国际在线专稿:据赫芬顿邮报报道,澳大利亚企业家克莱格·赖特(Craig Wright)周一向BBC表示,他就是比特币的创始人“中本聪”(Satoshi Nakamoto),而比特币圈内的数位人物也已证实该消息。
International Online Monographs: According to the Huffington Post, Australian entrepreneur Craig & Middot; Craig Wright Week, according to BBC, is the founder of Bitcoin & ldquo; Middle Ben & rdquo; Satoshi Nakamoto, and several figures in the Bitcoin circle have confirmed this information.
According to the information received, Wright showed some technical evidence to the media, such as BBC, confirming that he had the right to use bitcoins created by some of the founders of Bitcoin.
Researchers claim that Wright, as the founder of Bitcoin, may hold 1 million bitcoins, with a total value of $440 million. If he suddenly sells the held bitcoins, the price of bitcoins may fall. Wright has indicated that he will slowly cash the bitcoins in his hand in case Bitcoins jumps.
Bitcoin is a point-to-point network payment system and virtual valorization tool, called by some as digital currency, which was first introduced in 2009 in the form of open-source software by smart developers in aliases. By using cryptographic technology to control the production and transfer of money, Bitcoin is also considered an encrypted electronic currency.
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