
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:20 评论:0



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记者 | 司林威

Reporter... Xiang Silingway.


On October 16, Beijing time, Bitcoin officially broke the $60,000 mark and pushed nearly $63,000, the highest price since May this year. Ethio broke through $3,900, reaching an all-time high.

CoinGecko 数据显示,加密货币总市值突破 2.6 万亿美元,创历史新高。此前加密货币总市值曾在 5 月 12 日达到 2.55 万亿美元的历史最高点,之后两个多月持续缩水,直至 7 月 21 日降至 1.25 万亿美元,下跌逾 50%,随后总市值逐步回升。

CoinGecko's data show that the total market value of encrypted currencies has reached an all-time high of $2.6 trillion. Previously, the total market value of encrypted currencies had reached an all-time high of $2.55 trillion on 12 May, and then continued to shrink for more than two months until July 21, when it fell to $1.25 trillion, dropping by more than 50 per cent, and then rising gradually.

随着加密货币市场大涨,近日持续走低的美股区块链板块应声上扬,嘉楠科技日内涨幅达5.22%,Bit Digital大涨10%。Riot Blockchain上涨5.86%,美股开盘前该板块就开始异动。

With the huge rise in the market for encrypted money, the American chain of blocks, which has continued to decline in recent days, has grown by 5.22 per cent and Bit Digital by 10 per cent on a daily basis. Riot Blockchain has risen by 5.86 per cent, and the plate has begun to change before the US shares open.


For the Chinese market, Bitcoin has been out of the upswing after the most stringent regulatory blow in history. The statistics show that the Bitcoin weekly average has been up for three consecutive weeks, and since then the adjusted low position of $28,800 has risen by more than 100%. Bitcoin has now moved to its highest point, $64843.


Supervised, and Bitcoin officially “de-Chinaized”


On 24 September, the United XI Department of the People's Bank of China issued a circular on further prevention and management of the risks associated with virtual currency transactions. On the same day, the National Development Reform Commission issued a circular on the management of virtual currency “mining” activities.


The two documents have reached “the highest level of severity in history.” A long-standing regulatory practitioner, Wu, told the interface that “this regulatory document is the most detailed and involves the largest number of departments, even 17 years of banning ICO documents.”


This two-pronged regulation of “virtual currency”, led by the National Development and Reform Commission to maintain a high-pressure stance on virtual currency mining, and led by the central bank to strike a precise blow to virtual currency transactions.


As a result of the withdrawal of the Bitcoin mine from China, the provinces of Zhejiang and Jiangsu have joined the mining monitoring wave and have taken a rigorous IP search to precisely block the access of the mine machines to the ponds, following the close scrutiny of the former mining provinces of Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and Sichuan.


On the other hand, all of the trading platforms with the largest global trade volume announced their “departure from mainland China.” All of the more than 10 trading platforms, including the currency, the currency, the currency, and the euro, have issued announcements or have ceased operations or will clear off their continental users.


While clearing the mainland of “mining” and “exchanges,” the Bitcoin panic index reached extreme fear, reflecting market pessimism. But since the regulatory document was reissued on 24 September, the market has not fluctuated significantly.


He said that since 19 May, when the regulatory policy involved “combating bitcoin mining,” the market had been panic-stricken, and that bitcoin prices had fallen by $10,000 from a $50,000 high, they were close to the low point at the beginning of the year. China’s exit funds from the crash would not return and would not have had an impact on the market since then.


And Wu would argue that the increase in bitcoin is linked to US funds.


SEC finally passed by Bitcoin futures ETF

10月16日,CoinDesk 消息,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 的 5 位委员举行会议后,于周五批准了基金管理公司 ProShares 推出美国首个上市的比特币期货 ETF。

On 16 October, CoinDesk reported that, following a meeting of five members of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Fund Manager ProShares had approved the launch of the first United States-listed Bitcoin Futures ETF on Friday.

该公司周五下午提交了相关发行文件,发行文件显示,该产品将基于比特币期货合约而非比特币现货,管理费为 0.95%,将在 NYSE Arca 交易所交易,交易代码为 BITO。

外媒报道称,ProShares发行的 BITO 可能会是一系列基于比特币期货的 ETF 产品的第一个,Valkyrie Investments、Invesco 和 VanEck 有可能在本月获批发行自己的比特币期货 ETF, Galaxy Digital、AdvisorShares、Bitwise、BlockFi 和 ARK Investment Management(方舟旗下) 则有可能在 11 月和 12 月获批推出产品。

The company submitted a related release document on Friday afternoon, which indicated that the product would be based on a Bitcoin futures contract rather than a bitcoin spot, with a management fee of 0.95 per cent, and would be traded on the NYSE Arca exchange with a trading code BITO.
. Foreign media sources reported that ProShares could be the first in a series of ETF products based on bitco futures, and that Valkyrie Investments, Invesco and Van Eck could have their own Bitco futures ETF, Galaxy Digital, AdvisorShers, Bitwise, BlockFi and ARK Investment Management (under the Ark flag) released products in November and December.

因为在美国市场,比特币交易型开放式指数基金(exchange-traded funds,ETF)意味着通过实物担保的形式可将比特币证券化,投资者仅需购买该机构所发行的基金份额,即可间接持有相应投资标的的敞口。在美国交易市场,ETF相关的交易量占比达到30%。所以包括近日大热的方舟资本等对冲基金、投资银行都纷纷加入了申请浪潮。


Because in the United States market, the Bitcoin-traded open index fund (ETF) means that Bitcoin can be securitized by way of a physical guarantee, investors simply need to buy a share of the funds issued by the agency to hold the corresponding investment bid indirectly. In the United States trading market, ETF-related transactions amount to 30%. So investment banks, including hedge funds such as the recently hot ark capital, have joined the tide.


For the encrypt currency community, SEEC formally increased the exposure of traditional funds to the encrypt currency through the Bitcoin futures ETF, meaning that Bitcoin was recognized as a conforming commodity and asset and was a great advantage to the encrypt currency, and that the company was in a queue to submit the related ETF to Bitcoin eight years ago before the break-off of this year's SEC, but none was adopted.


For traditional funds, it is most important to have the right access, and the key to breaking the trillion dollar market value of this round of bitcoin is the analogous bitcoin trust fund launched by traditional institutions represented by greyscale capital, as well as the compliance gold route provided by Coinbase, which gives a new growth space for encrypted currency.


But professional financial institutions have a huge demand for financial services, and access to bitcoin is clearly not sufficient compared to other assets, such as bulk commodities, corporate bonds, etc., and what is more important for Wall Street in the United States is the Bitcoin ETF. Before the United States, South America and Canada had pioneered the Bitcoin-related ETF.


With the SEC passing through the Bitcoin futures ETF, the Bitcoin price was close to US$ 63,000, one step from its historical height.




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