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" Networks and new media overviews " : " Networks and new media overviews ", and " New media overviews ", chapter 1, " Introductions to new media ", and " New media overviews ", chapter 1, " Introductions to new media ",


Catalogue I. Four communication revolutions in human society: Revolution II, the essence of the new communications revolution III, the basic features of the new communications revolution IV, the challenges of the new communications revolution V, the two pillars of Internet development


The four revolutions in human society, the invention and use of the first revolutionary script, the first breakthrough in time and space, which limited the human race from the “eras of barbarism”, the “era of civilization”, and the second monopolization of the inventive knowledge of revolutionary printing, were broken by the dawn of the era of mass dissemination of newspapers, magazines, books and accelerated the fall of feudalism and the birth of capitalism.


I. The inventions of the four transmission revolutions of human society, the third of which addressed the rapid and wide-ranging spread of analogue electronic communication technologies and media such as radio, television and instantaneous point-to-point transmission technologies, with a wealth of replicas of proliferation and information preservation capabilities that have helped human society to enter the electronic age without precedent


I. The four communications revolutions of human society, the birth of the fourth communication revolution in the 1980s and the more advanced digital, linguistic, written, sound, graphic, interactive modes of transmission of images and audiences in the dynamic communication vectors and in the live media of the new media have led to the emergence of new communication media, structures, ways, ideas, cultures, effects change communication power that face profound structural changes that change the basic patterns of the dissemination of social information.


The four communications revolutions in human society 50 million + 50 million in 38 + 50 million in 13 + 50 million in 4 + 50 million in 14 months + 50 million in 1 + 50 million in 19 days for the development of 50 million users each.


The Internet gives citizens the power to disseminate, and the right to communicate (right) to change to the power of communication (power) is part of the essence of the new communications revolution. 1. The super-exploitation of the message, which guarantees the return of the right to information to the fourth revolution, is the control of information by traditional mass media. In theory, everyone around the world is a source of information in countries and regions connected to the network. A networked cell phone allows you to “go all over the world” and the right of citizens to know is fully guaranteed in the Internet's communications revolution.


The monthly active account number of the Twitter public is 3.5 million, and the monthly active fan of the Twitter public is 797 million.3 Comprehensive information regulation has failed, and “rights” have risen to “power”-like information, leading to a gradual decline in the country’s “information power” and signalling a gradual strengthening of the “information power” of citizens with focused resources. This is because of the rise in power, influence, and the country’s emphasis on pressure on public opinion and improved management patterns at all levels.


“The new media will lead to the emergence of new centres of power, thus creating growing tensions within existing dominant power structures; on the other hand, the new media will sometimes bypass established media transmissions and publish prohibited or restricted information in such a way as to undermine the hierarchy of knowledge control.” (James Karen's Media and Power)


Third, the basic features of the new communications revolution are “decentralized”: Internet technology is essentially a technology of communication centred on individuals, with an anticentre orientation. This communication revolution is essentially a general socialization of resources and popularization of power. “Recentralization” is a feature of the decentralized and re-emerging nature of Internet information. The Internet has broken the top-down science-based organizational structure in traditional societies, recasting the word of public affairs through the Internet, speech centres, centres of public opinion. 1; the rise of opinion leaders, the new communication revolution of the centre of ideas, which was unlikely to converge in reality, has brought together opinion leaders through the web. The rise of new opinion leaders: the dynamic intellectual elites, writers, artists and grass-roots leaders, who have a huge “panel” relationship.


The new media have an incomparable advantage in terms of the timeliness of the dissemination of information, interaction and diversity of means of communication. The news production is taking hold of society as a whole, with a wide variety of “from the media” evaporating, the broadcast channels and content of which are no longer the exclusive advantage of the traditional media, the emergence of a new state of power, the emergence of a new state of power, the struggle for the dissemination of dominant power, the spread of traditional media, such as newspapers, radio and television, and the decline of traditional media. The new media have an indisputable advantage in terms of the timeliness of the dissemination of information, their interaction and the diversity of means of communication.


The two pillars of Internet development: “Globalization” and “personalization” modernity - “globalization”: the movement of goods, technology, capital, talent around the globe and the search for optimal configuration, the growing division of labour and the increasing specialization of production.


