排名 |
币种名 | 美元价格$ | 24H涨跌幅 |
流通市值$ |
初始发行价 |
24h最高价 |
24h最低价 |
1 |
OP Optimism |
$1.78 | -0.86% | 17.8亿 | -- | $1.84 | $1.75 |
以太坊网络的发展:OP的价格受以太坊网络发展和升级的影响,特别是其Layer 2扩展解决方案的效率和安全性。
监管政策和市场环境:全球加密货币市场的监管政策和整体市场环境,尤其是对Layer 2解决方案和以太坊扩展的政策,可能会影响OP的价格。
竞争环境:OP在数字货币市场中面临来自其他Layer 2解决方案和加密货币的竞争。
Optimism (OP) 作为一个专注于提高以太坊网络可扩展性的Layer 2解决方案,其价格受多种因素的影响,包括以太坊网络的发展、市场情绪、技术创新、市场流动性、监管政策以及竞争环境。投资者在考虑投资OP时,应综合考虑这些因素及其可能的长期影响。随着以太坊网络的不断发展和对高效Layer 2解决方案的需求增加,OP有潜力在加密货币市场中发挥重要作用。然而,市场的不确定性和监管环境的变化也可能对OP的价格产生影响。因此,投资者应密切关注相关的市场动态和技术进展,以做出明智的投资决策。
Due to the decline in user activity and the prices of most crypto assets, Optimism’s TVL has dropped by 11% since the year began....
我们很高兴分享我们对超级链关键组件的看法,Optimism治理的未来符合Law of Chains框架,以及我们如何推进技术性能提高以支持多链结构,培育一个包容且繁荣的生态。...
We are pleased to share our views on the key components of the superchain, the future of Optimism governance in line with the Law of Chase framework, and how we can move forward with technology improvements to support multi-chain structures and foster an inclusive and prosperous ecology...
The running node for langer2 is that data can be obtained from the DA layer (layer 1) and complete langer2 block data can be constructed. This is how this process is done in codebase...
In this section, it is mainly used to explain how optimism uses libp2p to complete the p2p network in op-node...
区块的传递是整个 optimism rollup 系统中较为重要的概念,在这一章节,我们将从介绍 optimism 中多种 sync 方式的原理,来揭开整个系统里区块的传递过程。...
The transfer of blocks is the more important concept in the entire optimism roll group system, and in this chapter we will decipher the transfer of blocks throughout the system by introducing the principles of multiple sync modes in the optimism.