
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:23 评论:0



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  来源: 区块链plus 作者: 冯军槐溪先生


As an observer of the block chain industry, I do. In the area of the block chain, Hong Kong is already in fact behind Singapore, the United States, Japan, and even Switzerland.


But as a global financial center and the first stop on the mainland, Hong Kong is on the run.


In November last year, the Hong Kong Censorship Commission (SFC) introduced a special regulation on digital currency, the Hong Kong CVM Virtual Currency Regulation, which introduced specific terms and conditions for virtual assets, and introduced a “share box regulation” (& nbsp);


Several dignitaries have also been active in advocating for the first step in the block chain, even warning: “If Hong Kong loses the Hong Kong-based global virtual asset this time, the consequences will be worse than the loss of Ali.” & nbsp


Many of my friends have been active in consulting Hong Kong, even among the pioneers.


During this dialogue, I chose Mr. Sun Jie Tide Bit, the chief operator of the only French-currency exchange in Hong Kong, to try to restore the status quo of the digital currency investment in Hong Kong.

  曾俊杰是香港大学法律硕士、美国约翰·霍普金斯金融硕士,除了执掌TideBit 外,还是香港上市公司的执行董事,持牌券商董事,之前任职香港汇丰银行、中银国际等国际投行。 

Jinji Tsang, a Master of Laws from the University of Hong Kong and Johns Hopkins Finance Master of the United States, is also the executive director of a listed company in Hong Kong, and a member of a securities dealer's board who used to be an international investor in Hong Kong HSBC, China Bank International, etc.


He began buying bitcoin in 2013, gave a Bitcoin-wide lecture in Washington, D.C., and gave numerous interviews with the South China Morning Post, Bloomberg, one of the opinion leaders of the Hong Kong Currency Circle.


This conversation has been discussed from the location of the Hong Kong policy to the exchange pattern, from the current state of the Hong Kong people's currency offerings to business practices.


For those who want to march into Hong Kong, I believe this is a good reference.



: Did the media report two exchanges entering Hong Kong to control the sandbox the other day? & nbsp;


Joonjie: I can be responsible for saying that none of the exchanges is currently in the sandbox of supervision. Those exchanges may be just applications, but they are unlikely to have been approved, and the article may have been announced by the deal.


: As far as I know, the industry does not seem to be active since the Sandbox Regulatory Policy was announced. & nbsp;


Jinji Tsang: Because the conditions for entering the sandbox are too harsh, few exchanges can meet the conditions, just a few points. & nbsp;

  一.  进入沙盒需要向香港证监会说明你的用户是专业投资者,而不是散户。根据香港证券/期货法的定义,所谓专业投资者,就是需要800万港币以上的资产。

i. & nbsp; & nbsp; entering the sandbox requires that the CSRC explain to you that your user is a professional investor, not a slob. According to the definition of the Hong Kong Securities/Futures Act, the so-called professional investor is an asset that requires more than HK$8 million.


And you need to prove that each of your users has 8 million Hong Kong dollars in assets. No exchange can fully comply with this.

  二. 交易所需要为平台里的100%线上虚拟资产(热钱包)进行投保,95%线下虚拟资产(冷钱包)投保。比如说你交易所里存了用户的100亿港币,就需要为95亿购买保险,而且保费肯定很贵很贵。 

II.  the exchange needs to insure 100% of the platform’s online virtual assets (hot wallets) and 95% of the offline virtual assets (cold wallets). For example, if you have 10 billion Hong Kong dollars in your exchange, you need to insure $9.5 billion, and the premium is certainly expensive.

  三. 交易所需要获取第1、7号类金融牌照。这倒不是最困难的事情,因为只要有些钱就有可能拿到。 

iii. & nbsp; exchange needs to get financial license plates 1 and 7. This is not the hardest thing to do, because some money is possible. & nbsp;


So many agencies brag about their license plate resources are not the most important, but rather the hardest thing to do. At this point, we haven't encountered any exchange that can do business compliance.

  编者注:香港1-9号金融牌照分类及申请条件汇总 (  

Editor's note: Summary of the classification of financial licence plates 1-9 and conditions for applications in Hong Kong ( & nbsp; & nbsp;



Feng Jun: What do you think of the sandbox supervision introduced by the CSRC, given the harsh conditions?


Jinji Tsang: It's more of a framework statement, a concept, and an exploration. Sandbox regulation is about professional investors playing in sandboxes to see how it's going, and the SEC considers whether to regulate and issue license plates.


There is a misunderstanding in the market about sandbox regulation. It mainly regulates securities-type tokens, not those currently on the market. & nbsp;


As early as 2015, the Hong Kong Financial Services Authority identified BTC as a commodity.


Theoretically, the bulk of all transactions now are not securities certificates, so there is no need to go into sandboxes.



: Is it not illegal for Hong Kong to issue currency or ICO or IEO?


Jinji Tsang: Hong Kong pursues a “no law forbidding it.” There is no clear regulatory policy for the issuance of currency, which can be done with little restraint as long as it is not a security-type token.


There are three main features of the so-called securities-type token: (a) whether the currency has an equity interest; (b) whether the currency is of a bond nature; and (c) whether it will constitute an investment plan.


A specific analysis of a project, of course. & nbsp; & nbsp;



: Is it also illegal to open a digital asset exchange in Hong Kong under this logic?


Sam Junjie: Yes, so far there are no so-called license plates, and the regulatory authorities have not said that they are illegal.