The two pillars of Internet development: “Globalization” and “modernity” after “personalization — “personalization”: each individual is becoming more and more independent in pursuing the independence of the personality, individual ideals, personal interests, personal voice, independent living, unique needs of the individual, personal interest. Similar to the “intended nature” in Giddens' Modernity and Self-identification.


The two pillars of Internet development: “Globalization” and “personalized” the Internet integrates the world into each individual, relying on the Internet to connect with the world to create new social relations and choose its own way of life and life with a global perspective. On the one hand, the Internet allows news to spread quickly and widely, with global implications, such as the Ucan events. On the other hand, each individual has the opportunity to change the whole landscape of society, such as the Clinton and Lewinsky scandals and the yellow self-immolation.


V. The two pillars of Internet development, the advent of the era of the Chinese media of Niezheng and the new media, is a challenge for the Chinese media, as well as a dynamic Niezheng for their own mission. Only by adapting to the times can they be rejuvenated. ThankYou! Thank you for listening!


Catalogue I. Internet generation and development II. Basic features of new media III. Main types of new media IV. Trends in new technologies


First, the creation of the Internet - the Internet and the development of the Internet (Internet), which is a global information system, has a three-fold meaning: logically connected by a unique global address space based on the Interconnection Agreement (IP) and its extensions; able to support the use of transmission control agreements and Internet interconnection agreements (TCP/IP), or other IP-compatible communications; publicly or not provided high-level information services using communications and related infrastructure. First, the origins of the Internet, 1969, the Advanced Planning Agency of the United States Department of Defense (ARPA) and a number of United States universities, the military computer network ARPAnet, also known as the “Apanet” and the “Apa” Agreement, which were developed in conjunction with the United States: the “Apocalix” Agreement, the “Apextranet” in the first phase of the Internet, which was launched in the 1980s.


In Hangzhou, the Aribaba Group was formally established on 1 January 2000 to create a 100-degree Internet wave in China's Guangzhou,3 and the second wave of Internet development in China: 2001-2008, from search to socialization networks. In 2001, the Chinese Internet Association was founded in 2002 with the creation of a personal portal, an Internet portal in 2002 and an Internet portal in 2003 in the era of 2.0. In the second half of 2009, the Alibaba social network was active in paying for the 2004 online market, and in 2005, the Panda virus spread in China in 2006, infected millions of computers in the electronics services industry, identified as the country's most important emerging industry, China's Internet development,3 the third wave of the Internet: from 2009 to the present, the PC to the mobile Internet portal, from the search to a wide variety of APP sub-flows.


The basic features of the new media are, in fact, that the “new media” have always existed in the history of human social communication. As a relative concept, “old” is “new.” For newspapers, for television, for every technological change in communication, a series of new media forms are “new media” at the appropriate time of history, and media patterns are constantly evolving and evolving.


Digitalized technologies transform text, voice, graphics, images, etc., into computer readable information. Digitalized technologies are the basis of new media technology, which treats all forms of information as processed values, radically alters the production, acquisition, processing, transmission and storage of data and information, improves the efficiency of the transmission of the technology, digitalizes the digitalization of the new technology, which is the main feature of the new media. 1/ Digitalizes the digitalization of the new media as a distinctive feature of the new media. The digitalization technology transforms text, sound, graphics, images, etc. into 0 and 1. The digitalization of the information of the new media into 0 and 1.


III. The main types of new media are divided by hardware equipment terminals: new media with computers as display terminals, mobile phones and portable electronic devices as terminals, digital televisions as applications (software): new media with static applications (Web1.0) and dynamic applications (Web 2.0) as operations: new commercial media for profit and new government and non-profit new media with non-profit purposes as applications: social media, Internet shopping...


Main types of new media


iv. Developmental digital technologies for new technologies, computer network technologies, mobile communication technologies are the three key supporting technologies for the development of the Internet and new media. Trends in new technologies: digitalization, intelligence, mobility.1, Dataization: digitalization of digital technologies towards the age of big data is a key underpinning of the Internet and a notable technological feature of the new media. “Predictation” based on existing data becomes the core of large data. Google searches, Facebook posts and microblogs make it possible to measure people’s behaviour and emotions in detail; user habits and preferences can be informed behind the heterogeneous data, more in line with users’ interests and habits’ products and services.


