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市场已经完全被 18000 美金的比特币的表演吸引了目光,一度年内新高的以太坊都几乎没有人讨论。

The market has been completely dazzled by the $18,000 bitcoin show, which at one point was barely discussed in the tall Ethio during the year.

合约地址余额不断累积增长、12 月 1 日的官宣发布日期,ETH2 似乎一切顺利。

The cumulative balance of the contract address, the announcement date of 1 December, seems to be going well for ETH2.


It is not known, however, that there are still significant differences in the community, such as on whether to use fragments for data storage, on a convergence of views, and possibly even forks.

而普通用户对 ETH2 也并没有宏观的了解,ETH2 的性能到底是什么样的?为什么 Phase2(第二阶段)会暂时搁置?

And ordinary users don't have a macro-level understanding of ETH2. What is the performance of ETH2? Why is Phase2 (second phase) put on hold?

如果有一个人能为我们做关于 ETH2 这个话题最宏观的梳理,那以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 一定是最适合的人选。律动研究院整理了 Vitalik 在 2020 年 10 月 19 日在 Bankless 上的访谈,在 2 个小时的时间里,V 神谈到了以太坊的设计理念,简单地重申了 ETH2 的路线图,并细节阐述了以太坊未来技术选型的由来和原因以及其他社区中热议的话题。

If one of us can do the most macro-synthesis on the topic of ETH2, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of ETAF, must be the best candidate. The Momentum Institute organized Vitalik’s interview at Bankless on October 19th, 2020. In two hours, V spoke of Ether’s design concept, simply reaffirmed the ETH2 road map, and detailed the origins and reasons of the future technology selection of ETH and the topics that were very much discussed in other communities.

相信这篇文章读完后,大家会对 ETH2 的轮廓有一个更加全面的理解。

It is believed that when this article is read, you will have a more comprehensive understanding of the ETH2 profile.

以下是律动研究院的整理,本文篇幅约 9700字,阅读需15分钟。

The following is a compilation by the Momentum Institute, which is about 9700 words in length and takes 15 minutes to read.

为什么是 PoS+分片

Why is Pos+ Discreet

应用 PoS 这种复杂系统主要为了实现几个关键的目标,其一是杜绝 PoW 系统的低效和能源浪费,还有就是随着 ASIC 越来越成熟,PoW 系统需要避免中心化风险。相比于 PoW 系统,PoS 系统更加民主开放,人们能够更加容易地参与到网络中,不管是普通用户还是质押者。

Applying PoS, a complex system that is primarily designed to achieve several key goals, is aimed at eliminating the inefficiency and waste of energy in the PoW system, and at avoiding the risk of centralization as ASIC matures. The PoS system is more democratically open than the Pow system, and people can participate more easily in the network, be they ordinary users or pledgers.


Fragmentation is an expansionary solution, the main purpose of which is to increase the total amount of transactions that Ethers can handle. Extendableness is crucial for Ethers, because it should be a global public infrastructure that anyone can interact with.

如果不采取分片这种去中心化扩容解决方案的话,那其替代方案可能就是需要让中心化机构运行一个超级网络,然后接入可信侧链,但这并不是 Vitalik 想要建设的。曾经有许多历史事件已经证明了过渡中心化的系统是十分容易被操控的,最终会与设计者的设计初衷所背离。

If the de-centralized solution is not adopted in one piece, then its alternative might be to have a centralized institution run a super-network and then access a credible side chain, but this is not what Vitalik wants to build. There have been many historical events that have demonstrated that transition-centralized systems are very easy to manipulate, ultimately departing from the designer’s original design.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange to keep it the way it was meant to be.


to centralize the unlicensed network


As some Bitcoins believe, if the network is over-centralized and controlled by several agencies, it may end up in a less than desirable direction.

EHT2 想要打造一个任何人都可以参与到其中的 PoS 生态,这也是为什么以太坊一直不倾向于超级节点这种方式,也不相信「多数诚实」这种假设,这和比特币的思想很相似。在网络中,参与者最好对链自行进行验证,尽量不去相信矿工,因为矿工不一定都是诚实的。

EHT2 wants to create a PoS ecology in which anyone can participate, which is why it is in the same way that Taiku has not always preferred the supernode, and does not believe in the assumption of "most honesty," which is very similar to Bitcoin’s thinking. In the network, participants are best advised to verify the chain themselves and try not to trust the miners, because the miners are not necessarily honest.



1.ETH2 更环保,更高效了; 2.ETH2 保证大多数普通用户能够直接参与到链的写入; 3. 同时保证大多数普通用户能够在不依赖可信 API 的情况下直接读取链的数据; 4. 让大多数普通用户能够参与到链的共识中。

1. ETH2 is greener and more efficient; 2.ETH2 ensures that most ordinary users are directly involved in the writing of the chain; 3. At the same time, guarantee that most ordinary users are able to read the chain data directly without relying on a credible API; 4. Allow most ordinary users to participate in the chain consensus.