In fact, opening an exchange, issuing a currency,


In 2015, the Hong Kong Financial Supervisory Authority defined the currency as a virtual commodity, which means that it can be traded. The exchange is also similar to a power provider platform. & nbsp;


Only the exchange must carry out anti-money laundering, KYC, and if a suspicious transaction is detected, it must report it to the regulatory authority in a timely manner. & nbsp;


: In reality, why are few exchanges able to land in Hong Kong?


Jinji Tsang: In fact, the main obstacle to doing digital asset transactions in Hong Kong is the bank.


Although it is not illegal to open a digital currency exchange in Hong Kong and to conduct a digital currency transaction, banks, as a commercial institution, have the option of cooperating with the digital currency exchange in this business and providing services. & nbsp;


Many of the exchange’s bank accounts are blocked by banks, and many of the users’ bank cards are frozen. Banks are reluctant to participate in this business and provide this service.


On the other hand, in Hong Kong, the bank’s system of accounts is more complex than in the Mainland, and it is common for these people to provide information when opening an account in Hong Kong for a month. In the case of commercial activities, it is more often necessary to provide the bank with proof of the source of funds or other information.



: Is it easy for Hong Kong citizens to buy and sell digital money? What's the threshold? Can it be purchased directly in French?


Tsang Junjie: Hong Kong citizens are free to buy and sell digital currency and can buy it directly in Hong Kong currency. There is no threshold. But we are the only French currency exchange on the market.


Many of the previous exchanges used French as a channel, either by hacking or running away, or by freezing accounts by banks, like Gatecoin.


Editor's Note : Gatecoin ran off by providing a channel for payment in French currency to roll around a billion dollars in money, causing Gatecoin to collapse. & nbsp;


In Hong Kong, the three foreign exchange offices, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea, offer only currency transactions, and there are no channels for French currency.


: What are the characteristics of Hong Kong citizens' coffers and how do they differ from mainlanders?


Tsang Junjie: They are still cautious, interested only in the mainstream currency BTC, ETH, especially when more than 70% of them buy BTC. There is no market for small currency in Hong Kong.


So we're starting the mainstream currency deal in TiedBit.


They are also less interested in the new concepts of the industry, which may be related to the education they have received since childhood, with strong self-risk control.


: What is the age of Hong Kong Dollars? What is the source of information?


Jinji Tsang: The majority are young people. However, Hong Kong’s citizens are richer and therefore have a larger charge, with a per capita currency asset of around HK$ 100,000, while those between 30 and 40 years of age have the highest number of currency holdings. & nbsp;


On the whole, digital money investment is not yet in the mainstream in Hong Kong, and ordinary people do not think it is a new asset allocation.


There is also the demonization of digital money in mainstream media in Hong Kong, and the negative comments of traditional economic commentators. They are still very influential among Hong Kong’s citizens.


The Hong Kong dollar does not believe in block-link media, especially information of a plaque nature, and they are particularly unsatisfied.


: How many users are TideBit at present, and how much is the daily turnover? Does it reflect the overall activity of the Hong Kong dollar? & nbsp;


Sam Junjie: We are certainly the most representative and the only channel through which Hong Kong citizens can buy and sell digital money in French.


TideBit currently has about 50,000 active users, 90% of whom are local residents of Hong Kong and, of course, are young people.


Of course, we have attracted some mainland users, especially in the Guangdong region, because there are still large numbers of mainland residents with Hong Kong bank cards.


: Do Hong Kong citizens buy the main currency, such as BTC, or do they do more than that?


Jinji Tsang: Most of them do hold the currency. But we also see a lot of citizens who, after we buy the mainstream currency in TideBit in French, take the money to other platforms, buy the currency and trade it. & nbsp;


From our back-office data, it's the most expensive to raise money.


We think it's good, too, that TiedBit is like an incremental capital entry.


: Does Hong Kong have a local currency project, why is it so rare to hear about it?


Jinji Tsang: There are fewer local money distribution projects in Hong Kong because there is no audience, local citizens have a very low sense of participation, and they do not believe in the CX model. & nbsp;


Like a few previous projects where money had been paid, they moved to Taiwan and Japan because they didn't have a lot of audiences.


Many block chain meetings are held in Hong Kong, but it is estimated that only 10% of the participants are local Hong Kong residents.


: But many mainland projects want to come to Hong Kong, why? >nbsp;


Tsang Junjie: After all, Hong Kong is a global financial centre and an open gateway to continental reform, bringing together global financial talent and making it easier for companies to set up and finance.


In this way, many overseas projects that want to move to the mainland start with an office in Hong Kong.


After the mainland's “9.4” policy, in particular, almost all continental projects began risk-segregating, moving core staff to Hong Kong.


So the current situation is that Hong Kong has a very large number of digital money practitioners, and that its influence is not negligible at the global level.


For example, while EOS is registered in the Cayman Islands, BM has been in Hong Kong for a long time; the world’s largest BTC futures exchange, BitMEX, is registered in Seychelles, but its principals are in Hong Kong.


I personally believe that Hong Kong is one of the most likely financial centres in the global block chain.


: Why did TedBit become the only remaining Hong Kong currency exchange?


Junjie: It is mainly our foundation that is well laid, well-connected with banks, regulators, and conveniently. There is no running, cheating, being attacked, misappropriation of funds like any other exchange.


Since we came online in June 2017, there have been no accidents, cooperation has been long, and banks are reassured that they know we are not doing illegal business, so we are the only remaining exchange that supports Hong Kong in Hong Kong, the United States dollar and the euro in French.


We will also push a new product, Isunone, a condensed wallet that connects French and digital currencies, with anonymous mastercards, to support global pay-as-you-go. Mastercard, which includes United States dollar cards, Hong Kong currency cards, and renminbi cards, supports consumption, charging, transfers, cash withdrawals, etc., and can open accounts quickly.






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