Catalogue I, Channel II for information dissemination, Platform III for knowledge production, Platform IV for interpersonal communication, Platform V for entertainment, Platform VI for business activities, Free Market of Opinion


The Internet, as a platform for the production and dissemination of information, allows more subjects to participate in the production and dissemination of information on a universal basis.


1. The electronic bulletin board system (BulletinBoardSystem, BBS) is a nostalgia for the dissemination of information as the backbone of the Internet for providing information on current affairs and communities at an early stage. In China, even today, even with high Internet applications, there are two types of forums that still have many users, namely, the Higher School Forum and the Time Forum.


i. Channels for the dissemination of information 2. Hyperlinks (Hyperlink) and portals (Portal) are a non-linear way of information organization designed to simulate the human way of thinking, i.e. to include links to other data in the data. The portal (Portal) is an information system that integrates certain types of Internet information resources and provides related information services. It provides news, search engines, network access, chat rooms, electronic bulletin boards, free mailboxes, audio and video information, e-commerce, network communities, network games, free web space, etc.


i. Channel 3. Search engine (SearchEngine) for the dissemination of information refers to a system that collects information from the Internet according to a certain strategy, uses a specific computer program, organizes and processes the information, provides a search service for users, and displays relevant information retrieved by users to users. These include full-text indexes, indexes, meta-search engines, vertical search engines, convective search engines, portal search engines and a list of free links.


ii. Platform for Knowledge Production 1. Information aggregation (Really SimpleSyndicationorRichSiteSummary, RSS) RSS is a format for describing and synchronizing the content of the website and is now widely used on online news channels, blogs and Wiki, with the main versions of 0.91, 1.0 and 2.0.


ii. Platform 2. Wiki Network Encyclopaedia is a collaborative encyclopedia based on wiki technology, freedom of content, participation by all and multilingual, a dynamic, freely accessible and edited global body of knowledge, also known as the “People's Encyclopedia” of the Web20 era.


Platform 3. Socialized bookmarks (Tag) Tag do not have a uniform Chinese name, commonly referred to as “bookmarks” or “open classification” or “public classification”.


Secondly, the knowledge-producing platform Internet provides a wide range of platforms and tools for knowledge production that, on the one hand, provide the audience with the tools to produce knowledge and, on the other hand, provide the audience with the tools to bring it together more easily and quickly, destabilizing the previously monopolistic form of knowledge generation and acquisition and transforming it into a more open and interactive way.


Three: Platform 1. E-mail (E-mail) for interpersonal communication. There are now more than 6 billion e-mail accounts worldwide. On average, humans send more than 3 billion non-spams per hour worldwide. According to McKinsey, general staff spend 13 hours per week reading and responding to e-mails. Some believe that e-mail leadership will disappear, with many alternatives emerging, including social media, message applications, and numerous other online communication tools.


3. Platforms for interpersonal communication 2. Immediate communication (IM) is an Internet-based, instantaneous exchange of information that allows two or more persons to use the network to transmit text, pictures, voice or video instantaneously, which can be divided into PC instantaneous communications and mobile phone instantaneous communications depending on the endpoint.


III. Platform 3.IP telephony is a new technology for communication via the Internet or other networks using IP technology.


The social media have evolved rapidly in recent years, showing signs of social segmentation, such as mass socialization (web), private socialization (Meyo) and professional socialization (LinkIn).


The P2P peer-to-peer network, also known as the peer-to-peer network, is a new mode of communication in which each participant has the same ability to launch a communication session. Because of its speed, it has become an important means of downloading entertainment content, such as television dramas, films and music.


2. Interactive Internet Television (IPTV) is a new technology that combines Internet, multimedia, communications and other technologies using broadband to provide a wide range of interactive services, including digital television, to family users.


3. Video-sharing websites are those that allow Internet users to post, browse and share video works online, with the support of a well-developed technology platform. YouTube is the world's largest video-sharing site.




As of December 2018, the size of web-based video users stood at 612 million, an increase of 33.09 million, or 73.9 per cent, compared to the end of 2017. The size of mobile-based video users reached 590 million, an increase of 41.1 million, or 72.2 per cent, compared with the end of 2017.




The online video is also popular with China’s Netizens, with Aichi culture leading with 509 million active users per month; and the second with 482 million active users per month. At the same time, short video growth has been strong, taking up a significant amount of fragmentation time at the same time as the number of active users has grown significantly, with fast-hand users breaking 200 million by the end of 2017, volcanic mini-videos, watermelons, tremors breaking 100 million, and industry leading in terms of the number of start-ups per person per day.


