The popular boom of
coins seems to have retreated, and neither the mainstream nor the bounties appear to have stood the test of time, falling down the cliffs and pouring cold water on promising people. However, it has proved once again that only patiently waiting people will reap the benefits. For example, this successive break-up of the 10,000 dollar coins and the general rise in bovine coins, the light of the cow market has come, and those who want to make a barrel of gold will no longer be confined to scavenging coins and will quickly turn to the field of contracts.
I am also one of those who follow the trend, and I am not very much in contact with and understanding of contracts, but the wealth that depends on the contract has touched me, and at first, like many newcomers, the online search for ideas, the choice of the most mainstream contract trading platform, the community learning, and the great gods' belts. It is a good way to search for the great gods, but if you are looking for a “false god”, it makes me go a lot of ways and spends a lot of time, and not here to talk about the flaws of the mainstream platform, if it is a self-learning introduction, if it's essentially some fur, if it's a community learning, and if it's personal luck to earn money from an attack, it's a good way to find the great gods, but if you're looking for a “fake god” then wait to get laid.
So, based on the pits I've stepped on, I am summing up the contractual and trading platforms that are generally suitable for newcomers or contract lovers.
想躺赢 跟大神
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}You want to lie down and win with Big God {\/strong}
In 2019, for example, MSB licences were removed from the United States in March 2020 and the Boxex Exchange, which was officially launched on the Internet in mid-April, under the banner of an “innovation contract deal”, became popular in communities and channels.
I was one of those people who liked to make fun of it when I saw Boxex's 80,000 USDT poster entering the platform every night, and I didn't think I'd win it that night! And it was a long-term event, and Boxex had to be proud. But the surprise was that one of the keys of intelligence on the platform was a sense of belonging, and I started to worry about the teacher's ability, and I tried it with a small amount of money, and found that the teacher on the Boxex platform was not only critical, but also had a ranking, even if you didn't want to be on the list and you could pull it off by yourself.
先安全 后稳定
Safe and stable
The security of the platform is a top priority for contractual transactions. There is a careful choice between the technology of the trading platform and the ability to respond to external attacks.
It has been reported that Boxex's technical teams come from senior members of the financial community, early on from encrypt money, and members of the wind control sector come from Goldman Sachs, who have developed their own security systems and built a bank-level protection system. The systems that make it happen are paid for in many trading platforms, which are usually out of hand and out of time.
And while I've been playing on this platform, there have been no web sites that have been hung up, attacked, etc., so I think Boxex is a relatively trusted and reassuring platform.
In summary, these are some of my insights into contract trading and platform selection, and I hope to be of assistance to contract fans, and, of course, to leave a message if you have a better view.
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