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Foreword to


In recent years, money-laundering through virtual currency has become a common method of money-laundering as a result of the centralization and concealment of virtual currency. And because of its limited number and the difficulty of obtaining it, it has become a new asset for investment and financing.


In the case of virtual currency-related crimes, there are broadly three types of crime depending on the subject and the manner in which the offence is committed: (1) the crime is committed using a virtual currency. This includes offences committed by individuals using a virtual currency, including organizations, institutions, etc. The crime is committed by a virtual currency trading platform. (2) The crime is committed primarily by a virtual currency exchange, which is often known to the public, e.g., a currency net, etc. (3) is a crime committed against a virtual currency. For example, it is a crime to steal a virtual currency from another person. The main discussion in this paper is on the first and second combination, i.e. the possible offences involved in a virtual currency exchange.


Virtual currency control trend in our country


The 2013 Circular on Protection against Bitcoin Risk (hereinafter referred to as the Notice) issued by five ministries, including the People's Bank of China, requires that “Internet stations providing services such as Bitcoin registration, transactions, etc. shall be filed with the telecommunications authority. The telecommunications authority shall close down the illegal Bitcoin Internet site in accordance with the law, on the basis of the determination and punitive opinion of the relevant authority.” When the virtual currency exchange is filed, it may provide intermediaries for legally compliant virtual currency registers, transactions, etc.


By 4 September 2017, the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Financing the Issue of Currency (hereinafter referred to as the Decimal Proclamation) issued by seven ministries, including the Internet Office, specified that “at the date of the publication of this Proclamation, no so-called [money-financing transaction platform] shall be engaged in the exchange of the legal currency and the currency, the “virtual currency”, the purchase or sale of the currency or the “virtual currency” as a central counterpart, or the provision of pricing, information intermediation, etc. for the currency or “virtual currency”.


Following the announcement, on September 15, 2017, the network suspended registration, charging of the renminbi, and will inform all users of the imminent cessation of the transaction by September 30, 2017. On September 30, 2017, Bitcoin China also suspended all trading operations of the Digital Asset Trading Platform.


More recently, three major associations, such as the China Internet Finance Association (CIFA), have reiterated their view that “consumers need to be more aware of the risks involved, develop sound investment concepts, and refrain from participating in virtual currency transactions, and protect against damage to their personal property and interests.” According to our current judicial practice, contracts for virtual currency transactions are not protected by law, and the consequences and losses of investment transactions are borne by the parties concerned.


Although, by the nature of the law, the three issuing bulletins are a norm within an industry, with little mandatory effect. But, in the light of the 2013 Circular, the 2017 Declaration of the Currency, it is becoming increasingly clear that our approach to virtual money is that individuals are involved in risk-taking and that institutions are prohibited from engaging in any business related to virtual money.


As a result of this trend, the existence of a virtual currency exchange will become more narrow, thus giving rise to many smaller, more hidden and risky virtual currency exchanges. Next, I will analyse the criminal legal risks of such a virtual currency exchange in the context of case studies.


Possible charges at the Virtual Currency Exchange


i. Organization of a distribution campaign


case: The case of a 15-person organization, leading distribution (authority case) - Salt City Intermediate People's Court


During the first half of 2018, a public promotion platform incentive system, such as a conference, a road show, a micro-credit group, was introduced in the course of advocacy, using the State's “one-way” policy to fabricate offshore investment projects and, in the absence of any real business activity, `strong' falsely described the offshore finance company's authorized platform to issue the Yata currency with high credibility and returns


Tools: establishes an organization - to set up a digital money platform - to promote the platform in a variety of ways to attract people to the platform - to form hierarchical relationships in the order recommended for development and to develop unlimited layers.


At the same time, the perpetrator arranged for the organization's members to open their own digital currency on the digital asset trading platform, using the collected contributions to control the price of the digital currency's transactions on the platform, creating the illusion that the currency could be invested to make money and thus continue to attract participation.