4. Photo sharing 4. Flickr provides users with free and fee-paying digital photo storage, online services for the sharing programme, and also provides web-based community services for the platform's social use of Instagram, which currently stands at 700 million users.


In China, the emergence of a large number of e-commerce websites, such as Bo and Kyung-dong, constitutes a new consumption model for Chinese. New concepts such as online pricing, service delivery, and business credit not only refresh people’s shopping concepts, but also promote the development of logistics, online finance, etc.


vi. The free market of opinion is an important point of view in classic liberal newspaper theories, meaning that the dissemination of truth does not depend on authority, but rather on showing itself in a free space of speech against fallacy. The Internet offers multiple realities that promote the interactive participation of multiple subjects, undoubtedly providing more convenient conditions for free dissemination and confrontation of opinions.


As social media and social networks rise, the interactive functions of blogs are gradually being replaced. The use of blogs is now declining from year to year. As of December 2014, we had 109 million bloggers and only 16.8 per cent of Internet users.


vi. Microblog 2. Microblog is an informal mini-blog based on Web 2.0 platform as a system for delivering instant messaging. Microblogging allows users to send pictures and text messages via web pages, mobile phones, IM software (e.g. QQ, MSN, Gtalk, Skype, etc.) and API, without any time constraints.


VI. Report by the users of the Freedom of Opinion Market, Novo Weibo 2018


VI. The free market of opinion, 3. WeChat, in contrast to the mass dissemination of microblogging, prefers microblogging, where each person belongs to his or her own social circle, where speech and information can be spread only within the circle of friends, and where, as the circle of friends of the microbite is essentially a strong bond, it is influenced by pressure from the inner circle. This form of communication will give birth to new opinion leaders, and the technological elites active in various fields, and the holders of key resources, will become the new “big V” in a new form, becoming the opinion leaders of the era of microbism. As of April 2018: the number of live users of the global month reached 1.04 billion.




vi. Freedom of opinion market blogs, microblogs, and micro-letters provide an important platform for Chinese audiences to express their views and points of view. Traditional media are increasingly paying attention to events and views in the media and drawing their own news leads. They often expand their reporting boundaries, providing more comprehensive and objective coverage, and realizing their value. In short, the Internet will be more closely linked to our lives in the future. The Internet is no longer a virtual cyberspace, but a real objective reality.


Catalogue I, Status of Development of Internet Users, Number of Internet Users, Number of Internet Users, Number of Internet Users, Size of Internet Users, Size of Internet Users, Size of Internet Users 1. The Internet Users, Size of China's Internet Users, Internet Users, China's Internet Users Information Centre (CNNIC) defines our Internet Users as: Chinese residents aged 6 years and above who have used the Internet in the past six months. The total number of Internet users worldwide has reached 4,156 million Internet penetrations 54.4 per cent by the end of December 2017, The total number of Internet Users has reached 55.8 per cent by the end of December 2017, The total number of Internet Users in China has reached 772 million by the end of the year, The total number of Internet Users in China has reached 55.8 per cent by the end of December, The number of Internet Users in China's Internet Users and the number of Internet Users in China's Internet Users in the Internet Users' Structure has increased.


The concept of “active audience” began to prevail after the 1970s, with scholars turning their attention from the sender to the recipient and interested in the use of the medium. The concept of “use and meet” was introduced in the second half of the twentieth century, while the British cultural study was marked by the “code-decoding” theory of the Hall, the “diffusion” of the message of the Internet, the “diffusion” of the information of the Internet, the “diffusion” of the information of the Internet, the “diffusion” of the information of the computer and the digital media, the “diffusion” of the information of the Internet, the dissemination of the information of the information of the Internet, the dissemination of the information of the information of the Internet, the acquisition of the information of the traditional mass media, the acquisition of the information of the Internet, the diffusion of the information of the information of the Internet, the diffusion of the information of the information of the Internet, the information of the information of the Internet, the information of the potential users, the communication of the information of the information of the Internet, the information of the Internet, the technology of the Internet.


