
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:54 评论:0



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对于区块链领域来说,2020年绝对是有划时代意义的一年,DeFi的爆火让越来越多的人开始关注去中心化这一概念,这也将是网络中的下一个前沿,网络去中心化的这场运动就是Web3.0。众所周知,我们的互联网此前已经经历了Web1.0时代与Web2.0时代,Web1.0即最初的互联网,仅仅是网页网络,而Web2.0已经演化成为了社交网络,用户开始通过社交媒体开始生成自己的内容,而对于即将到来的Web3.0 时代,Web3.0与区块链有什么关系呢?区块链Web3.0是什么意思?下面就让币圈子小编来为大家解答。

In the area of block chains, 2020 was definitely a landmark year, and DeFi’s fire began to focus more and more attention on the concept of decentralisation, which will be the next frontier of the network. The decentralisation campaign is Web3.0. As you know, our Internet has been through Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, the first Internet, is just a web network, and Web 2.0 has evolved into a social network, and users are beginning to generate their own content through social media, and what does Web3.0 have to do with the block chain in the upcoming Web3.0? What does the block chain Web3.0 mean?



Web 3.0提出了一种去中心化的替代方案,建立在点对点的模式上。实际上,如果你知道怎么下载非法电影,你可能对这种模式已经很熟悉了。相比Netflix流媒体电影将内容上传到AWS服务器的模式,变成你将直接从网络中的其他计算机下载文件。在这个过程中,你可能会连接到100台不同的 “对等 “计算机,每台计算机都会向你发送数据。即使有几台下线了,你仍然能够从其他在线的对等机上下载数据。

Web 3.0 proposes a decentralised alternative, based on a point-to-point model. In fact, if you know how to download illegal films, you may already be familiar with this model. You can download data from other computers directly from the network, as opposed to Netflix-based media movies that upload content to the AWS server. In this process, you may connect to 100 different “reciprocal” computers, and each computer sends data to you.


In decentralised networks, the principle of direct point-to-point networks is applied to websites and web applications. As a user, you receive a copy of the site you visit, which is then disseminated to other users who visit the same site, and to others.

去中心化模式可以应用于网络生态系统的任何部分,包括虚拟主机、存储、域名系统、应用程序和搜索功能。举个例子,去中心化存储在很长一段时间内都是加密领域的重中之重,已知的玩家有MaidSafeCoin和Storj。其想法是,用户存储数据的方式和今天使用Dropbox或Google Drive一样,但在后端其实有一个分布式网络,数据就存储在那里。有趣的是,任何人都可以成为存储提供商,为网络贡献存储空间。

Decentralization models can be applied to any part of the network's ecosystem, including virtual hosts, storage, domain name systems, applications and search functions. For example, decentralization is a top priority in encryption for a long time, with Maid SafeCoin and Stotj known players. The idea is that users store data in the same way that they use Dropbox or Google Drive today, but there is a distributed network at the back end, where data are stored. Interestingly, anyone can be a repository provider, contributing storage space to the network.


In such cases, the difficulty for any centralised agency to block or control the flow of information on the Internet will be much greater. Any agent seeking to extract and analyse user data will no longer have a single source for digging, but will need to retrieve data from potentially millions of storage locations: filtered through IP packages.

有了这一点,web 3.0就改变了当前中心化网络造成的权利的不平衡,并将信息发布的权力重新交到个人手中。而这正是互联网先驱们对互联网的最初构想。

With this in mind, web 3.0 has changed the imbalance of rights created by the current centralized network and has returned the power to publish information to the individual, which was the original idea of the Internet by the Internet pioneers.


The block chain provides a new economic model for Web3.0. Companies that no longer have central servers (e.g. Google, Facebook, tweaking, Amazon, Ali, etc.) have enormous wealth.


If you develop DAPP, publish valuable content on the web, or contribute to the network, you'll have more tokens, you'll have more wealth.


First, there is a network of many independent nodes, and even if one or two of these nodes are hacked down and thousands of nodes are stored with safe and valid data. Even if a node is paralyzed, the block chain network can function properly.


Second, a decentralized network, completely excluding intermediaries, does not need to trust any company, and does not need to trust any third party, the code or the law. Just trust the mathematical and computational principles of block-chain construction.


Third, the mechanism of consensus in the block chain does not require a central authority for decision-making, all nodes for data preservation in the network, driven by incentives to come together for joint decision-making: what the database should be, what it should accept, and what it should reject. This determines the authenticity of the block chain database.


Fourth, the block chain brings a new economic model to Web3.0. Companies that no longer have a central server (e.g. Google, Facebook, tether, Amazon, Ali, etc.) have enormous wealth.


If you develop DAPP, publish valuable content on the web, or contribute to the network, you'll have more tokens, you'll have more wealth.


Fifthly, there will be no need to store large amounts of data on future servers, and the deployment of new servers will be easier and cheaper.


In summary, this is the answer to the question of what is meant by “Web 3.0” of the block chain. It is hoped that it will help investors. Here, the coin ring will remind investors that there are still many gaps in block chain technology, mainly in terms of scalability, interoperability and overall application, so that by now the network of blocks is unable to run some larger Dapps, as in the case of Web1.0, where one can only look at text and images. But technology always evolves, and the coin circle is convinced that, over time, technology will evolve according to people’s needs, and that the current deficit will eventually become history.




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