Foreign exchange market: a market that deals in marketable securities, such as foreign currency and instruments denominated in foreign currency, is a major component of financial markets. Before, knowledge of the foreign exchange market was merely a concept of foreign currency, but after several periods, it was better understood and foreign exchange transactions were applied...
10月31日 19:40
Foreign exchange investment means that we convert the national currency into foreign currency and then earn higher interest on the deposits, or invest directly in counterpart countries, such as buying shares, bonds or real estate, or expect future foreign exchange to appreciate against the national currency in order to earn exchange earnings. From the time of holding, foreign exchange investment can be divided into long-term investments...
10月31日 19:40
Foreign exchange is not easy, but it's not easy. Foreign exchange transactions cannot be made on the basis of a moment's luck and intuition, a gambler's mind, so even if you make a temporary profit, they won't last forever. The foreign exchange market is a high-risk market, with huge daily turnover, and exchange rate fluctuations have attracted the entire market to countless...
10月31日 19:40
Investors with some experience in the foreign exchange market know how the foreign exchange is going. But for newcomers, they probably don't even understand the simplest and most important foreign exchange price. Let's see how the foreign exchange price is divided into several, and let's see what we know about it.
10月31日 19:40
A technical analysis of foreign exchange transactions is a study of past price and volume data, which then predicts future price trends. You can use either day-to-day (five-minute, 15-minute, one-hour-line) or weekly or monthly technical analysis. What are the methods of foreign exchange technology analysis?
10月31日 19:40
Foreign exchange technology analysis is a method of analysing and predicting future trends in foreign exchange prices based on historical foreign exchange trends. For various graphs that reflect foreign exchange movements, they record and indicate, respectively, that historical prices of various foreign exchange types appear to be moving upwards, downwards, or downwards over time. Foreign exchange trends...
10月31日 19:40
In the course of the technical analysis of foreign exchange transactions, trends analysis and morphological analysis, in particular the support and resistance to exchange rate fluctuations, make it possible to easily determine the key price position that limits the movement of the exchange rate, but when the exchange price arrives, it will make a breakthrough and become one of the more difficult to grasp...
10月31日 19:40
技术分析是对投资者行为及其对市场价格变动之影响的研究。您在市场价格图表上看到的上下变动反映出供求的波动。图表分析师通过观察这些上下波动的图形来识别所形成的走势,从而估算出相关市场未来可能发生的变动。 ...
Technical analysis is a study of investor behaviour and its impact on market price movements. The top-down changes you see on market price charts reflect fluctuations in supply and demand. Chart analysts identify trends by looking at these up-and-down fluctuations, thereby estimating possible future changes in the relevant markets...
10月31日 19:40
The exchange rate is influenced by a number of factors, but to some extent, the current exchange rate movements, whether rising or falling, have the potential to make some gains. Today, the editor-in-chief tells you what the main factors are affecting exchange rate fluctuations. One of the trends in foreign exchange rates...
10月31日 19:40
Investors often use a number of technical indicators to make objective judgements about navigation and the timing of entry, and the correct use of the concept will help investors better analyse markets. What are the commonly used indicators for foreign exchange transactions? Indicator 1: Graphical foreign exchange transactions tend to look at graphic shifts. There are several graphics that deserve a high degree of appreciation...
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