In contrast to mass communication, the diffusion of the Internet is characterized by: 1. Disaggregated subjects and dissemination content. The diffusion of the Internet is no longer aimed at a wide variety of groups, but rather at providing information and services tailored to specific needs. 2. User initiative. Traditional audiences are in a passive position in terms of time, space, and the diffusion of social structures that allow users to break through time and space to gain access to what they need.” The division of social structures has led to the division of media, the fragmentation of users. 3. Communication, the frequent interaction of recipients and the blurring of user boundaries. Mass communication is a one-way communication activity in the form of feedback, such as letters from readers, hotlines, etc., but such interaction mechanisms are weak and largely absent in the form of instantaneous information. In the era of mass dissemination, each user is in a passive role with the audience.


The loss of social glue is accompanied by the development and spread of the Internet, and direct communication between people is gradually diminishing, while the high degree of freedom to choose information on the Internet makes it easier for people to form groups, leaving individuals off the path of social development and reducing the sharing of social experiences. When individuals, groups, and individuals lack the same bond, and are separated into a single force, it will undoubtedly significantly weaken the functioning of groups and have a negative impact.


Catalogue I. New media bring changes in media patterns, traditional media life paths, media integration


On the one hand, the new media industry has increased market competition, the traditional media market space has become narrower, and on the other hand, the new media industry has forced the traditional media to strengthen the use and integration of new media technologies. More deeply, the new media industry has changed the reading habits of traditional audiences, transforming consumers from “users” to “users” and destabilizing the “rules of the game” of traditional media.


By the end of 2017, the number of digital subscribers to the New York Times had risen to more than 2.6 million. One of the last days of 2016, the New York Times, had dropped from 9.06 million copies of the New York Times, 13.5 million copies of the New York Times, 13.7 million copies of the New York Times, 68.1 million copies of the January 2014 edition of the New York Journal, 12.1 million copies of the Sunday Journal, more than half a million copies of the 2017 editions. However, by the end of 2017, the number of digital subscribers to the New York Times had fallen significantly from 9.6 million copies of the New York Times, from 9.6 million copies of the New York Times, from 9 per cent of the New York Times, from 9 per cent of the New York Times, from 1 January 2017, to 12 million copies of the New York Times, from 1 January 2017, to 20 per cent of the traditional Internet, to 20 per cent of the traditional Internet, to 20 per cent of the traditional media, to 20 per cent of the traditional media.


(ii) Traditional media life paths, access to new media (1), access to new media (1), access to new media (1), access to new media (1), access to new print media (2), broadcasting media (2) and new media: Internet radio, mobile terminal radio (3), television and IPTV (2), adaptation strategies (2) to the advantage of content (2), adaptation from “objects” to “users” (3), access to new media under the shock of new media (1), access to traditional media (1), access to new media (1), use existing content and brands (2), use new media to develop new forms of communication in conjunction with new technologies (2), use new media to adapt to the demand of new users to the need for new technologies (3), connect to the new media (2), connect to the new media and to the new Internet (3), connect to the new communications media and to the new communications technology.2 The new media to the advantage of new and to the new information technology (2), and to the new users to the new and to the new and to the new ones, to the new ones, to the new and to the new ones, to the new ones, to the new and to the new ones, to the new ones, to the new and to the new ones.


Third, the concept of media integration, the concept of media integration, the three main triggers for media integration, (1) the technology for technology, (3) the market for technology, (3) the main forms of media integration, (1) the content integration of media, (2) the network integration, (3) the concept of media integration,4, the practice of media integration, 1978, the new media pioneer Nicolas Negroponte, defined media integration as “confluence of technologies and media forms”. In 1983, professors of communication scholars of the United States, Ichiel-Sol-Pol of the Massachusetts State Institute of Technology, (2) the technology for technology for all media, (3) the market for technology for all media, (3) the “mutual integration” of media, the “mutual integration” of media, the “mutual integration” of media, the integration of media, the integration of the media, the integration of the media, the integration of the media, the integration of the Internet, the integration of the technologies and the integration of the technologies, the integration of the media, the integration of the technologies and the integration of the technologies, the integration of the media, the integration of the technologies, the integration of the technologies, the integration of the technologies, the integration of the technologies, the integration of the production of the production of the technologies, the production of the production of the technologies, the production of the production of the production of the production of the production of the production of the media.


