迪思传媒:新技术、新思维下,如何用营销的视角看待Web3.0?| 2022虎啸盛典

资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:25 评论:0



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& nbsp; editor by


From the one-way transmission of the PC era (Web1.0), to the interactive transmission of the App era (Web 2.0) and to the centralization of the meta-cosm (Web3.0), we have seen new marketing winds under the Internet that are being gradually changed by new technologies, new thinking and marketing people actively explore practices with a rational perspective.


On August 18-19, 2022 Tigers and the XVI China Digital Business Communication Forum and the 13th Tigers Award Awards were held in Beijing. As the most professional and large-scale industry event in the field of digitalization of brands, 2022 Tigers attracted close to 250,000 participants, including partners, brands, industry executives, and delegates to the meetings, and the influence of the Tigers as a powerful platform in the field of digitalization of brands was further highlighted. , gave us a keynote address on /span >.



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believes that in the next 20 years there will be a company based on meta-cosm structures, super-entry points, or the provision of meta-cosm services to enter the top 500 rankings of the world. This is a great challenge for each of us to avoid, and we must be involved in the transformation of human civilization and society.


How do you look at Web3.0 from a marketing perspective?


Every marketing change and change follows the way information is exchanged, as well as the way information is disseminated and the way users interact.


At the time of the Web1.0 era (PC era), the interactive mode is a centralized one-way transmission, and the most important means of information exchange at this time are pictures and text. Everyone should have used the Windows operating system, and the software was sent to the Windows operating system. Similarly, we will be reading news on various major portals and using mailboxes.


In the era of Web 2.0, I call it the era of moving APs. This is the time we're in today, when everyone has a lot of APs on their phones, a lot of their time is taken up by APs, and the way we interact with information becomes more complicated. There are many kinds of live, bullet-screening, comment areas, and various forms of output, but today they are based on a central interactive dissemination.


Think of the Web3.0 phase, which is based on block chains, meta-cosmos, and lots of techniques for AR, MR, 5G, artificial intelligence applications, for example, the Player Number One film, which is a world of complete virtual experiences, which you can interpret as a meta-social society, where everything in real life is presented today, and which I personally understand as decentralizing.


We'll be immersed in different brands, platforms, and provide you with a scene, a center, a beach, a starbuck, a convenience store, etc. in the virtual world of the



The vision and reality of the meta-cosm is around us. The ideal, the meta-cosmos, is the most important track, capital is in the game. My personal analysis, not necessarily correct, was that Microsoft acquired the biggest investment in the entire game industry. Is Microsoft merely doing XGP online service? I personally think that he might have a much bigger dream or a deeper plan to keep more games on XGP, and use XGP to get a large number of members.


What's the future? > > is the closest entrance to the meta-cosm. If Microsoft goes to develop immersed games that match XGP's vast membership and low-threshold service, Microsoft is likely to be the first to achieve some meta-cosm services more or less, and the user thus has some meta-cosm experience. /span >


What's the reality? > > there are many technical barriers, especially 5G, artificial intelligence and hardware, that cannot be overcome in the short term because we are not strong enough to calculate, but it is still a sure, firm track.


What's next? > > >. > we have to manage the growth of brand assets, the growth of sales and the growth of customer assets.



How do we do that? There are probably three applications in the current metacosystem that are relatively mature: .


1) Virtual person



3) Virtual interaction


If you want to run a person, train a person as a news speaker, brand spokesperson, image ambassador, etc., I think the path is very long, very difficult, the marketing costs are not small, and virtual emotions and artificial continuity and stability are not easy to control. What is an idol? An icon is not an artist, the commercial value of an older actor is art, and the commercial value of an icon is emotional.


focuses on NFT, the Chinese market NFT is slightly different from the global. Overseas is the Taiwan public chain. Domestic is the union chain. Overseas is a virtual currency, traded in the same currency, and domestic transactions must be conducted in French. Most important is the problem of secondary transactions, where multiple transactions can be made, repeated transactions, and the NFT has the value of investment appreciation. We know that commodities have three values, functional, emotional and asset values. Overseas, NFT has an asset value.




is for three different objects of value: brands, products and users, and NFT has a series of games, whatever the game is, it's better to be connected between reality and virtual. In Nike, for example, I have 1,000 pairs of shoes that I own in the virtual world and can buy in the real world because everyone has the only NFT.


There are three ways to market NFT:


The brand created itself. /spanNayuki self-created by Nayuki, which was very hot. It launched 300 copies in 2021, and was then robbed and $59 for a NFT. Why succeed? First of all, it has some visibility, and secondly, it has a fan, and it has 36 million fans in Naysche's tea program. And finally, it gives NAYUKI a complete story line, a complete personal expression, a strong little girl.


. Purchase original. > April 2022 Lining purchased NFT #4102 with an open copyright number of 243,000 yuan. Apart from marketing attention, boring apes are a global tide of NFT that is highly topical and indirectly leads to increased brand attention. Virtual asset-level virtualization at the product level, with the production and sale of physicalized NFTs through secondary creation. Brand-level awareness, with the use of the current culture developed by bored apes in the field of NFT to strengthen their own brand genes, thus influencing and connecting a wider youth stream.


3. Cross-border joint name. . . . >. Cross-border cooperation with NFT to achieve a commercial replacement value of 1+1>2.


In the future, the meta-cosmos must have a super-entry, which is the dimension of competition between giants, such as Microsoft, Tetsu, META. After the link to the super-entry, most of us live in that virtual world, buy a cup of coffee in the virtual world at Starbucks, and then convert in the real world.


What should we do for brands? We should also have our own portal. We call the private domain meta-cosmos, not private domain traffic, at least at this stage, through AR or MR technology, enabling end-of-end sales. /spanDith, as China's leading content marketing platform, can help clients build content capabilities, as well as technology applications such as AR, VR, MR, sector cross-links, NFT, etc. in helping customers to provide meta-cosm or Web3.0 services.




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