韩国刮整治风暴比特币暴跌13% 全球央行态度趋同

资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:22 评论:0



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ran into the Bitcoin trading market in Seoul, where “Mam Jiangnan” was troubled by the news that the South Korean government intended to close the Bitcoin exchange by legislation on 11 September, which also caused the Bitcoin price to suffer a “worst blow.” At about 12.30 p.m. on 11 p.m. Beijing time, Bitcoin lost $13,000, the largest fall on that day was over 13%. As of the date of the release, Bitcoin recovered some of the lost ground.


South Korea is currently the third-largest trading country in bitcoin except Japan and the United States, and once a new deal is regulated, it will certainly have a huge impact on global virtual currency transactions. Indeed, the global central bank’s approach to bitcoin is convergent: it does not constitute a legal currency, and it needs to pay sufficient attention to potential risks.


However, the big Wall Streeters are still arguing about the huge ups and downs of Bitcoin. “Equant” Buffett has publicly denied the value of Bitcoin before; while Chairman Morgan Chase and CEO Jamie Damon continue to say that Bitcoin has no interest but to regret his earlier comments on Bitcoin.


At the New Year's Forum held at the Shanghai Institute of Advanced Finance (SAIF) of Shanghai Transport University, Chairman Cao Xiaofeng of the rice tank finance board argued that block chain technology could increase efficiency on a large scale, but that it was more speculative in various virtual currency transactions at present.



“The reasons for this fall are more clear than before.” South Korea’s bitcoin player Park Eun-chung said to the first financial journalist that the price of bitcoin had fallen several times over the past six months, and that the analysis of the reasons was mixed, but that this time the players had a more unified view that “the South Korean regulatory sector was in the process of creating a new deal”.


According to the Korean media on 11 September, the Korean Minister of Justice, Sang-ky Park, indicated that the Korean Ministry of Justice would discuss with other departments the preparation of a bill to close the encrypted currency exchange.


After the news, more than 40,000 Koreans petitioned for the removal of the chairman of the Financial Supervisory Board. The conflict between Korean regulatory authorities and Korean investors was further exacerbated.


“If they get up, they're happy, they fall, they're inherently speculative, risky, and ordinary people can't afford to lose. If South Korea closes the exchange, South Korean investors should be able to return to ‘normal life’.” Park Eunzhi says.


Meanwhile, Korea’s regulators have started investigating two major encrypted currency exchanges, Bithumb and Coinone. To investigate relevant information, including sales data, the Korea National Revenue Authority (NTS) suspects tax evasion on the exchange.


In addition to tax investigations, Coinone is being investigated by the Korean police for leveraging investors. The police believe that the exchange is currently not licensed to provide such services, and therefore the platform is suspected of providing illegal gambling services to investors in violation of capital market laws.


South Korea’s relevant regulators have long been targeting Bitcoin, and have been tightening the “mouth” of Bitcoin speculation in the recent past. The Korean government had previously proposed to define virtual currency transactions as a “similar act” in which the Bitcoin Exchange was deemed to have conducted credit transactions without obtaining a licence plate for financial institutions from the regulator.


To that end, the Korean government will proceed to amend the relevant laws and submit them to Congress for a vote. The amendments will explicitly address the conduct of existing bitcoin exchanges, such as the custody, management, circulation, exchange, sale, and brokering of virtual currency.


In addition, in the regulatory measures issued on this occasion, the Republic of Korea will also completely prohibit the opening of virtual currency accounts for minors and non-resident foreigners and include the income from the investment of virtual currency in the Republic of Korea's tax system; financial institutions will not be allowed to hold, buy in, guarantee, invest in virtual currency.


