
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:20 评论:0



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Good Tuesday evening, when you're off work, let me remind you that you can read the evening papers on the subway, whether you sit or you stand upside down. Look what happened today.


It is clear that bitcoin is a moth, but today's news for bitcoin players may not be that good.





According to , the founder of Bitcoin sold his own bitcoin for “too high a risk” and wondered if the remaining players smelled a dangerous smell.


比特币网是世界上最大的比特币网站之一,由于比特币价格飙升,该网站今年获得了巨大的发展。但是其联合创始人兼首席技术官埃米尔-奥尔登堡(Emil Oldenburg)却对比特币的未来持怀疑态度。

Bitcoin is one of the largest bitcoin sites in the world, and because of the surge in bitcoin prices, the site has grown dramatically this year. But its co-founder and chief technical officer, Amir-Oldenburg, is skeptical about the future of bitcoin.



In an interview with the media, Oldenburg said: “I would like to say that the investment in Bitcoin is the most risky investment you can make today, and that there is a very high risk in it.”



But, in fact, Aldenberg sold all the bitcoins in exchange for bitcoin cash. Bitcoin is a derivative that was separated from bitcoin in August this year, and has recently become the second largest encrypted currency in the world.



He also said, "As long as the network is run by those on the old bitcoin network, bitcoin will not become the daily currency. The solution will be found in bitcoin cash, and I think bitcoin cash is the future."


It's a wave of public opinion and a wave of hardness. Today, however, there's probably more than one news that bothers bitcoin players.



TechWeb今日报道,有国外媒体称金融市场行为管理局局长安德鲁·贝利(Andrew Bailey)告诉英国广播公司(BBC),央行和政府都不支持“货币”,因此这不是一个安全的投资。

TechWeb reported today that the foreign media claimed that the Director of the Financial Markets Conduct Authority, Andrew   Bailey, told BBC , that neither central banks nor governments supported “currency” and that therefore this was not a secure investment.



He also warns that buying bitcoins is similar to gambling and has the same level of risk. If people invest in bitcoins, they are ready to “lost all money”.



Moreover, Bailey said: “Those who believe that by using the name of an encrypted currency, this is the same risk as what economists call a legal currency. However, the legal currency is supported by the state, not by bitcoin, which is not the currency.”



The hotspots about Bitcoin may be going on for a while, and we're seeing a lot more at home than at home.


Does it still ring any bells on the news of Kyoto and the Penitentiaries? Ali Baba responded quickly to the news and the killing.





According to Chinese-run newspaper , the Chairman of the Public Relations Committee of the Alibaba Group, Lord Wang, in a speech at a recent general meeting, appears to have responded to the actions of the “Tungcing Council” and the recent evangelical and Kyoto Stock Exchanges.



In his message, the King-in-Chief said, "We have seen a lot of cups for the red-faced antimonopoly coalition. Why is it not strategic laziness and introspection, and tactical path dependence and burning impulses?"



Interestingly, Matten once said, “We do not have a whole life in our hands, but a half in our hands, and the other half in our ecology.” In response to a recent competitor's statement, the prince responded by saying that he gave half his life to his partner, but a big premise was that your half life had not been given to your partner, but the whole life of the partner was given to you and to your entrance.



This wave of responses is technically full.



The concept of “new retailing” is indeed loud, and several other power-marketing platforms are being heavily financed, and Sunin's side is giving its “intellectual retail” power.





IT House news. Suning convened today in Nanjing the “Smart Retail Development Strategy and Partnership Signing Conference”, at which Sunin took the view that Sunning had gone through the “+ Internet” and “Internet+” phases and now has to use the Internet and material networking technology to create his own “smart retail” ecological layout, and to achieve “smart retailing” over the next three years.



But perhaps the highlight of this Assembly is not Suning, but Wang Jianlin of the Near East Station, once again expressing his own unique vision of the current hot concept of “new retailing”.





According to information from , Wang Jianlin stated that in recent years China's retail industry has introduced many new terms, such as “smart retailing” by Zhang Jindong, “new retailing” by Ma Yun, “free retailing” by Liu Keungdong,” “what to say now is to wait for the horse,” but that the final essence is retail, regardless of what is added to it , Internet purchases can never replace experience consumption, Vanda is in principle no less than 60 per cent of new and older shops experience consumption is expected to experience 70 per cent of consumption in three to four years.



