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谷歌取消云计算大会线下活动 欧洲8000名员工居家办公

Google cancels cloud computing activities under the General Assembly. 8,000 employees in Europe work at home

当地时间周一,谷歌宣布,由于对新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情的担忧,它将取消其云计算大会Cloud Next的线下活动,仅在线举行。Cloud Next大会是一项以云计算为主的活动,原定于4月6日至4月8日在加州旧金山举行,大约有3万名与会者。在欧洲爱尔兰,谷歌通知8000名员工居家远程工作,这是因为该公司的一名员工出现了类似流感的症状。

On Monday, local time, Google announced that it would cancel its cloud computing conference, Cloud Nett, only online, because of concerns about the new coronary virus pneumonia epidemic. The conference, which was supposed to take place in San Francisco, California, from 6 April to 8 April, was a cloud-based event, with some 30,000 participants. In Ireland, Google advised 8,000 employees to work remotely, because one of the company’s employees had symptoms similar to the influenza.

日本新冠治疗方案:不满50岁患者多能自愈 未必要用抗病毒药

New Crown Treatment Program in Japan: People under 50 years of age are more able to heal themselves than they need to use antivirals


On March 2, the Japanese Society for Infectious Diseases announced a new coronary disease treatment program, which argues that, since most patients under 50 years of age are able to heal themselves and do not necessarily require treatment with antiviral drugs, continuous observation, such as treatment, is sufficient. It is reported that patients over 50 years of age experience & ldquo; hypoherobics & rdquo; antiviral drugs will be considered.

北京市新高考首次适应性测试今天开考 5万高三生居家统测

The first adaptation test in Beijing City is today run by 50,000 seniors and 3-year-olds.


Today, the new senior exam in Beijing is the first to take an adaptive test. Four days after the outbreak, there are more than 50,000 candidates & ldquo; home examination & rdquo;



The first square hospital in is taken off! All three sites in Wuhan are & ldquo; beds et al. & rdquo;


In the afternoon of 1 March, 34 patients from Hubei Wuhan Quantue Hospital were discharged from the hospital. They will be transferred to the isolation point for 14 days before returning to their homes. This is the last group of patients to be discharged from the Qin Quantex module. After referral, 76 other patients will be referred to the & ldquo; rest & rdquo; treat and no longer receive patients. At present, & ldquo; beds and others & & & rdquo;


Ministry of Transport : Rehabilitation of inter-provincial road passengers in 28 provinces of the country


As of 1 March, 28 of the country's provinces had resumed inter-provincial road passenger transport (with regard to inter-provincial passenger transport, 19 provinces had resumed inter-provincial passenger line and chartering, and 9 provinces had resumed only inter-provincial charters). A cumulative total of 126 sub-prefectural and 192 sub-prefectural municipalities had resumed ground bus operations. A total of 550 municipalities of 31 provinces (districts, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production Regiments continued to provide full ground bus services. Of the 41 cities that have opened urban orbital traffic, 36 cities in the north and far north operated properly.


Shandong: Unlocking residence restrictions in Jinan, Qingdao Central City as soon as possible


On 3 March, Shandong released the opinion of the Shandong People's Government on the implementation of the Views of the Central Chinese Communist Party and the State Council on the establishment of an institutional mechanism and policy system for the sound development of urban-rural integration. The opinion stated that the promotion of rural-urban integration and rural-urban integration should be accelerated.


National cable television network integration and wide power 5G building integrated development initiated


In accordance with the programme, “ a national network & rdquao; integration will be led by China Radio and Television Networks Ltd., which brings together provincial network companies and strategic investors to form & & ldquao, a national network & rdquao; and stock companies.

赔付商户1.5亿、高管承担5000万 微盟的解决方案来了

150 million strong payers, 50 million MUP solution coming up.


During the late night of 1 March, the micro-union group of micro-suppliers of the microscopic microscopic program was exposed to & ldquo; & & & rdquo; and system failure, which affected millions of microscopic businesses. During the evening of that day, the company officially issued a payment plan, stating that it had prepared a RMB 150 million compensation provision, of which the company was responsible for 100 million yuan and the management was responsible for 50 million yuan.


