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作者: 刘润
文章转自: runliu-pub

Author: Liu Yun
article from: runliu-pub


One day, the block chain participated as a mysterious guest in a forum on the theme of the block chain. When the audience under the stage was warming up the applications of the block chain, the moderator announced that the most weighty guest in the room, the block chain itself, was about to appear. At the end of the conversation, there was a crowd of cheers and applause, welcoming the block chain to the floor.


So, in the exciting eyes of the people, the chain of blocks began his speech.


Hello! I am the legendary block chain myself, and I am very pleased to be invited to this block chain forum to share it with you.


First of all, thank you very much for your personal attention. Over the past few years, especially last year, including today's session, I have felt your enthusiasm deeply. But today I carry too much of the honor that should belong to my entire family.


I have a very great family, every member of the family, my parents, my brother and sister, my newly born brother. So allow me to introduce my family today with great pride.


My father: To centralize


First of all, my father. He's a famous philosopher, named "strange" to centralize .


My father was born in a virtual world for all human beings, and he is a faith in the minds of all human beings. In English, we call him Decentralization. In the Chinese world, he also gave himself a fashionable name called "strung" to centralize P2P


My father existed when the human race appeared, and he removed the center, and then realized the faith of direct communication, direct dealing, and direct transmission. He believed that one day we might no longer need a central institution.


In the course of hundreds of thousands of years of human history, the father has been looking for someone who can fulfil the philosophical ideals of his centralization and who he truly loves.


My father used to love religion, such as Christianity. Christianity was at the heart of the Church, and since he fell in love with Christianity, everyone can relate directly to God, not necessarily through the Church.


He later discovered that it was not complete, and he became fond of decentralized politics, from which everyone had been able to express their views and thus had a democratic system.


Later, he liked a lot of people of all kinds, but it was only when my mother appeared that he realized what true love was.


My mother: Internet


My mother is the Internet .


The Internet is a network structure without a central node. Each dot, in essence, is equally important on the Internet as a whole. So my father, ever since he met her, fell in love with her completely. Then they joined together and formed a family.


After that, they gave birth to eight children who had inherited their father to go to the centre to degenerate and had had a tremendous impact on the world as a whole.


I'm in seventh class, with six brothers and sisters in front and one brother in the back, and that's my family. Allow me to introduce you to my brothers and sisters.


Big Brother: P2P Download


My brother, his name is P2P download . P2P is my father's last name, so the first child is P2P download.

大哥是在1999年来到这个世界的,帮他接生的,是今天互联网界非常著名的一个创业者,他的名字叫Shawn Fanning。他1999年创立了一个叫Napster的mp3音乐分享网站,他也是Facebook最早的顾问、投资人和股东之一。

Big brother came to the world in 1999 to help him deliver the baby, a well-known entrepreneur in the Internet today, his name being Shawn Fanning. He created a mp3 music sharing site called Napster in 1999, and he was one of the first advisors, investors and shareholders in Facebook.


Napster, you can freely download MP3, but this mp3 file is not on the hard disk of Napster's website. In that case, there's a lot of storage on the entire Internet.


So Shawn does one thing, which is to put mp3 on everyone's computer into a directory. If you want to download mp3, Napster will find the computers with the mp3 and at the same time download a little piece of it from these computers and spell it into this mp3. So Napster does not own the MP3 himself, he just helps those with the mp3 to share it, which we call point-to-point sharing .


My brother's essence is a hard disk sharing


Later in China, Big Brother had a corresponding pattern: . Thunder was a P2P download, and the logic was to put film files on every different computer and share them with each other, a model that greatly saved resources.


My parents were very happy, because Big Brother made a big difference to humanity. This, of course, was not easy, because P2P downloads had a huge impact on copyright protection, and the United States later banned sharing MP3 in this way, and Napster went bankrupt in 2002.


But this logic, it's been going on.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}My second brother:


My parents then gave birth to their second child, my second brother - CDN.


There was a problem with watching movies on the Internet. For example, you watched a movie in Shanghai via a video site because it was stored on a server in Beijing, and it was slow in Shanghai, and it was slower in Shenzhen.


So, what do we do? One way is to put this movie on a server in a lot of different regions, looking for the nearest one, and that's the CDN.


So, a lot of telecommunications companies in the United States and China became my second brother's midwives. They put the content in a lot of different places. You watch movies in Shanghai, from the server in Shanghai, the nearest room to you. The person watching movies in Beijing is on the server in Beijing. is a distributed store, shared bandwidth.


When my second brother grew up, he evolved into a form called P-CDN


We used to put the content in the engine room, both in China and in the United States, and the number of rooms is limited. If you can get everyone's home bandwidth out, then when you look at the movie, it's your neighbor's computer that's going to be the fastest.