如果将 2、3、4 融合在一起,就得到一条强抗审计、抗社会政治攻击的区块链。

If combined, 2, 3 and 4 are given a chain of blocks that are resistant to auditing and socio-political attacks.


Do people really care about the qualities that the Etherm holds?

有许多以太坊的竞品对于去中心化、无许可、以及以太坊坚持保守的特质进行了妥协,但本质上中心化路径在短期可以做到十分高效,但长期却会有很严重的副作用。比如说,很典型的例子就是被孙宇晨收购的 Steemit,过度中心化最终会导致社区分叉。EOS 也出现过贿赂攻击。最终,中心化链中的核心参与者将串通勾结,侵蚀普通用户的权益。

Many of the Etherms have made compromises about decentralisation, lack of permission, and the conservative nature of Ether's adherence to it, but in essence the centralization path can be very efficient in the short term, but has serious side effects in the long term. For example, the Steemit, acquired by Sun Wooming, is a typical example of overcentralization that will eventually lead to a break-up of the community. EOS has also had a bribe attack.


At the governance level, it is dangerous in the long run if a chain of voting governance is in the hands of large money-bearing households.


So, in the long run, users are very concerned about the characteristics of decentralisation, lack of permission, etc. These qualities take time to make people aware of their importance. When the environment is good, there is no dissension in the community, and there is a convergence of views, in which case everyone is happy and governance is not problematic. But when there are problems, there are disputes within the community, opinions are no longer unified, and the interests of users of the overcentralized chain may be compromised.


Coda 很不错,他们试图打造可使用零知识证明的链,这样一来 zk snark 就可以代替个人直接对链进行验证了,节点是无法直接作恶的。Mimblewimble 和 ETC 也不错。ETC 虽然没有实行分片,但尽量保持着去中心化的扩容方案。

Coda's great, and they're trying to build a chain that uses zero proof of knowledge so that zk snark can authenticate the chain directly instead of the individual, and the nodes can't do it directly. Mimblewimble and ETC are good. The ETC, though not parting, is trying to maintain a decentralised outreach program.

然而对于以坚持这些特质作为卖点的项目来说,他们是没有主打其他概念的项目吃香的。因为坚持这些特性注定意味着能讲的故事很有限,然而如果用其他概念讲故事,那就可以讲出很多东西。虽然主打这些特质的链会很少,但 Vitalik 相信这部分项目终将会很成功。

However, for projects that hold on to these traits, they don’t have the luxury of playing other concepts. For adherence to them is bound to mean that there are limited stories to tell, but if other concepts are used to tell stories, there is a lot to tell. Although the chains of these traits are very few, Vitalik believes that this part of the project is going to be successful.

蓄势已久的 PoS 和分片

Long-standing Poss and Fragment

在 ETH1.0 发布之前,PoS 和分片就已经被认定为改进 ETH 的方向。Vitalik 对社区在初期如何进行技术方向选择这个问题做了解答。

Before the release of ETH1.0, PoS and sub-films have been identified as improving the direction of ETH.

早在 2015 年,社区就基本对 PoS 和分片的技术路径达成了共识。DAO 分叉事件的发生更加巩固了这一点。那些当初反对 PoS 和分片的人同样反对 DAO 分叉,所以他们最终选择了支持 ETC。

As early as 2015, there was a consensus in the community about the technical path of the Pos and the fragments. The DAO fork incident reinforced this. Those who opposed the POs and the fork also opposed the DAO fork, so they eventually chose to support the ETC.

确信 PoS 和分片是对的技术方向确实花了一段时间。回头看最初的一篇关于 Slasher 的博客你会发现在这篇文章的开头写着:Slasher 是在为未来有可能实行 PoS 时做准备,在 14 年 1 月时,Vitalik 其实还不确定 POS 是否有本质上的缺陷。

It took a while to be sure that Pos and the subs were the right technology direction. Looking back at the first blog about Slasher, you will find that the article begins with the following: Slasher was preparing for the possible future implementation of the Pos, and in January of 14 years, Vitalik was not sure that there were any essential POS defects.

如果回过头再去看分片, 当时 Vitalik 认为区块链应用分片技术也是一个尚未解决的问题。在《Hard Problems in Cryptocurrency: Five Years Later》中,分片与其他几个问题一同被列为当时区块链无法解决的问题,或是能解决但需要做本质取舍的。

If you look back at the fragments, Vitalik thought that the application of the fragments of the block chain was also an unresolved issue. In Hard Products in Crystal Policy: Five Years Later, the fragments, along with several other questions, were listed as unsolvable in the block chain at the time, or as something that could be solved but required a fundamental trade-off.