Sun Yang announces the full blood sample bottle: it remains intact to date


On March 3, the swimming name released a picture of Sun Yang in his Weibo of a full blood bottle, stating that the Attorney-General had first admitted that the examination was invalid and that the IDTM manager (telephone instruction) had given the Attorney-General an excuse to say & ldquao; that the blood sample could be kept, and the overpacking we had to take away! As for how to separate, it was your business. ” then there was a move to separate the overpack and the blood bottle, and the blood sample remained intact.


美国确诊病例破百 华盛顿州或现首个大暴发


According to the United States Cable News Network, there are more than 20 new cases in the United States over the past weekend. To date, there have been 102 new cases of coronary virus pneumonia in the United States. Of these, six confirmed patients from Washington state have died. According to the United States CDC, a life-care centre & ldquao in Corkland, a suburb of Seattle, Washington; the first possible outbreak of the epidemic in the United States & rdquao; and a response is being taken.

美CDC误放新冠患者 致德州第2大城进入紧急状态

U.S.C.C.C.C.C.C.'s misplaced new coronary and put Texas's 2nd city in a state of emergency.


San Antonio, the second-largest city in Texas, declared a public health emergency, so the former United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) released an asymptomatic woman from the quarantine zone, who was found to be positive for the new coronary virus. The woman was one of the 91 Americans who was evacuated from Wuhan and placed in a 14-day isolation at an air force group in San Antonio.

特朗普:现在举行集会非常安全 民主党人也在搞

{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Trump: It's a very safe gathering now.


On 2nd day, a journalist asked Trump: Is it safe to hold an election rally during such a public health crisis? Trump says: & ldquo; these gatherings have been set up long ago. The Democrats have a meeting, and they are doing it, and they are campaigning. ” while journalists ask about security, Trump says & ldquo; I think it's very safe & rdquao.



At 1800 hours local time on 2 March, the head of the Italian civil defence service, Angelo & Middot, reported in the routine outbreak notification that Italy had identified a total of 2,036 new cases of coronary virus pneumonia. Of these, there were 1,835 cases, 52 deaths and 149 cures.


The virus is still spreading! The first case of new coronary pneumonia has been diagnosed in five countries .


According to press reports, five countries in Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Senegal, Morocco and Latvia have been diagnosed for the first time. To date, six countries in Africa have detected new cases of coronary pneumonia, namely Egypt, Algeria, Nigeria, Senegal, Tunisia and Morocco.

蒙古国捐2万口罩 二连边检站 “零延时”快速验放

& ldquo; zero delay & rdquao; quick release


On 2 March, the Mongolian Red Cross donated 20,000 masks to the Inner Mongolian Red Cross, entering from the road cargo corridor at the 2nd border crossing point, starting the aid-in-mission operational programme at the first point of entry/exit border checkpoint, opening the green passage for quarantine materials and implementing & ldquo; zero-time & rdquo; and border inspection and release to ensure the safe and rapid clearance of vehicles transporting anti-epidemic materials.



According to the Iranian Minister of Health, Namaki, as of 2 March, Iran has sent 300,000 medical teams around the country to house-to-house surveillance of the epidemic. According to the Iranian Embassy in China, other measures include: the translation of Chinese medical programmes into Persian, the suspension of all schools throughout the country, the cancellation of all gatherings, including weddings and funerals, and the implementation of temperature monitoring in public places.



East Harbour: the electronic invoice for the first block chain in Beijing City has been issued


On 2 March, the Beijing Municipal Revenue Authority of the National Tax Administration issued a communiqué on matters related to the introduction of electronic ordinary invoices for block chains by the Beijing Municipal Revenue Authority. Under the leadership of the Beijing Municipal Revenue Authority, Suh-hyun, a subsidiary, provided applications and support based on block chain technology and issued an electronic invoice for the first block chain in Beijing on 3 March 2020.

电子发票去硬件化大势所趋 更多地市将推区块链发票


According to the National Securities Study, e-invoices for block chains do not require the receipt of tickets and purchase of specialized equipment, no votes and limits, no natural contact, “ invoicing waste & rdquao; and play an important role at the epicentre of the epidemic. At the same time, at the State Department & & ldquao; tax abatements & & rdquao; under deployment, the trend has been towards de-hardwareization of e-invoices, with successive pilot projects in Shenzhen, Guangdong, and Fujian since 2018, which are expected to be followed up by more municipal tax offices since Beijing.

