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With so many block chains, there are dozens of them in a week, and they can't get away with it? The editor of the "Discrete Magic Box" gives you one-stop sessions of the most interesting recent block chain activities, leaving the entire world to speak.


1, 2018.5.13 global launch of the light-speed chain GSC


(Speaker: Li Xiaolai — a well-known investor in the block chain)


"Strange" Li laughs: "The logic of investing -- it's hard to see what a team can do."


In the round-table forum, the moderator asked Lee an important question: “What is the logic of investing in block chain projects?” Li said, “If there is some logic of investing in our successful investors, it's very simple and simple to say that it's not the team that counts.”


"Strange" Li laughs: The key to the future development of the block chain is building a credible environment


Moreover, Li laughs at the future development of the block chain industry and believes that building a credible environment will be an important trend in the development of the block chain industry. Credible accounts and credible passwords will need to be carried by the environment, whether they be a credible account or a credible code.


2, 2018.5.10 Slik Chain Project Launch


(Speaker: Izzy-Swiss CEO)


: Building a unified credit system for global business owners


“Swiss chains are an important means of addressing these problems.” Eid suggests that credit problems between traders make it difficult to achieve high levels of efficient trading; problems between traders and financial institutions make financial leverage difficult to access, liquidity occupancy rates are high, and circulation rates are low.


3, 2018.5.11 High-end Seminar on Digital Free Trade Development Paths and Strategies in Hainan


(Speaker: Feng Ceng Feng - President of Dragonnet)


Feng Ceng Feng: Building credit by technological means in a global trading community


Feng Ceng Feng argues that, as global trade evolves, cross-border trade is no longer just the patents of giants, but there are more and more SMEs in it, but the disadvantages of cross-border trade, such as the fragmentation of orders, high-frequency transactions, undoubtedly push up cross-border transaction costs and become an obstacle to the development of all firms. Now, block-chain technology is rising and emerging, and global trade is entering a new era as a result of the intervention of block-chain technology.


“Unfortunately, firms can pool their resources only through capital market fund-raising or traditional marketing. And when block-chain technology rises, firms have new choices.” Feng Ceng Feng suggests that businesses can use technology to describe credit and accumulate it, and that they can combine the global trading community on the basis of free, low friction and non-depletion consensus mechanisms.


4, 2018.5.11 “Technology Front Line of Block Chains China-US Exchange Forum”


(Speaker: Tsang Ming - Chairman of the Alibaba Academic Council and Director of the Alibaba Business School)



We now tend to exaggerate the role of the block chain “books.” In fact, the value of fully transparent account information in the overall business is very limited. The value of “objective” information is very limited.


Smart Contract "intelligence"?

目前的区块链技术中,所谓的“智能合约”,智能吗?在我看来,这只是机器智能的进步。区块链上一个合同,所谓的智能合约只是能编程,然后自动执行而已。而真正的合约,制定和执行过程都是非常复杂的, 很依靠人的智能。所以从这个意义上讲,区块链技术距离要真正实现商业的自动交易的智能合约还有很长的路要走。

In the current block chain technology, so-called “smart contracts”, intelligence? In my view, this is just an advance in robotic intelligence. A contract on the block chain, so-called smart contracts can only be programmed and executed automatically.


The greatest value of the

我认为区块链的本质是实现大规模的社会化协同。他的目标是能够以相对自组织的、去中心化的方式,提供更好的产品和服务。这其中最难也最重要的是需要设计越来越丰富的激励机制来促进大规模协同。而机制设计的创新, 更多依赖于经济学领域的创新和突破。

I think the essence of block chains is to achieve large-scale socialization synergies. His goal is to provide better products and services in a relatively self-organized and decentralised way.


4, 2018.5.12 First Global Leadership Summit on Block Chains

(发言者:孟可——加拿大中华总商会副会长;Ryan Thoma——Exchange Union创始人;张议云——广州极豆网络科技有限公司CEO

(Speakers: Monko - Vice-President of the General Chamber of Commerce of China; Ryan Thoma - Founder of Exchange Union; Zhang Xingyun - CEO )


: I have only one identity - the idealist executor


In this speech, Meng can re-expresse his personal position and ideas. He said that, even if outsiders gave a variety of labels, he had only one identity: idealists, not opportunists and cynics. He said that the world of the future would be an era of ideas-led thinking, rich, influential, and productive.

