As an electronic payment system based on mathematical proof, Bitcoin was able to move in a safe, verifiable, and unchangeable way, and now has a lot of applications in our real-life life, and now investors in Bitcoin are increasing. So who invented this bitcoin?
The founder of the Bitcoin concept was Bint Bent, who was the developer and founder of Bitcoin. In a recent interview, Tesla CEO Elon-Masque, who gave his opinion and quoted Shaon.
马斯克似乎同意很多人的看法,认为超级神秘的加密货币专家尼克·萨博(Nick Szabo)可能就是比特币的神秘创造者“中本聪”(Satoshi Nakamoto)。
Mr. Mask seems to agree with many that Nick Szabo, a super-secret cryptographic currency expert, may be the “medium-brain” of Bitcoin's mysterious creator.
马斯克在周二与人工智能研究者Lex Fridman的一次直播访谈中说:“你可以看看比特币推出之前创意的演变,看看是谁写了这些创意。”
In a live interview with Lex Fridman, an AI researcher, on Tuesday, he said, "You can see the evolution of ideas before Bitcoin was launched and who wrote them."
Mr. Mask went on to say that while he “manifestly” did not know who created Bitcoin, Sabo's theory seemed to be crucial to the creation of this leading encrypted currency.
He said, "It seems that Nick Saber is more likely than the rest of us to be responsible for the evolution of these ideas. Although he claims that he is not half-brained, I'm not sure it's true. But he seems to be the biggest promoter of the ideas behind Bitcoin, more than anyone else."
Bitcoin was originally proposed by the “Middle East” in October 2008 as a pen name, and it is believed that he may be one or several persons.
In 2014, a linguistic research team studied the medium-blind Bitcoin White Paper, as well as Sapo and 10 other potential creators'articles, and found that the results appeared to be indisputable.
The researchers said, “The linguistic similarities between Sabo's work and the Bitcoin White Paper are incredible,” and added, “No other possible authors match this.”
2015年的一篇报道也将比特币的发明归于萨博。他曾公开谈论比特币和区块链技术的历史,但他多次否认自己是这一数字资产背后的匿名发明者。他与比特币联系在一起的另一个原因是他在1998年创造了“比特黄金”(bit gold)这一加密货币。
He has spoken openly about the history of Bitcoin and block chain technology, but he has repeatedly denied that he is the anonymous inventor behind this number of assets. Another reason for his association with Bitcoin is that he created an encrypted currency, bit gold, in 1998.
In his interview on Tuesday, Mask said he thought that the identity of the creator of Bitcoin was not important: "What is the name? It's just a symbol attached to an idea. What's the point?"
2008年11月1日,一个自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人在一个隐秘的密码学评论组上贴出了一篇研讨陈述,陈述了他对电子货币的新设想——比特币就此面世,比特币的首笔交易完成。
On 1 November 2008, a self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto posted a discussion statement on a secret cryptography review team setting out his new vision of electronic currency — the birth of Bitcoin — and the completion of its first deal.
Bitcoin extricates itself from the third-party system by exposing the spread of the ledger, which is known as the “regional chain”. Users are willing to dedicate their CPU capacity to running a special software as a “digger” that will form a network to maintain the “regional chain.” In this process, they will also generate new currency. Trade also extends over the network, and the computer truth that runs the software solves the impregnable dark code problem, which contains several sales data. The first “miner” who deals with the problem will be rewarded with 50bits and the relevant buying and selling area added to the chain.
In 2009, Nakamoto designed a digital currency, the Bitcoin, where the hot and hot bitcoin market rose and fell, while the identity of its founder, the “medium bellowed” was always a mystery, and rumours about the “father of Bitcoin” involved the movement from the United States National Security Agency to the financial expert, as well as giving Bitcoin a mysterious ring of light.
What is in the circle above is a detailed answer to the question of who invented Bitcoin. Indeed, as Mask said, the identity of the creator of Bitcoin is not important; it is a codename, and we know exactly who he is. After Bitcoin was on track in 2011, he said in his e-mail that he had been transferred to something else, so there was no need to pay much attention to his real identity. Because he had millions of bitcoins in his account, he should have known that his presence was likely to cause unnecessary trouble and controversy, so he chose to hide his identity.
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