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By allowing investors to choose a set of encrypted currencies instead of a single encrypted asset, encryption index funds allow users to reduce risk levels because they are able to spread risk evenly across different assets. A brief introduction does not allow you to understand what an encrypted monetary index fund means.



The Encrypted Currency Index Fund is an investment tool designed to enable investors to obtain a diversified portfolio of investments in the encrypted currency market in a simple way. Similar to traditional index funds, the Encrypted Currency Index Fund tracks specific encrypted monetary indices, such as the Bitcoin index or the Encrypted Currency Market Index as a whole.


These index funds, which are usually issued and managed by asset management firms or fund providers, aim to provide a way of tracking the performance of encrypted currency markets in a decentralized investment strategy, thereby reducing the risk to investors and enabling them to obtain a basket of investments throughout the encrypted currency market.


The Encrypted Currency Index Fund operates in a manner similar to the traditional index fund, and the fund management firm will construct the portfolio based on a specific encrypted monetary index and adjust periodically to maintain a relative proportion of the index. Investors can buy their share of the fund to participate indirectly in the encrypted currency market without directly purchasing and managing multiple encrypted currency assets.


While the advantages of encrypting monetary index funds include diversification of investments, reduction of individual encrypt currency risks, convenient investment modalities and professional management by fund managers, investors should still be aware of the risks of encrypting currency markets, including price fluctuations, regulatory risks and cybersecurity.


Five of these more popular encrypt index funds will be counted for investors today by the Small Editor of the Currency Circle, as follows:

1、灰度数字大盘股基金(Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund)

1 Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund


Grayscale’s investment strategy focuses on holding digital assets with long-term value-creating potential, which they believe can seize the growth opportunities of the cryptographic money industry and destabilize the encryption industry.


The Greyscale Digital Large Fund has a unique place, and its structure is a trust rather than an Exchange Trading Fund (ETFs). This means that it is not listed on any exchange and its shares can only be traded directly through Grayscale. Moreover, the Fund is open to institutional investors only, and private investors cannot invest.


Exchange Index Fund of Coinbase


The Coinbase Index Fund invests in a wide range of digital assets and is also a user-friendly encrypted monetary index fund. The Fund was launched in 2018 by Coinbase, the world's largest

3、Bitwise 10加密指数基金

3. Bitwise 10 Encryption Index Fund

Bitwise 10加密指数基金是十大加密货币的市值加权指数。该基金为投资者提供多元化的数字资产投资组合,让他们能够接触更广泛的加密货币市场,而无需自己选择单个资产。Bitwise 10加密指数基金通过基于规则的被动方法提供长期资本增值。它每月重新平衡,确保基金继续投资于市值排名前十位的加密货币,并且不使用杠杆或保证金交易。该指数基金具有独特的“流动性贝塔”策略,目的是提供对广泛的加密货币市场的敞口,而避免了与直接投资于不太成熟的资产或市场异常相关的风险。

The Bitwise 10 Encrypted Index Fund is a market value-weighted index for the top ten encrypted currencies. The Fund provides investors with a diversified portfolio of digital assets that allows them to access a wider market of encrypted currencies without having to choose their own assets. The Bitwise 10 Encrypted Index Fund provides long-term capital value added through a rule-based passive approach. It rebalances monthly to ensure that the Fund continues to invest in the top 10 encrypted currencies with no leverage or bond transactions.


According to Bitwise, the Fund offers a safer, more cost-effective and more convenient way to invest in encrypted currencies than to purchase a single token. The Fund has taken strict security measures, such as storing assets in a regulated custodian's freezer and using multiple layers of encryption to protect assets.



The Crypto20 Encrypted Currency Index Fund provides investors with access to a diversified basket of digital assets, which is very popular with users. The Fund aims to track the performance of the top 20 in the market value and to provide investors with a return reflecting the overall performance of the encrypted currency market.


Crypto20 is a monetization index fund, whose shares are represented by coins in the chain of the Taikus. These coins are freely traded, allowing investors to enjoy decentralized, secure and transparent services when buying and selling their shares. These are more cost-effective and easily accessible than traditional investment instruments such as mutual funds and exchange funds. Crypto20 is designed to find encrypted investors who choose low-cost, diversified and passive investment options. The fund provides exposure to the most important and mature encrypted currency, while reducing the risk of holding a single encrypted currency. Crypto20 invests a basket of digital assets in a way that provides investors with access to encrypted money markets without the need for technical expertise or to manage the risks associated with the investment of personal encrypted money.


5. DeFi Pulse Index


The DeFi Pulse Index, which was marketed in 2020, tracks the performance of the diversified decentralized financial portfolio. DeFi is a fast-growing branch of the crypto-currency market, including decentralized exchanges, lending platforms, and other financial applications operating on a decentralized, point-to-point basis. The DeFi Pulse Index consists of top DeFi tokens determined by the DeFi Pulse ranking system.

该指数每月重新平衡一次,以确保其持股与快速发展的DeFi市场保持同步。DeFi脉冲指数采用的不是主动管理。相反,它是以被动、低成本的方式提供更广泛的DeFi市场。投资者可通过许多不同的平台(包括Set Protocol和TokenSets)接触DeFi脉冲基金。投资后,该指数可在许多不同的加密货币交易所进行交易,包括Uniswap和Sushiswap。总的来看,DeFi脉冲基金为投资者提供了一个独特的机会,让他们能以简单、低成本和被动的方式接触快速增长的DeFi市场。

The index is rebalancing once a month to ensure that its shareholding is synchronized with the fast-growing DeFi market. The DeFi pulse index does not use active management. Instead, it provides a broader DeFi market in a passive, low-cost manner. Investors can access DeFi pulse funds through many different platforms, including Set Protocol and TokenSets.


This is a simple copy of the question of what is meant by an encoded monetary index fund. Unlike other financial assets, it is challenging to predict the price of an encrypted currency because of price fluctuations. Therefore, any investor who tries to analyse the performance of a single digital asset before an investment decision is made must do a great deal of work and choose an encoded index fund that allows you to buy multiple encrypted currencies at once, so that you can create a diversified portfolio that reduces investment risk, 美化布局示例



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