Catalogue I, the new field of news production, the new model of news production, the process of re-creation of news production social media or information produced by self-media are distributed on the Internet through various channels of communication. Traditional “solid” news texts are also “liquidized” in the sense that consumers can easily and quickly acquire what they need, while at the same time developing new journalistic and consumeric habits and diversifying the way in which news production is produced. In the new field of the Internet, public interest has not changed, and news is still based on the truth, truth, truth, and truth of its content; and news reports continue to be based on the principles of openness, fairness and justice in their quest for rapid, wide and deep breakthroughs.


(i) The new field of news production (i) The production of news production refers to the process of producing news products through the processing of newly changed facts. There are two main dimensions: first, the fact that it requires a business process of writing, editing, publishing, etc., which is the result of a professional organization of news; second, the fact that news producers construct social realities by consciously giving news facts meaning through a process of processing. A series of participatory observation studies of news organizations have demonstrated that news production is governed by specific production logics within media organizations and social factors outside the organization, the main factors to be weighed are the press language and the media domain. The press context is an environment in which news production takes place in a given space, at a given time, under specific conditions, including professional standards, the domestic and international situation, national institutional regulations, etc. The press field includes decision-makers at all levels, the nature of the media and the market.


First, the new field of news production (i) the media production of GayeTuchman uses a “framework” metaphor to explain the selectiveness of news production and the possibility that news production will eventually appear in the public domain. “The news is the window where people know the world. The vision displayed by the window depends on the size of the window, the size of the window, the darkness of the window and the direction of the window towards the street or towards the backyard.


The new field of news production (ii) is a paradigm for journalistic sociological research proposed by the French scholar Pierre Bourdieu, “a field can be defined as a network or a configuration of objective relationships between locations.” The field theory is a framework for social location relations, and the “news field” is a dynamic space of structure and confrontation with different forces.


I. The new field of news production (ii) “a structured social space, a power field with rulers and rulers, a constant, persistent relationship of inequality that works in this space, as well as a battleground in the struggle to change or preserve this power field.” In his analysis of the background of the television media, pre-screening screening and the typography of television discourse, for example, has suggested the need for further clarification of the practical mechanisms of journalistic activity. From the criteria of the ratings, he has revealed that the field of television news is a field controlled by the economy through the ratings rate, that unequal relations in television news fields are hidden and that relations with other domains are strengthened in various ways.


I. The new field of journalism production (iii) is the field of traditional media production, where the objective relationship between the producer and the various aspects of the society is a place of social play in the production of news. The direct and indirect influences of news production imply the power relationship behind the production of news. Three sets of relationships have a decisive impact in the traditional media environment: government, society and media, capital, the public and the media, government, media and journalist editors.


i. New areas of news production (iii) traditional media production sites — the Government, society and the media adhere to the party principles of journalism, submit to party leadership, and disseminate the party's guidelines and policies as a basic responsibility of the Chinese media. It is the basic responsibility of the Chinese media to safeguard the social interest pattern, to defend the public opinion of the audience and to defend their normal interests.


The number and prices of advertisements are measured by the number and quality of the audience. The number of audiences is measured by the number of newspapers distributed, the number of radio and television listeners and the number of viewers. Publicity demands: the media must assume social responsibility, meet the public's right to be informed, provide real and serious news to the public, and explain it rationally. The mainstream media must give top priority to the benefits of society. For the sake of competition, treat the audience as a consumer, please the audience, provide entertainment content, or even package it seriously, at the expense of the real demands of the news, exaggerate, distort, brash and disinformation.


I. The new field of news production (iii) traditional media production – the government, the media and the editors of journalists – each has its own goals, will, and interests – inevitably creates a three-way game. Journalists’ editors face pressure from all sides in the news production process.


The most significant changes in the new domain of news production (iv) are the addition of new “user” variables. In the new domain of the Internet, “decentralized” web features allow for a greater shift in voice rights to “user” and the growing importance of “user” in the beginning. The most significant changes brought about by the shift from audience to user are mainly two aspects: (i) increased media interaction with audience; and (ii) audiences began to use new media tools to break the monopoly of traditional professional media institutions on news production.


ii. The new mode of news production 1. UGC news mode, “Users produce content”, refers to content such as information and ideas produced by the audience through the Internet (including mobile networks) in the form of text, pictures, images, etc.