The share of e-commerce may not be so important. The news of the mass lay-offs of the Vanda electrician “Flying Van” has spread for a day now, and the officials in charge of the Vanda Net Section have responded that it is simply “optimizing the personnel structure” that the data on the lay-offs cannot be verified.



It appears that Wanda is determined to uphold the principle of the real economy and that, in the face of the changing nature of technology and the economic market, the Mystery side has had to embark on a series of adjustments.





, based on online material, confirmed to Hmong's Senior Vice-President for Science and Technology, Mt.



In June of this year, Xinjiang technology announced the division of Xinjiang and Twilight Blue brands, from which Xinjiang brands have been transformed to produce only fine products, with a greater focus on young people. In the recent past, Xinjiangs have made an organizational restructuring process that has led to the creation of three new ministries, namely, overseas, electricity, and accessories, together with a series of personnel adjustments, with the company’s finances and sales-related operations reported to the yellow chapter. & nbsp;



It is known that next year all the mobile phones of the Mystery Enterprise will be designed and grinded by the yellow seal itself. This yellow medal will plan and build a single-hand capture of the phantom and phantom products, and it seems likely that a “dream machine” will be available on the mobile phone market next year.



By contrast, China seems to have been full of harvests this year, with new items being released almost every month. With the exception of mobile phones, it is now the end of the year that the new router forecast will be forgotten.





news that China is the remaining CEO owner of the terminal, and will soon release a flagship router. < http://mo.techweb.com.cn/digi/2017-12-19/2620033.shtml > >target="TechWeb news that will soon be released.



Finally, since China has revealed a heavy-pound flag router for the surplus, it is highly likely that it will be a high-end series router, perhaps for a business-level router, and that it will be easy to judge that a high-end network will be used.



In the market for the Internet and computer hardware, Heideer is working in his own profession, in addition to a florist router.



Since the sale of solid-state hard drives, it seems that there is no longer a good day for mechanical hard drives, with players choosing faster and better SSDs. Mechanical hard drives have to keep their market rates at lower prices.


IT之家今日消息,希捷今天推出了自家硬盘的多执行器(Multi Actuator)技术,这一突破可以使机械硬盘的读写性能提升一倍左右。

IT House news of today's launch of the multi-operator


Multi Actuator在原来单电机的概念上又引入了一个电机,使得硬盘可以被两组驱动臂读取数据,使得机械硬盘的读写速度翻倍。当然,成本的增加肯定带来价格的上涨,不过大家都知道,“硬盘”还是得用好的。

Multi-Actuator introduced another electric machine into the original single-power concept, allowing hard drives to read and write data, doubling the speed of mechanical hard drives. Of course, cost increases will lead to price increases, but, as you know, hard drives are still good.


All right, let's get this straight:





According to information from today, 360 reconfigured subject Jiang Nam Kajee disclosed the supplementary independent financial consultant's report, which disclosed specific details of 360 restructured Jiang Nam Jiaje, including information that 360 would delay the start-up of $3 billion worth of privatization loan repayments.



According to the report, the company’s top management list, which is no longer the subject of the joint CFO Xu Yi, was once the president of 360 listed companies. Mobile finance and other operations outside the Tianjinchis system, i.e., after 360 has been successfully reorganized, finance, mobile phones, etc. will not be listed for the time being.



At the end of the day, there are two other social news stories:




According to Newjing newspaper , this morning a fire broke out at a workshop of Shandong Ilko Chemical Co. Ltd. in Changle County, Shandong County. The accident resulted in seven deaths and four injuries. Currently, the fire has been extinguished and the cause of the accident is still under investigation.



There is also the highly controversial case of eight tigers injured in the past year, which was heard today in the Beijing Yeongqing District Court.



News of the New Kyoto newspaper . This morning, the Beijing Yanqing District Court opened a separate public hearing in accordance with the law in the case of the plaintiff Zhao, Zhao Xiao, week (the deceased's daughter, husband, father) , against the defendant, Beijing World Wildlife World Ltd., and the plaintiff, Jo Ho, Beijing Wildlife World Limited, on the right to health. The plaintiff sued the defendant Zoo Zoo for $2.18 million. At 14.18 p.m., the hearing in both cases ended, and the court will decide on a different day.


That's all for today's evening paper. It's useless. Good night to all of you.




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