Ryan Thoma:全球首家即时数字货币交易的交易所

Ryan Thoma: The world's first real-time digital currency exchange

Exchange Union创始人Ryan Thoma介绍道,他们的项目正是在数字货币方面,很多投资者面临诸多问题的情况下应运而生的。目前的交易所大多有这些痛点:缺乏流动性、业务本地化,且交易所时间互相分隔独立,交易品种有限。而对用户来说,各交易所之间价差大;跨交易所交易效率低且费用高; 需要不同的交易所开通并验证账号。

According to Ryan Thoma, founder of the Exchange Union, their project was created in the context of digital money, with many investors facing problems. Most of the current exchanges have these pains: lack of liquidity, localization of operations, and time-segregated separate exchanges, with limited variety of transactions. For users, prices vary greatly from exchange to exchange; cross-exchange transactions are inefficient and costly; and different exchanges are needed to open and verify accounts.



There is also a strange view that the world’s bitcoin, if fully mined, averages just 0.0034 pieces per person, with one bitcoin, is above average. And it is called bitcoin as a very good hedge tool and helps to privatize personal assets. And finally, the block chain is a 21st century real estate, and buying money is buying a house.


5, 2018.5.8 Congressional Hearings of the United States Sub-Committee on Research and Technical Supervision

(发言者:Douglas Maughan博士——美国国土安全部科学与技术部主任;Rana Yared——高盛董事总经理)

(Speakers: Dr. Douglas Maghan - Director of Science and Technology, Department of Homeland Security; Rana Yared - Managing Director, Goldman Sachs)

Douglas Maughan博士:区块链有助于“打假”

Dr. Douglas Maghan: Block chains help

美国国土安全部科学与技术部主任Douglas Maughan博士表示,区块链技术有助于提高供应链可视性以打击假冒产品的分销,加速文书系统的自动化进程。婴儿护理产品生产商Luv N’Care代表Robert Chiavello则认为,区块链是确定产品从生产到最终交付全流程真实性的正确技术解决方案。

According to Dr. Douglas Maghan, Director of Science and Technology, Department of Homeland Security, block chain technology helps to improve supply chain visualization to counter the distribution of counterfeit products and accelerates the automation of the instrument system. The infant care producer, Luv N’Care, on behalf of Robert Chiavello, argues that block chain is the right technical solution to determine the trueness of the product from its production to its eventual delivery.


Director-General of the Goldman Sachs: entering into Bitcoin's business with a high degree of risk protection

据iexpats消息,高盛近期进军比特币领域,大力推动数字货币业务发展进程。其董事总经理、比特币业务负责人之一Rana Yared称“不会把自己描述为一个认为比特币会接管全世界的信徒。每一个身在其中的人都会抱有一定的怀疑态度。”她还表示高盛非常明确比特币业务存在高风险:“对此风险我们并非一无所知,因此会高度注意”。

According to iexpats, Goldman Sachs has recently marched into the bitcoin field to promote the process of digital money business development. The director-general, Rana Yared, one of the directors of the bitcoin business, said, “does not describe himself as a believer who believes that bitcoin will take over the world. Everyone in it will have some doubts.” She also said that Goldman Sachs was very clear that there was a high risk in the bitcoin business: “We are not unaware of this risk, and will therefore be very attentive”.


6, 2018.5.5.5 Global Fossil Block Chain Developer Conference

(发言者:巨蟹——著名区块链投资人,比特股理事,GDEX 创始人;Annemieke Drikes——比特股区块链全球发言人;Yury Parsamov——Gravity Protocol CEO ;张增波——鼓鼓钱包CTO;吴子臻——Chaince交易平台创始人 )

(Speakers: Big Crab - a well-known block chain investor, member of the Bit Unit, Founder of GDEX; Annemieke Drikes - Global Speaker of the Bit sector chain; Yuri Parsamov - Gravity Protocol CEO; Jang Boot-Book CTO; Wu Xiao-Chaince Trade Platform Founder)


crabs: let smart money pass through the world


The operation of the open market and the improvement of the silo rules will be the focus of the development of the Bit Unit for some time to come, and through some of these efforts we hope that the potential of the Bit Unit, a block chain system whose value has been severely underestimated, will be realized and that smart currency will become the most popular and widely used stable currency in the block chain.

比特股区块链全球发言人Annemieke Drikes:开源是方向

Annemieke Drikes, Global Speaker for the Bit Block Chain: Open Source is Direction


The question has been asked for some time now as to where to go and where to go. She said that building another graphite fund in the Netherlands to sponsor project development and ensuring 100% transparency, both project and financial, is not for profit.