ETH超60%的用户属于赚钱类别 ETC这一类别比例为37%

ETH 60% of users are in the earning category of ETC at 37%

在区块链分析公司IntoTheBlock业务总监Nicolas Contasti最新发布的博客中,Nicolas Contasti称ETH和ETC两种加密货币之间的主要区别之一是关于资金进出(In / Out of Money)指标。在以太坊的众多用户中,有超过60%的用户属于“赚钱”类别,而以太坊经典的这一比例为37%。

In the latest blog published by Nicolas Contasti, the director of block chain analysis at the Into TheBlock, Nicolas Contasti states that one of the main differences between ETH and ETC is the indicator of financial access (In / Out of Money). Over 60% of the users in Etheria belong to “ making money & & rdquao; category, compared to 37% in the taupulet.


Founder of Morgan Creek: ETH is not a viable currency

摩根溪创始人Anthony Pompliano日前在博客文章直言不讳地表示“以太坊和法定货币没有什么区别”。他引用了资产缺乏固定供给、通货膨胀供给计划以及在货币政策方面的集中决策小组。Pompliano解释说,这是法定货币的特征。

The founder of Morgan Creek, Anthony Pompliano, said & ldquo in a blog post today; there is no difference & rdquo; he quoted the lack of a fixed supply of assets, inflation supply plans, and centralized decision-making groups on monetary policy. Pompliano explained that this was a feature of the legal currency.

美国财政部讨论加密监管挑战 表示不会容忍加密非法活动

US Treasury discusses the regulatory challenge of encryption and states that encryption illegal activities will not be tolerated .

美国财政部昨日召开会议,讨论监管数字资产空间的挑战。美国财政部表示,它不会容忍使用加密来支持非法活动。财政部长史蒂文·姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin)表示:“美国欢迎负责任的创新,包括可以提高金融体系效率的新技术。我们必须确保我们在创新与保护国家安全、维护金融体系完整性之间保持平衡。”

The U.S. Treasury Department met yesterday to discuss the challenge of regulating digital asset space. The U.S. Treasury Department has stated that it will not tolerate the use of encryption to support illegal activities.



1. Large cloud data were invested in Eastern securities (the Orient Star).


2. Fortune technology received tens of millions of yuan in Pre-A round financing.


The Sunsung Star received 3 million yuan in Angel Round Finance, which was financed by an initial investment.

4、Waymo获投22.5亿美元战略投资融资,该轮融资由Andreessen Horowitz(简称A16Z)、Alphabet、Canada Pension Plan Investment Board投资。

4 Waymo received $2.25 billion in strategic investment finance, which was invested by Andreasen Horowitz (A16Z), Alphabet, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board.



1. For the first time, the A share of silicon material is publicly distributed and placed on the business board at the online requisitioning stage.


II. Archipelago launched its first publicly released stock on-line performances on 4 March 2020 at 14:00-17:00.



1. The above indicates an increase of 21.97 points on the closing date of 3 March: 0.74 per cent and 2992.90; an increase of 102.45 points and an increase of 0.90 per cent and 11484.21; an increase of 21.70 points and an increase of 0.53 per cent and 4091.36 points; an increase of 37.93 points and an increase of 1.78 per cent and an increase of 2173.35 points.


2. The Helium Index fell by 6.86 points on 3 March, or 0.03 per cent, or 26284.82 points; the Helium Index fell by 0.01 points, or 0.33 per cent, or 10485.16 points; and the Helium Red Index fell by 2.59 points, or 0.06 per cent, or 4107.26 points.


The closing of the 225-day index fell by 253.08 points on 3 March, or 1.19 per cent, or 21091.00 points.


The Korean KOSPI index rose by 11.61 points on 3 March, or 0.58 per cent, reporting 2014.12 points.


The Australian ASX200 index rose by 44.20 points on 3 March, by 0.69 per cent and by 6435.70 points.


为不让小孩沉迷《GTA》 父母竟允许11岁的他驾车兜风

"Strong" didn't let the kid fall in love with the GTA.


On March 2, British police handled a traffic case in Blackpool, where a red Waxhall Astra car was parked in the heart of the city with a strange face behind the steering wheel. The big thing was that the driver of the car was an 11-year-old child. It was understood that the boy's parents had spent a lot of time and effort every day on PlayStation's GTA game and decided to send a family member to practice driving.




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