Standing in a Chinese study of ancient fragrance, with a table about two metres long. On the table, the pens, ink, paper, platinum lined up, and next to the furnaces lit a smoke. Far away, the sound of the bamboo flute spreads, and the traditional instruments, such as the Meadows and the Kikes, grow.
Under the melody of the country's winding BGM, young man Xiaomin, wearing a tidal hoodie, is in the middle of it, picking up brushes and waving ink, at times practicing the role models of the male and at times writing the sketches of the beautiful body, as if they were back in the millennia of the time of Tang Song.
This pass-through is neither in novels, nor in cultural landscapes, but in VR virtual worlds. A post-95 senior VR player, Min-min, said that this was a recent Chinese book-law simulation of the VR's online, and that players could use ink and brush to create barrier-free creations on virtual paper and to feel traditional book-law art.
In the theatres and comment areas of the major social platforms, a number of web users left a message in Min's shared video saying, "Oh, my God, it's ancient." Passage scenes, coupled with immersed book-writing experiences, are beginning to fall in love with traditional culture in the virtual world. The wind, the heat of the tide, is blowing into the VR circle.
In recent years, young people’s enthusiasm for China’s traditional culture has grown. The emergence of new technologies and forms such as VR, Yuan cosmos, and others, has provided a space for development for the immersion of traditional culture.
What's the experience of playing the wind in the dollar universe?
"Before the new rain of the mountains, the weather comes late in the autumn." A song by Wang Wai became the most frequent poem by Min-min in VR encounters.
According to Min, in order for newcomers to experience the fun of book law, The Ink Rhym recorded more than 10 ads, including poems such as Li Bai and Wang Wei. Even if they have not been exposed to novel law, they can come and increase the appreciation of book law in a subtle way.
“In reality, it's possible to experience a book law once and for all, but in the VR world, I can feel the brushes, the pens in Chinese, or even the ink in my own hand.” Of course, for Minx, the most ceremonial thing is that, after every creation, she can stamp her own DIY and put her name on the drop box. “It's like creating an ancient name.”
In Minxy’s view, VR practice, in addition to providing you with a novel experience, carries the meaning of cultural transmission. Before spring this year, Min was able to experience Ink's Width with a 10-year-old niece. In my mind, on New Year’s Eve, the niece actually bought a red spring piece of paper, where she developed a brush.
In the community of surprises, Min also observed that many young people were sharing their books and drawings of ink. In addition, by bringing their own English version, the Ink Rhyming was favoured by many foreigners, allowing the populists to move to the world.
♪ From the community of surprises ♪ ♪ VR community ♪ shared ♪
Unlike an experienced player like Minx, the VR painter's penguin mother has been working on VR painting for almost three years, one of the directions of the national wind.
2016年,谷歌发布一款VR专用绘画软件《Tilt Brush》,用户可以在虚拟空间内实现全3D作画效果,使用者涂抹的不仅有颜料,还有各种各样的动态光效笔刷,甚至可以360度旋转画布,并穿越它。
In 2016, Google released a VR-specific painting software, Tilt Brush, which allows users to produce a full 3D painting effect in virtual space, with not only paint, but also a variety of dynamic light brushes, even 360 degrees of spinning canvas, and through it.
This is also the first time that a VR painting has entered public view. In the years that followed, this 3D painting has quickly attracted the attention of a group of overseas artists, as well as professional VR professional painters.
The mother of the penguins told us that when she was exposed to VR paintings in 2019, they were not yet popular in the country, and many of the shaped VR paintings were done by overseas artists, mostly Disney and Manwe styles in the United States, Japanese second dollar cultural cartoons and European oil paintings, which are still rare.
“We in China have great cultural sophistication, and if we combine this new technological approach with traditional culture, we will not have the unintended effect.” With this idea, the penguin mother learned to draw VR herself and started trying to create the theme of the national wind.
In less than two years, she has continued to produce impressive VR-country paintings, such as The Little Lion of the Nation, The Water-Knocking Pond, and has regularly interacted with international VR painters, giving the culture of the nation a place in the global VR painting field.
At this year’s spring and evening festival, the penguin mother engraved for the audience the golden age of the New Year’s Lights. In the picture, the Sheng Tang building came together with the coloured lights, the red silk was connected to a blessing lamp, and the country’s tidal lions sat on red columns in different shapes, creating a 3D panorama, “The moon and the light fly with each other at night.”