Gravity Protocol CEO Yury Parsamov:: 理想的区块链需要共识和价值创造


In order to achieve the desired results, some of our initial launches are important, we have a mechanism for reaching consensus on a consensus agreement, and we have a number of different participants who, in the process of system participation, will be able to create further value for them over time, so we need to look at the systems that exist, the systems that people are using, and on the basis of the data that are available, we come to some inspiration.


CTO swirling: There's no lack of fun in the block chain


We have to build a very good user interface to further reduce the gap between block chain technology and ordinary users, which is very important, and we have to continue along this line. We have some fun, and if there's user-friendliness at this point in time, we can introduce more elements.

Chaince交易平台创始人 吴子臻: EOS结合场景,前景无限

Founder of the Chaince trading platform, Wu Xiao Xiao: EOS combined scene, with unlimited prospects


What I think is most valuable on EOS is that it takes into account actual business scenes and values, and that all of its realizations and current technological optimizations go hand in hand with how to achieve its business scenes. I am convinced that, in the next two to three years, a combination of industry applications to provide valuable business applications will flourish on the EOS platform.


Update on Block Chain Today


1, 26 cases of domestic financing in April, focusing on block chain industries


According to relevant data, 26 cases of financing, amounting to $19.97 billion, took place in the country in April.


In terms of the type of financing, the country is mainly located in block chains, lending, and peripheral service industries.


According to industry sources: “This, or as a result of a small rebound in April prices of the virtual currency represented by Bitcoin, head Internet companies have begun to lay blocks, thereby causing capital market concern.”


In terms of regional distribution, the platforms for accessing finance are mainly located in Beijing and Guangdong, and the financing rounds are concentrated mainly on Angels and C.


In addition, eight cases of financing occurred abroad in April, mainly in the United States in terms of regional distribution, followed by India. In terms of the amount of financing, the block chain platform that received the larger amount of financing was the United States Basics, with $133 million in financing.



Bianews 5月14日消息,加密货币界的盛会Consensus conference将于本月14日开幕,持续至16日。 CoinDesk预计会议票价约为2000美元,有超过4000人参加,而去年参加人数为2700人。

According to Bianews, on 14 May, Consensus conference will be opened on 14 and will continue until 16 this month, with CoinDesk predicting a fare of about US$ 2,000, with over 4,000 participants, compared to 2700 participants last year.


Last year’s conference helped to boost the price of encryption. The Bitcoin accelerated to more than $2,000 during the Bitcoin Consensus meeting last May, followed by a price boom and the first breakthrough of $19,000 at the end of last year.

今年的会议演讲者阵容也反映了加密货币行业的重大进展。 Twitter的共同创始人Jack Dorsey将于16日在共识会议发表演讲,其移动支付公司Square今年亦推出了比特币交易。其他参与会议成员还包括政府官员和初创公司领导人。

This year’s audience of speakers also reflects significant developments in the crypto-currency industry. The co-founder of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, will deliver a speech at the Consensus 16, and his mobile payment company, Square, will launch the Bitcoin deal this year.

3、【OKEX CEO李书沸朋友圈宣布离职 2年前加入OKCoin集团】

3, > > > > > > > >.

5月14日,李书沸(Chris Lee)在朋友圈里表示“今日正式辞去 OKEX的CEO、OKC 集团的CFO、所有集团各分公司董事席位以及任何职能,即时生效。感谢徐明星、OK 集团给我一个平台,去施展我一部分的抱负”。李书沸称:“大概两年前,我选择了区块链,选择了OK, 报到后,立即做B轮融资,马不停蹄的建立企业管理团队,接着和同事建立国际团队,然后做海外项目、扩张,集团架构重组等,去年9.4后,去各地谈合作,在韩国、日本、美国等各地海外主要市场,成立合作或独立公司,继续完善架构、申请牌照;解决银行、资金管理等事项;大家努力完成各项任务。一转眼,也快两年了,看到韩国项目上线,美国和其他项目陆陆续续起来,国际团队真正成型,感到欣慰。 诸位股东、同事、企业管理团队,作为职业经理人,我尽了最大的努力! 感谢你们一路支持! ”

On May 14, Chris Lee, in his circle of friends, said, “Today officially resigns from the CEO of OKEX, the CEO of the COC Group, the directorships of all the branches of the group, and any functions that come into effect. Thanks to Xu Star, the OK Group, for giving me a platform to carry out some of my ambitions.” Lee Boiled: “About two years ago, I opted for a block chain, I opted for an OK, I opted for a B round of financing immediately upon reporting, I built a business management team, then set up an international team with colleagues, then set up an international team, then started an overseas project, expanded it, restructured it, and after 9.4 last year, I went to work together, set up a cooperative or independent company in major markets abroad, including Korea, Japan, and the United States, to continue to refine the structure and apply for license plates; I thank you, as professional managers, for your best efforts!”