II. The advantages of the new mode of news production 1. UGC news model are: to reduce the cost of editing; to use UGC to screen and optimize, organize and collate content to make it a high-quality content available; to enhance exposure and media stickyness, including UGC users, which can bring goodwill and strength to traditional media; and, throughout the generation and uploading of UGC content, the user itself has been involved in the platform's build-up process, such as user Subscriptions, browsing, collections, reviews, etc., which has actually helped other users to select content and provide better presentation.


II. The new model of news production 1. The UGC news model is inadequate: users produce relatively few high-quality content and fragmentary forms of information; while the audience is highly involved in communication, there is a lack of selection and “closing”, there is a lack of authenticity, objective impartiality and orientation of information, and some statements are clearly inappropriate; and there are deficiencies in the quality and quality of user producers without professional training.


The new model of news production, the crowdsourcing model, refers to the practice of a company or institution of outsourcing, on a voluntary basis, tasks previously performed by its staff to non-specific public networks.


In the event of an emergency, the “faceless editor” updates the news and updates it on a continuous basis so that three to four hours can complete an essentially complete breaking news story, the details of which are sometimes far more detailed than the professional news media.


In October 2015, for the first time, the popular news campaign appeared in the South Pearl Sea. The topic of the news was “A visit to the public WiFi in Joohai,” with a target of $500, and the results were $580, or 116%.


II. The new model for news production, 3. The “interactive news” model, presented by American scholar Paul Bradshaw, is an ideal model for combining new and old media production in the twenty-first century. Some national scholars call this combination of speed and depth of news production a “diamond model.” The reporting process presented by the iterative news model is the Internet as a central platform for news production. Professionals interact extensively with users.


II. The new model of news production 3. Professional journalists from the traditional media of the “interpretation news” model observe the behaviour of social media in real time via the Internet, discover valuable news threads, conduct immediate in-depth interviews, synthesize in depth press releases, feed back into social media, and interact with social media and consumer circles to give news both an in-depth and a multifaceted perspective.


ii. The new model of news production 4. Integration of the news model with news (Conversence Journalism) is an innovative news reporting model for new and old media to work across platforms to disseminate news to target audiences. There are also many who equate it with multimedia news (Multimedia Journalism), an emerging way of news reporting using the Internet as a platform that combines text, pictures, videos, and other media outlets.


iii. The “post-Fut” production organization of the news production process is re-engineered by “Continued Innovation + Agility Manufacturing” and “Natural + Networking” of the news production process of the traditional media (1) The transformation of the news production process of the newspaper news agency (2) The transformation of the news production process of the radio and television (2) Key points and concrete steps (1) The re-engineering of the news production process (1) The re-engineering of ideas and process (2) The entire team is involved in the integration of the management and mobility of the traditional media1 and the transformation of the news production process of the traditional media (1) The news production process of the newspaper news agency to the traditional paper production process of the news site of the news site of the news site of the news site of the news site of the news site of the United States of the United States of America, the production of news items of the news and television of the Internet of the United States of America, the production of news items of the news and of the news of the news of the news of the United States of the United States of America (2) The news stream of the news and of the news of the news of the news of the Internet of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United Nations, the United States of the United States of America, the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of America, the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States, the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of America, the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of America, the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United States of the United


Basic requirements for press coverage


Catalogue I, Exploration and Characteristics of Web Media News II, Interactive Dynamic News III, Data News and Visual Expression IV, Web Live Pictures and Live Webcast Videos


1. Any “new” media is integrated into the media. Media content newspapers integrate text, pictures (pictures and photographs) and make up pictures. News, reviews, advertisements and literary works (poetry, essays, drama, novels, etc.). Broadcasting integrates words and voices, forming sound. News and music, and music. Television integrates campaign images with newspapers, radios, graphics, and the media at a higher level. News, visual works, art, etc. are integrated. The Internet integrates (or aggregates) all the means of traditional media (newspapers, radio, television, etc.). The content and functions of the sea are covered, such as the ability of people to talk, see video, shopping, games, etc.


I. Explorations and features of online media coverage 2. News stories in any “new” media are constantly being explored to form their own style of reporting, and the stereotyping of the style of coverage also marks the maturity of the media. The objective coverage of the paper inverted pyramids and the quick news and live coverage of TV hosts, live live live live news on the Internet, data news, live coverage of all types of media


The number and quality of online feedback reflect the value of the news, and it is called the media play “no one is afraid of the Internet, but no one is afraid of it.”




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