Bitcoin, one of the most popular digital currencies in the world today, is generated legally by mining. The Bitcoin pond, which combines the power of multiple miners to compute it, is a platform for full-scale computing.
F2Pool(又称Discus Fish)是全球最大的比特币矿池之一,于2013年正式成立,总部位于中国深圳。该矿池不仅支持比特币的采掘,同时也支持ETH、USDT和LTC等多种数字货币的挖矿活动。此外,F2Pool还拥有非常完整的算力分配模式,可让矿工们获得更加满意的收益。
F2Pool, also known as Discus Fish, is one of the largest bitcoin ponds in the world, officially established in 2013 and based in Shenzhen, China. The pond not only supports bitcoin extraction, but also mining in many digital currencies, such as ETH, USDT, and LTC.
AntPool, a mining platform under the flag of the Bit continent, has been in existence for five years. AntPool has introduced advanced decentralization techniques that allow all mining machines to become the same genre and to share the benefits. At the same time, AntPool also has a powerful web-wide validation node.
BTC.com is the third-highest bitcoin pond in the world, and is also a product of the Bitcoin giant, the continent. BTC.com uses the original Avalon algorithm, which effectively ensures the efficiency of the entire platform. BTC.com is now one of the largest bitcoin ponds in the world.
Slush Pool成立于2010年,是世界上最早的比特币矿池之一。它的算力高度集中,运营效率较为高效。Slush Pool不仅支持比特币的挖矿活动,同时还支持ETH和ZEC等其它数字货币的采掘。
Slush Pool was founded in 2010 as one of the world’s oldest bitcoin ponds. It is highly concentrated in arithmetic and operationally efficient. Slush Pool supports not only the mining of bitcoin, but also the extraction of other digital currencies, such as ETH and ZEC.
ViaBTC, a block chain of digital money ponds certified by world-renowned investors, is one of the largest digital money ponds in the country. ViaBTC also enjoys its efficient operating management and strict security guarantees, while providing a range of high-quality services to miners, such as monitoring price trends in Bitcoin, providing data analysis, and achieving real automatic payments for miners.
To sum up, global competition for bitcoin ponds increased in 2020, with each pond making every effort to offer more high-quality services and programmes in order to attract more miners to participate in excavations. But, for investors at large, there is a need to carefully understand the advantages and disadvantages of each pond and to choose the most trustworthy and profitable ones to participate according to their actual needs.
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