With regard to the location of the P-CDN, we would also like to thank the company that helped the big brother to take root in China — Thunder. Thunder started using the P-CDN early in the year, selling it to its members as a commodity, and then called `strong' to play with the money , which is actually a device that allows members to access each other's webbands with their home network.


In addition to Thunder, we would like to thank those telecom rooms, Shawn, Napster, and Big Brother for sharing hard disks and Second Brother for sharing web resources in such a way that they can be born and grow.


My Third Brother: Distributive Calculating


And then my third brother was born, his name was "strange" distributed calculations. San was a scientist, and when he was born, he made a big noise all over the world.


What's my brother doing?


We used to decipher an algorithm or a password, and we used one thing: a supercomputer . That's a particularly powerful computer in the machine room, which works faster than any computer in the world. That's the central calculation.


What's strong called distributional computing? takes a lot of computing, for example, by deciphering a password, or by calculating a sequence of DNA and dissecting it into countless little pieces. Split it into small pieces and throw it to a tiny computer in the world, like your home's personal computer.


When thousands, tens or even hundreds of thousands of PCs around the world are calculated at the same time, they are calculated faster than a supercomputer.


My parents were particularly pleased with the birth of a scientist, some of the problems that humanity could not solve before, such as those requiring a great deal of computational genetics and cryptography, which were easily solved in front of my third brother, so I worshiped him very much.


I have already introduced you to my three brothers: P2P downloads, P-CDN and distributed calculations.


Each of them had his own abilities, and my brother shared the hard drive; my second brother shared the bandwidth of the network; and my third brother shared the resources of the CPU. When my three brothers grew up, they took care of each other and helped each other, so they joined together in a coalition called “strang” margin calculation


In the past, we shared resources through cloud computing, cloud computing , a distant relative of ours, providing you with a huge, distant cloud computer via the Internet.


But my three brothers have discussed whether we can provide a central computing resource without clouds, but rather share the CPU resources, network resources, hard disk resources of each computer, so that computers all over the world, taken together, can become a virtual computer.


We call it `strong' distributed cloud computing margin .


I worship three brothers in particular, because I believe that margin counting would be a great honour for my parents, and I wish them great success in their margin calculation programme.


My Fourth Sister: Social Media


After that, my parents gave birth to my fourth sister, , the social media, who was the first girl my parents had given birth to, so they particularly liked her.


The media had been central in the past, although it had the potential to represent justice, a neutral view and a voice concentrated in the hands of a few throughout the world.


When my fourth sister was born, she gave everyone a fair chance to speak, and everyone's voice was heard, the whole world became very sensitive immediately, and everyone was able to say their creative and emotional thoughts.


Who is the one who gave birth to my fourth sister? In America, we are particularly grateful to Facebook, Twitter, and in China we are grateful to Xinwa Weibo and Qing, who together delivered her.


The birth of my fourth sister raised my parents'confidence that she would make everyone's voice heard in the world, that she was an Internet world, a flower everyone loved.


My 5th brother: P2P Loan


My parents suddenly wondered if they could have a child in the financial field. They used an American named Leonard Laprange to deliver the baby and give him the name "strange" P2P loan.

雷纳德想到,一个有钱人,为什么要把钱放在银行?你要借钱,为什么一定要去银行借?于是他就创立了一家叫lending club的公司,帮助我的父母接生了这个孩子。

Leonard thought, "Why put the money in the bank?" You wanted to borrow the money, why did you have to borrow it? So he started a company called Lending Club to help my parents deliver the baby.


What do you mean by P2P lending? I need money today. I don't go to the bank, I go to the rich.


In the United States, when you go to the bank today, the current savings rate is 0.25 per cent a year, but if you borrow money to use a credit card, the credit card rate is 17 per cent a year. Why do you put it at 0.25 per cent and take it out 17 per cent? That makes no sense.


This is my fifth brother, P2P, who is a very disobedient child. He's been advocating that people can borrow directly from each other, so there's been a lot of struggle with a particularly stubborn and conservative group in the traditional world. He does a lot of things around the world that are risky for others, but also helps many people borrow money.


Fifth brother is one of the most controversial in our entire family. But I think he is still a teenager today, and I believe he will do better when he grows up and becomes more aware of the risks.


♪ Strong ♪ ♪ My Six Brother: ♪ /strong ♪

我的父母在金融领域生下我的五哥之后,很快又生下了六哥,他叫众筹,帮他接生的是一个美国的公司,名字叫做Angel list,天使列表的意思。

Soon after my fifth brother was born in the financial field, my parents gave birth to the sixth brother, who was named "strang" and helped him with the delivery of an American company called Angel List, the Angel List.


In the past, we used to finance venture capital, or go to the market, as a means of centralizing finance. In fact, institutions or stock markets pay millions of investors, so can an enterprise borrow directly from these fragmented investors if it needs money?


There are regulations in today's financial world, because there are many unqualified investors in the world, those with no capacity to identify and absorb risks, who have financial risks.