II, fraud

  案例:张某等诈骗案 (2020)浙07刑终648号——金华市中级人民法院

case: 07 final 648 - Intermediate People's Court of the City of Kimhua

  案件事实:2018年6月份以来,梁某等人为股东的西安多链网络科技有限公司,开发了具有操纵数字货币价格功能的A k o e x等数字货币交易平台。2018年10月份,梁某将A k o e x数字货币交易平台提供给杨某等人共同运营,并收取研发费及技术维护费。杨某等人为获取非法利益,招募被告人张某等人组成业务团队,招募王某组成操盘手团队,招募梁某2组成讲师团队等,诱骗被害人购买PCE等数字货币,并操纵数字货币价格走势,导致被害人黄某1、黄某2等数百人亏损,骗取被害人的钱款共计人民币6548万余元。

The facts of the case: Since June 2018, Ak k o e x, the digital currency trading platform Ak k o ex digital currency trading platform, has been provided to Yang and others to co-operate and receive R & D and technical maintenance fees . In October 2018, Yang and others have developed A k o e x digital currency trading platforms with the function of manipulation of digital currency prices, recruiting the defendant to form a business team, recruiting the King to form a pool of two lecturers, enticing victims to purchase figures such as PPE, and manipulation of digital money prices, leading to a loss of hundreds of people, including 1 and 2 yellow, to obtain money from the victim, amounting to $6.548 million yuan.


[virtual currency-style “pig-killing”] develops a digital currency trading platform with the function of manipulation of digital currency prices — making the platform available to others or for their own use — by recruiting a pool of gamers, lecturers to lure victims into buying digital money — behind the manipulation of digital currency price movements — to defraud victims of their money.


iii. Money-raising fraud/illegal absorption of public deposits

  案例:夏某、富某、宣某等集资诈骗 (2020)浙刑终9号——浙江省高级人民法院/凌某、楼某非法吸收公众存款案(2019)浙0111刑初1060号——杭州市富阳区人民法院(两个案子是一个组织的人员,根据其行为性质分案处理)

case: > End of Sentence 9 - Zhejiang Province High People's Court/Hingbai, a building's illegal absorption of public deposits (2019) ~0111 = 1060 at first - People's Court of Fuyang District, Hangzhou City ( > ) The case of two persons belonging to an organization dealing with separate cases according to the nature of their conduct > )


The facts of the `strong' case: At the end of May and the beginning of June 2016, , the defendant, Xia, who conspired with others to profit from illegal fund-raising on the basis of a server-based energy platform located abroad. agreed with the platform to promote an energy-rich “investment” platform within the country . Then, Xia, together with Fu, announced someone who knew that the `strong' energy platform did not actually operate , organized several sessions of the energy-rich “investment” platform in Zhejiang, Shanghai, etc., in the name of its de facto controlled Zhejiang crown biotech company, to “simulating” (i.e. predicting gambling games), and “spill mining” to attract the public.


works with the Virtual Monetary Investment Platform/to establish a platform to attract public deposits, using the platform as a decoy - a high return on investment in the platform, such as a virtual currency price increase - to attract public investment in the platform through a variety of online and offline ways.



Case No. 75 at the beginning of the sentence of 0502 in the case of the illegal dealings of Rhode and Pei (2020) - Di-Qing District Court, Shuyang City, Hunan Province


In August 2018, the defendant opened the Australian Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the Australasia Exchange) in cooperation with Pei, a group of users responsible for technology, development, business services, etc., who financed and launched VPAY. On or about 22 October, Australasia issued a stable token VRT and opened access to the VPAY platform.


The Court held that the acts of the defendant , who, in violation of State regulations, operated a platform for financing transactions in currencies, issued a currency to absorb funds, carried out operations of an illegal network platform and disturbed the order of the market, were serious and constituted an offence of illegal operation.


The offence of constituting an illegal business requires the perpetrator to commit an illegal business act in violation of the provisions of the State. Article 225 of the Penal Code provides for four types of illegal business. Since the virtual currency is not a proprietary item, nor are it securities or futures, if the provision of a virtual currency transaction is to be considered illegal, only the fourth operative clause of the offence may be applied: other illegal operations that seriously disturb the order of the market.


Thus, the focus is on whether the provision of virtual currency transactions is contrary to national regulations. State provisions in the offence of illegal business are limited to laws and administrative regulations in the narrow sense, and only violations of these two types of provisions are likely to constitute the offence of illegal business.


As noted above, neither the Notice, the Currency Proclamation nor the Virtual Currency Proclamation are legal and administrative regulations in the narrow sense. Therefore, the provision of virtual currency transactions is not currently regulated at the legal and administrative level and cannot therefore constitute an offence of illegal operation.


However, according to article 22 of the People's Bank of China Law of October 2020 (Advised Draft of the Revised Draft), “No unit or individual shall make or issue in exchange for the circulation of the renminbi in the market by producing and selling coupons and digital tokens.” If adopted, the provision of virtual currency transactions would have the legal basis for the offence of illegal operations.


concluding remarks


There are still many who risk building and using virtual money-trading platforms for profit. But operating an exchange for illegal purposes is bound to be countered.




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