The opening day is today of the Internet-based Micro-Trust for the public. The event was held from 14 May to 16 May, 10 a.m. to 22:00 a day. Conditions for participation: the inhabitants of the planet, who are >45 of the Force and >0.01 of the number of black diamonds, are entitled to two free-of-charge prizes a day, and the recipients of the prizes will consume 0.01 black drills without being drawn. The auction rule is that each resident has 10 competitions for each commodity, 0 drills, 0.01 black drills are price-added units, the price of which is equal to the price of multiple residents, and the first bidder will be given priority.


5, .


According to Bloomberg, Thailand’s digital currency and ICO regulations, which define digital currency as digital assets and digital medals, come into force on Sunday. Thailand’s SEC is the official custodian of all digital assets.

6、【24小时主要加密货币普涨 以太坊领涨市值前五】



According to coinmarketcap, the 24-hour increase in major encrypted currencies was achieved, with 7.62 per cent of the top five leading market values and 9.04 per cent of the top ten to ToRN.



在火币EOS全球超级节点SHOW上宣布:火币矿池EOS超级社区于5月14日正式上线。EOS Asia、EOS CANADA、EOS Union、EOS引力区、HelloEOS、EOS Cannon等节点已经入驻。

EOS World Super Node SHOW announces that the EOS Super-Community of the Treasure Pool is officially online on May 14. EOS Asia, EOS Canada, EOS Union, EOS Gravitation, HelloEOS, EOS Cannon, etc. are already in place.




But, according to insider sources, the country’s encrypt currency participation is now frustrated with the Japanese authorities’ desire to control the encrypt currency market. As a result of the reorientation of the strategic direction, the Japan Financial Office focused on two things: first, investigating the encrypted currency exchange to prevent further thefts; and second, combating fraud and illegal ICOs. They ensured that the exchange managed its clients’ funds through basic security initiatives, while criticizing some exchanges, including Coincheck, which lacked internal control.”

9、【知道创宇404区块链安全研究团队发布预警 某虚拟货币正发生盗币事件】


近日知道创宇 404 区块链安全研究团队通过网络空间搜索引擎 ZoomEye 发现有近两千个某著名区块链货币节点管理接口暴露在互联网上,问题严重的是,这些暴露的节点管理接口不需要任何登陆密码即可访问登陆。知道创宇 404 区块链安全研究团队通过测试发现,通过更改管理接口,将造成节点 SDK 地址等重要信息泄露,而这些 SDK 地址同样无需密码登陆即可访问,更为严重的是通过这些节点管理接口,可以恶意提交目的为任意地址的转账交易,实现盗币行为!知道创宇 404 区块链安全研究小组进一步跟进并通过部署对应蜜罐发现,已有恶意攻击者通过这些暴露的节点管理接口盗取该虚拟货币,相关平台应尽快自查节点安全,辨识钱包地址是否被篡改,知道创宇 404 区块链安全研究团队将持续跟进此次盗币事件。

In recent days, ZoomEye, who knew that SOOW 404 block chain security research teams had been exposed to the Internet through the Cyberspace Search Engine ZoomEye, was aware that close to 2,000 of a well-known block chain money management interfaces had been exposed. The serious problem was that the exposed node management interfaces did not require any access codes. Knowing that SOWK 404 block chain security research teams had found that, by changing the management interfaces, important information such as the node SDK addresses would be leaked, and that the SDK addresses would also be accessed without a password, and that the interface would be managed through those nodes, and that money thefts could be carried out by maliciously submitting money transfer transactions for random address purposes.




Etoro’s market analysts studied the crypto-currency market, indicating that an interesting view from the data was that the vast majority of traders were new in terms of investment experience. As many as 81.96 per cent of people were in the early stages, 10.66 per cent were defined as middle-level, and only 7.38 per cent felt that they had a higher level of experience in the market.




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