In China, where more than 200 people are called illegal fund-raising, can we find, within 200 people, people who are aware of the risks and able to withstand them, and take their money without having to go through an intermediary? We call this a public fund-raising exercise, and that's my sixth brother.


He still gives the world a headache, because it involves financial risk. But he gives many good entrepreneurs the chance to change the world.

美国打车软件Uber,这家在全世界引起巨大反响的公司,他们的第一笔钱,就是从angel list通过众筹的方式拿到的。

Uber, the United States cabbage software, a company that has made a huge resonance around the world, whose first money was obtained by way of public fund-raising.


I very much like my 6th brother, who was a genius when he was a teenager and who has done such a great job.


I, Seven: block chain


I'm the seventh child, I'm called , and the person who helped me deliver the baby was called Nakamoto. In 2008, Nakamoto published a paper entitled .


I'd like to emphasize two things to you, first of all based on point-to-point technology, which is my father, the P2P.

第二个叫做数字现金,digital cash。digital cash和digital currency是有很大区别的。currency是货币,货币不只是现金。而数字现金系统是一个很窄的领域。

The second is called digital cash. There is a big difference between digital cash and digital cash. Currence is a currency, not just cash. The digital cash system is a narrow area.


What's cash? Money, gold, silver are cash. So I'm here to make gold, to make notes, not to make bank accounts.


How do you make it happen? It's using my father's gene -- point-point technology -- to put it on every computer.


I'm a distributed bookkeeping technique, I'm born to have the advantage of distributed bookkeeping, but there's something wrong with me, and I can't solve all the problems.


What is my fault? Distributed bookkeeping means a book of accounts to be kept by a bank in the past, which now needs to be stored on every node of the net. And when it's stored on every computer, is a huge waste of resources . You may not realize it, but I am suffering from it.


So I can only do distributional bookkeeping in areas where the amount of data is particularly small, and I can't do anything in areas where the amount of data is particularly large. , for example, a lot of people expect me to do what Big Brother does, is to share the documents on the whole web. But putting a copy on every node on the net will cost a lot of resources.


The greatest effect of the distributional bookkeeping is to remove intermediate trust institutions. under my efforts, some third-party credit institutions may no longer be needed in the future and the efficiency of human life will be improved.


Soon after I was born, Nakaki helped me deliver a child, so I was one of the youngest and first to have a child in the family.


My son: Bitcoin


My child's name is bitcoin, which is a digital cash based on distributed accounting techniques. Bitcoin is distributed as a simulation of gold, with a total of 21 million pieces, which is reduced by half every four years.


My parents particularly looked to their grandchildren — a de-centralized system that did not require any central bank digital cash systems around the world and that could make the financial system of the world more transparent.


Of course, I would prefer that my child grow up healthy, not because of the high expectations that he has placed him in a state of self-inflation long ago, and because he needs a virtuous development.


My nephew: ICO


Since I had a child, my six brothers raised and gave birth to a son. He married a wife called a token, which was a bitcoin prototype, the Bitcoin logic. After the combination, which was the logic of the popular collection, they gave birth to their son, StrongICO


The strong family has a hard time, and the worst part of our family is probably my nephew ICO.


The problem with ICO for the whole world and for our family is that he walks out of society at a very young age and is not well educated. He can quickly melt a large amount of bitcoins, ethers, or other tokens without any real project being implemented.


So we want humans to work with us to get him involved in the human regulatory system. Let him grow up healthy under human supervision, learn some risk management, and make good projects come out.


My brother: DAO

我还有一个弟弟,正在母亲腹中,我们全家都在期待这个弟弟的降临,他的名字叫Decentralized autonomous organizations,简称DAO,就是去中心化的组织,或者叫做自组织。

I also have a brother, who is in my mother's womb and whose family is looking forward to his arrival. His name is Decentralized autonomous organizations and his name is DAO, the


In the past, there was a hierarchy of managers. For example, a company had CEOs, top and middle, down to its employees. It worked well, but there was also a problem with , whose communication was inefficient .


If, through my eight brothers, each organization no longer has a so-called management but communicates with itself and connects directly through efficiency, there is a great chance that the organization of all humanity will be more efficient.


Although we still don't know how to educate the eight brothers, we believe that when he comes to the human world, he will grow up with the human world. We hope that the eight brothers will also play an important role in the family.


That's my whole family.


Today, I introduce members of my family who know each other (and, of course, my family may add new members in the future, but we all share the same blood — — to be centralized. ) The ultimate purpose is to let you know that not everything is my doing, and that what I can do is limited, but I want our whole family, together with humanity, to create a good future.


That's all for today. Thank you.

来源 | 刘润

Source: Liu Yun.

声明 | 登载文章内容仅供传递信息,不构成投资建议。

The content of the article is intended to convey information only and does not constitute an investment proposal.


That's a great bang.


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The era of strong is over, and now China should invest in this... /strang




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