The audience commented: "Looking back at the long street of the Sunshine Festival in Hong Kong, there was a light walking in the painting, the feeling that people were swimming in poetry, and it was still the traditional culture that was most touched by it." More surprising, she used only one brush, and in the VR 3D world, she gave everyone a romantic sense of the beauty of the nation.
Throughout the process, penguin mothers also felt young people’s love for VR-country paintings. “Traditional culture can also become more fashionable, with young people’s historical memory and cultural identity awakened in the form of VRs when museum monuments, valuable heritage, etc.”
Today, the mother of the penguins is still trying to do more national styles. "The brilliant mural has so far had two versions, the first to restore it in a linear way, and the second to refer to the elements of the shadow picture, which combines black clips with light. She also expects that her work will enable more young people to fall in love with traditional culture.
brings traditional culture up
Underlying a series of national wind-type VR applications and productions is the youth’s preference for the culture of the country’s wind.
In recent years, traditional cultures have flourished, and the cultural self-confidence of young people has gradually increased, giving them a broad popular base. In both the visual and consumer spheres, the country’s winds have shown strong momentum.
On the visual side, from The Return of the Great Saints to The Emergence of the Devil's Child, it is clear that the viewers are very receptive to contemporary interpretation of classical myths using the latest animated techniques; Aichi has launched a series of IPs entitled “The cosmos of the Ancient City of Huaxia”, which has been followed by a new film entitled “The Windy Luoyang,” which has led the viewers to take over the traditional culture of China. On television, traditional cultural dance shows have become more popular, with the Tang Palace Night Dinners showing a beautiful view, and “The Florage of the Colors” has led the country to the modern Chinese culture, and the Greens have shown the Song Chili River mountain, which has brought to a new peak the artistic treasure of traditional culture, such as the Chinese culture, traditional musical instruments and the nation's dance.
在消费领域,《2022 Z世代消费指数报告》指出,“超六成Z世代受访者首先会考虑国货品牌,他们喜欢的国潮元素包括中国红、水墨、故宫、神话故事以及经典IP再现等。”“国潮热”的背后是青年群体对传统文化的自信。
In the area of consumption, the 2022 Z Generation Consumer Index Report states that “more than 60% of the respondents of the Z generation consider national brands first, and the elements of the national tide that they like include Chinese red, ink, the palace, myths and the reappearance of classic IPs.” Behind the “national fever” is the confidence of youth groups in traditional culture.
As a result, when the winds of the country became “explosive” for young people, new technologies such as VR began to clash more with traditional cultures.
As early as 2017, the Palace launched the VR Museum, where people can travel freely with VR glasses, so that they can walk into the area that is not open. In the same way, brilliant murals have opened up new life in the VR. Through the "The Enlightened Secrets - Song Tsang VR Interactive Exhibitions, viewers can see cultural treasures such as the 12mongs and 103mongs, and can interact with them and feel the flying dances that come from each side of the sky. In different cities, they have attracted a lot of young people to play cards.
但由于几年前消费级VR硬件设备、内容生态还在早期发展阶段,大多数年轻人还需要到指定场所完成体验。而现在情况则大有不同,IDC数据显示,2021年全球AR/VR头显出货量已达 1123 万台。VR一体机设备愈发普及、元宇宙概念随之到来,让传统文化、创作国风作品等有了更多样、宽广的空间。
However, since consumer-grade VR hardware equipment and content ecology were still in their early stages of development a few years ago, most young people still need to go to the designated sites to complete their experiences. Now, the situation is quite different, with IDC data showing that the volume of AR/VR heads worldwide in 2021 reached 11.23 million.
In the past few years, VR user groups have been relatively small, closed circles, and VR experience games on the market have been dominated by hard nuclears. In these two years, VR one machines have gradually overcome problems such as previous low clarity, poor recognition and dizziness, and have achieved a balance of performance and portability at the hardware level.
“It is a clear feeling that in the past we have not seen the content of a national wind for a long time, but now, every month or even every few weeks, there is a national wind or elements of a national wind, and the content of a national VR is starting to grow at a significant rate.” Jiang Ji mentioned.