An insider of an exchange in Korea told the first financial journalist that he had been informed by close Korean regulators more than a month ago that some members of Parliament had submitted proposals to Congress on “taxation of investment earnings”, “the digital currency area, which prohibits financial institutions from owning, buying, encumbrance, entering shares”, “the exchange should place its customer’s assets, fulfil its description obligations, authenticate the user’s real name, separate the key, buy and sell the bid/order volume public” and “prohibiting the ICO” of “exchanges from fulfilling their anti-money-laundering obligations.” These provisions, however, require that the various branches of the Korean government work together to study the details and eventually establish a clear bill to regulate the comparative currency.


/ strong >


When Bitcoin rose, Wall Street was fighting, and Wall Street was fighting when it fell.


In a recent media interview with Buffett, “George” publicly stated that the recent boom in Bitcoin and other encrypted currencies would end in tragedy.


Buffett made it clear: “I'm pretty sure they won't work, but I'm not sure when or how, and I'm not sure. I'd be happy to buy the vacating options for all the encrypted money, but I wouldn't really do that.”


This view was also supported by Charles Munger, an old partner of the Esquire, who argued that Bitcoin and venture investment formed two of the current bubbles.


In response to the recent online bitcoin futures, Buffett said that he does not currently hold bitcoin futures, but he won't empty them, “not now, not ever. I'm not going to invest (including emptying) something that I don't know at all.”


However, Jamie Damon, in a recent interview with the Fox Business Channel, expressed regret that he had previously commented on Bitcoin last September. He said that when bitcoin was increasingly traded, the government would not be indifferent, “but unlike others, I am not interested in this thing.” Last September, Damon said that if Morgan Chase had a trader in bitcoin, they would be fired.


Besides being publicly rejected by Buffett, the introduction of the Bitcoin ETF was less than anticipated.


The New York formally submitted its application to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on 8 January for the issuance of five new Bitcoin ETF funds consisting of three cattle and two bear market funds.


However, within two days of the submission of the application, four fund issuers withdrew their listing applications. DireXion SharesETFTrust stated that the regulatory authorities had expressed concern about the mobility and valuation of the tools to be the subject of the ETF investment; ExchangeListedFundsTrust also withdrew several Bitcoin ETF issuance applications at the request of SEC; ProSharesTrust withdrew four Bitcoin ETF issuance applications this Tuesday; and Van EckVectorsETFTrust withdrew its application on Tuesday.


Although supporters believe that Bitcoin derivatives trading will lead to the legalization of bitcoins after the end of the year, SEC is sceptical about such assets. A report released by SEC last weekend noted that many participants in the encrypt currency-related investment market did not comply with securities law requirements, and investors still had to exercise caution.


Although Wall Street is already in a hot state, it does not affect investors’ enthusiasm. Binance.com, the world’s top bitcoin trading website, has said that in the past few months, millions of registered users have been added every week. The website has even begun to restrict registration because of the high demand for registration.


Global Central Bank Convergence


The attitude of central banks towards bitcoin is becoming more consistent than that of the Wall Street bosses.


With the exception of the government sector in South Korea, the Central Bank of China took a clear stance last September, when virtual currency trading channels in China were largely closed after seven ministries and departments, including the Central Bank of China, jointly issued the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Money Issue Financing.


In recent days, the leadership group of China's special Internet-based financial risk management has sent a circular to provinces (districts and cities) and to the office of the lead group for the special Internet-related financial risk management in Shenzhen City, calling on all countries to actively direct their enterprises out of the Bitcoin “mining” business in an orderly manner.


On the United States side, Federal Reserve Chairman Ellen stated at the last monetary policy meeting last December that digital currency is a “highly speculative asset” and “does not constitute a legal currency”. She added that it plays a “very small role” in payment systems and “is not a stable storage of value”.


The President of the European Central Bank, Draghi, also stated a short time ago that while crypto-currencys are not yet “manifestly mature” enough for central banks to regulate, one of the lessons of the financial crisis is financial innovation, in which case it is financial and technological innovation, and that “we should pay sufficient attention to their potential risks”.


Similar views have recently been expressed by the heads of the Central Bank of Canada, the Australian Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of Japan.


Source: First Daily Financial Journal




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