第一黄金网提供 今日比特币对人民币汇率查询_1比特币等于多少人民币?_比特币对人民币最新报价查询_今日比特币兑人民币走势图查询(7月7日)
First gold offers by today's Bitcoin to RMB about the exchange rate of _1bitcoin equals how much? _bitcoin= 比特币对人民币汇率走势图 1比特币=17782.00人民币元 1 bitcoin = 17782.00 yuan 继韩国和日本之后,印度可能会在未来几个月成为比特币交易崭新的主要市场。 Following Korea and Japan, India is likely to become a new major market for Bitcoin transactions in the coming months. 自2017年初以来,印度政府对迅速发展的比特币产业和外汇市场持有积极态度。在金融动荡中,500卢比和1000卢比被废除,在全国成千上万的atm机出现钞票和现金短缺的情况下,大众正在逐步采用比特币作为替代避险资产的最佳数字资产。 Since the beginning of 2017, the Indian government has been positive about the fast-growing bitcoin industry and the foreign exchange market. During the financial turmoil, Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 were abolished, and in the face of banknotes and cash shortages in thousands of atm aircraft across the country, the public is gradually adopting bitcoins as the best digital asset to replace risk-free assets. 越来越多的商人开始接受比特币,并利用比特币作为主流数字资产,媒体们已经开始广泛报道比特币,并将其与储备资产以及美元和黄金等贵金属挂钩。 A growing number of businessmen have begun to accept bitcoin and to use bitcoin as a mainstream digital asset, and the media have begun to give extensive coverage of bitcoin and link it to reserve assets and precious metals such as . 最近,一些主流新闻网络和报纸,包括《印度斯坦时报》(Hindustan Times)和《印度时报》(Times of
India),已经开始定期提供比特币的相关报道、技术细节、其目的、全球投资者的需求上升趋势以及与现有银行系统和金融网络相比之下的优势。 Recently, mainstream news networks and newspapers, including Hindustan Times and Times of India, have begun to provide regular coverage of Bitcoin, technical details, their purpose, the rising demand of global investors, and advantages over existing banking systems and financial networks. 现在,印度比特币交易所(包括三大交易平台Unocoin、Coinsecure和Zebpay)的交易量和用户基数都出现了指数增长。特别值得一提的是,Zebpay在5月15日透露,该公司为移动应用程序实现50万移动下载量,达到了一个重要的里程碑。 Now, the trading volume and user base of the Bitcoin Exchange in India (including three trading platforms, Unocoin, Coinsecure, and Zebpay) have increased exponentially. In particular, Zebpay revealed on May 15 that the company has reached an important milestone of 500,000 mobile downloads for mobile applications. 尽管政府已决定规范印度比特币产业并使数字资产合法化,但目前比特币交易平台和其他交易平台,如上述的Zebpay、Coinsecure和Unocoin,都是通过自身独立了解客户(KYC)和遵守反洗钱系统(AML)来约束平台的。 Although the Government has decided to regulate and legalize digital assets in the Bitcoin industry in India, the platform is currently regulated by its own independent knowledge of customers (KYC) and compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering System (AML) and other trading platforms, such as Zebpay, Coinsecure and Uncoin, as described above. 尽管印度的比特币交易市场缺乏监管条款,但当地交易所的重点是开发和实施高效的KYC和AML系统,政府和执法部门在需要时侯搭建可以依靠的这种系统。 Despite the lack of regulatory provisions in the Bitcoin trading market in India, the focus of local exchanges is on the development and implementation of efficient KYC and AML systems, which Governments and law enforcement agencies can build when needed. 走势分析: Trends Analysis: 受一篇名为《互联网金融风险专项整治工作领导小组办公室文件》的红头文件影响,今日上午火币网比特币出现放量下跌的行情,该文件暂不论其真伪,从内容看主要是整治P2P网贷行业,以及一些互联网理财平台,暂时与数字资产平台无关。火币网比特币价格暂时没有企稳迹象,MACD持续翻绿,表明空头力量依旧较强,下方支撑位17600元或再次受到考验。温馨提示:投资有风险,入市需谨慎。 This morning, under the influence of a red-head document called the Office of the Head of the Task Force on Financial Risk Management on the Internet, there was a fall in bitcoin, which for the time being, regardless of its authenticity, mainly in the P2P lending industry, and some Internet money management platforms, for the time being, has nothing to do with digital asset platforms. The price of bitcoins is not stable for the time being, and the continued greening of the MACD suggests that the empty is still strong, with 17,600 won or tested again. Caution suggests that investments are risky and market entry is prudent.
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