According to the musical sports-like game called The Play for the Future in VR, the creators of the game have recently upgraded the content by adding a brilliant, Hangzhou theme scene, where players can either wave a light sword in a brilliant skylight painting or dance in a mirage of bamboo forests. And mountain paintings and choreographs of the country’s wind are part of yet another meditation application of VR. These elements of the country’s culture have been added to it without deliberate manipulation and have reduced the user’s acceptance threshold for the country’s culture, while still preserving their deep Chinese cultural resonance.
Interestingly, Kang Jie also observed that, in addition to domestic creators, there are many overseas developers who have introduced content in combination with Chinese wind elements, such as tri-topics, kung fu games, etc.
In Kang Jie's view, the combination of traditional culture and VR should not be merely a follower, but should also take advantage of the immersion and interaction of the VR to make use of the sensory value of VR's presence. “In terms such as Inkweet, we found in our earlier understanding that, in addition to creating an atmosphere of ancient fragrance, the team of creators, using the `gold of Gods',' which is the subject of the book-law system, has even done as much as possible to make a true brush-touching effort as possible in order to ensure that users are able to maximize the impact of their pens.”
At the same time, the introduction of VR paintings in the country, such as Elephant World, has led to an innovative expression of traditional culture. Kang Jie has told us that in the creative activities organized by the community of wonders, there are a lot of young people who are starting to create national scenes, such as pottery and ink-and-water paintings.
“China, as an ancient country that has inherited thousands of years of civilization, has so much to love and be celebrated as a cultural treasure. We hope to combine new technologies with traditional cultures, allowing more young people to travel through the VR to the air of history, and making the conversation between the ages real.” Kang-jae is aware.
Virtual New World: The Wind of Nations
In the past, young people wanted to experience summer’s 5,000-year-old culture, more by listening to it, by looking at it and by seeing it in their minds. Now, through technology such as VR, virtual production, people are actually able to get into another time, feel the life of the millennium summer, and experience a different life.
In addition to the VR online content of some of the wind-like VRs, such as Ink Rhyun, the VR full-time film created by the Aichi culture will also be created in the middle of the year. Through the bottom-up VR exploration, people will travel back to the ancient city of Luoyang to experience the popular rivers, temple halls, folk fireworks, and China’s brilliant civilization that emerged from that era, making the country a way of life.
"The Wind" by Luoyang
As Aichi has previously revealed, the whole project will be re-created on the basis of the original IP, innovatively combining professional actor performances, visual viewing and VRs to form an experience of virtual integration. Players will cut their bodies to the bumpy sense of the carriage, raft drift, etc., and outside of the hearing vision, the tactile, smelling, etc. will also be mobilized and experienced.
It is believed that, in the near future, more forms of cultural interaction will emerge between nations that break false borders.
According to VR player Min-min, the multi-person social attributes of VR can also be extended to the nation's wind. "It would be more fun if we could work with our friends over a distance, even if we could write one by one, one by one, and have an ancient taste for each other."
专业领域对VR的需求也不可忽视。企鹅妈妈希望VR创作可以具有更多实用性。“现在的创作应用笔刷较少,精度比传统绘画和三维建模要低,希望未来能有更精细的工具出现,让VR创作门槛变得更低。” 企鹅妈妈还畅想,未来也许可以在VR世界里复刻瓷器、烧制汝窑。
The need for VRs cannot be ignored in the field of specialization. Penguin mothers want VR creation to be more practical. “There are fewer brushes to write, less precision than traditional paintings and three-dimensional modelling, and it is hoped that more sophisticated tools will emerge in the future, making VR creation thresholds even lower.” Penguin mothers also think that in the future they may be able to re-engineer ceramics and burn your kilns in the VR world.
As a VR practitioner, Kang Jie would like to see the national VR content go to the world and explore more forms in the metaspace. “We are also working with the content of higher education institutions to develop valuable national wind ideas and look forward to developing a sense of understanding among young people, both at home and abroad.”
We can imagine that when more and more young people take up VR for writing and ink painting and other forms of wind creation, “living” will not only be traditional culture, but also the ethos that has been passed on from generation to generation. We have more reason to believe that the future, both in the real world and in virtual space, is just and red.
(The interviewee becomes aliases)
Photos, text sources: Aichi Industries Express, Light Net
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