a 3G role on the market.

  CDMA2000 1xRTT:CDMA-2000 是由 cdmaOne 演變而來的一種 TIA 標準(IS-2000)。支持 1xRTT 的 CDMA2000 與 3G 相比,要求偏低。

CDMA2000 1xRTT: CDMA-2000 is a type of cdmaone evolution standard (IS-2000). The CDMA2000 supporting 1xRTT is less demanding than 3G.

  EDGEGSM 的增強數據率Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution



3G: On behalf of , which supports broadband sound, digital and multimedia communication technologies in wireless networks.

  W-CDMA:寬頻碼分多址(Wideband Code Division Multiple Access

W-CDMA: Wide-band multi-site (Wideband Code Reference Access

  UMTS:全球移動通信系統(Universal Mobile Telecommunications System)

UMTS: Global Mobile Communications System

  FOMA:自由移動的多媒體接入(Freedom of Mobile Multimedia Access)

FOMA: Free Movement of Multimedia Access

  CDMA2000 1xEV:比 CDMA2000 更高級,它支持 1xEV 技術並能滿足 3G 需求。

CDMA2000 1xEV: Higher than CDMA2000, which supports 1xEV technology and meets 3G needs.

  TD-SCDMA時分-同步碼分多址Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access


  3.5G:一般是指超越制定完善的 3G 無線、移動技術的一種技術。

3.5G: A technique that goes beyond a well-developed 3G wireless, mobile technology.

  HSDPA:高速下行鏈路分組接入(High-Speed Downlink Packet Access)

HSDPA: High-speed downlink access (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access)

  3.75G:指超越制定完善的 3G 無線、移動技術的一種技術。

3.75G: refers to a technology that goes beyond a well-developed 3G wireless, mobile technology.

  HSUPA:高速上行鏈路分組接入(High-Speed Uplink Packet Access)

HSUPA: High-speed uplink access (High-Speed Uplink Pack Access)

  4G:為高速移動無線通信技術而命名,其設計是為實現移動網路中的新數據服務和互動式 TV 業務。

4G: Named for high-speed mobile wireless communication technology, designed for the implementation of new data services and interactive TV services in the mobile network.




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