2 014 年之后,另一个问题又成了热议的焦点,那就是 PoS 系统的「Nothing at Stake」问题,Vitalik 在《Proof of Stake: How I Learned to Love Weak Subjectivity》中做了解答。虽然 PoS 无法做到与 PoW 有完全相同的特质,但 PoS 可以尽可能吸取 PoW 系统中的优势。

After 2,014, another issue came to the fore: the "Noting at Stake" issue of the PoS system, Vitalik answered in Proof of Stark: How I Learned to Love Weak Subjectivity. Although PoS could not achieve exactly the same quality as PoW, PoS could draw on the advantages of the PoW system as much as possible.

在 16 至 17 年间,人们又对其他共识算法进行了深入的研究,最终搞清楚了如何将 PoW 的安全模式应用到 PoS 中。

In 16 to 17 years, an in-depth study of other consensus algorithms was carried out, which eventually found out how the PoW security model could be applied to the PoS.

对于分片来说,最主要的问题在于如何选择最佳的安全模型。在 2015 年,Vitalik 及技术社区开始尝试随机采样(Random Sampling)的方式,这是对于将分片技术应用在链上的一个突破。在 2017 年时,社区完成了数据可用性证明的突破,这使得分片链能够在「多数不诚实」的情况下依然保持安全。通过这些探索之后,我们发现分片是可行的方案。

In 2015, Vitalik and the technology community began to try random sampling as a breakthrough in the application of fragmentation technology to the chain. In 2017, the community completed a breakthrough in the evidence of data availability, which allowed the chain to remain secure with "most dishonest" conditions.

在 2015 年发布 ETH1.0 时我们认为 PoS 应该会在一到一年半之后实现,但实时表明当时的想法都太过乐观了,但当时大家都很有信心。

When ETH1.0 was released in 2015, we thought that Pos should be achieved in a year and a half, but in real time it was too optimistic, but everyone was confident.


considers the money distribution mechanism in Etherno monetary policy

当初社区对于以太坊货币政策的共识和现在并不太一样。如果去看最初的以太坊白皮书你会发现,最初的发行计划是每年会增发 1600 万枚 ETH,并进行永久增发。此政策的基本原理是,系统需要一直不停地增发来保持系统的安全。当时社区认为 PoS 的安全成本并不一定比 PoW 低,所以有可能永远保持 PoW 机制。并且社区希望不光是现在参与到网络的人能够得到 ETH,之后参与到网络中的人也应该能够得到 ETH。这是当时的设计逻辑。

The community’s consensus on Ether’s monetary policy was not much the same as it is now. If you look at the original Ether’s White Paper, you will find that the original distribution plan was 16 million more ETHs per year, with permanent increases. The rationale for this policy is that the system needs to grow constantly to keep the system safe.

之后 Vitalik 和技术团队认为 PoS 虽然是有必要且可行的,但 PoW 却有可能是最平等公平的分发方式。10 年到 13 年时,PoW 被认为是最民主的代币分发模型,甚至成为了当时 BTC 的一大卖点:只要你打开电脑,你就能得到一些 BTC。这或许也是当时 BTC 最吸引人的一点。但实际上 PoW 并不能形成技术上的长期稳定均衡,当挖矿很赚钱时,就会出现专门的矿机,BTC 是最好的例子,从 GPU 革命到 FPGA 革命再到 ASIC 革命。对于以太坊来说,其 PoW 算法虽然对 ASIC 有特殊的抵御能力,以此保证 ETH 挖矿的公平性,但随着时间延续,以 GPU 为主的系统也会变得越来越趋向于金钱和资源,最终可能还是会导致 ETH HASH 遭受 ASIC 风险。

After that, Vitalik and the technical team thought that PoS was necessary and feasible, but PoW was likely to be the most equitable and equitable way to distribute it. From 10 to 13 years, PoW was considered to be the most democratic model for currency distribution, and even became a major selling point for BTC at the time: as long as you turn on the computer, you could get some BTC. That was probably the most attractive thing at the time. But Pow could not achieve a long-term technical stability. When mining was profitable, BTC was the best example, from the GPU revolution to the FPGA revolution to the ASIC revolution.

所以 PoW 不管怎样都会走向 ASIC。虽然 ETH 使用 GPU 挖矿,但专业 ETH 矿工还是会将业余矿工驱逐出市场。

So Pow will go to ASIC anyway. Although ETH uses GPU for mining, professional ETH miners still drive amateur miners out of the market.

这是 PoW 挖矿机制的问题,BTC 已经存在财阀统治的问题,对于 ETH 来说也只是时间的问题了,不管算法如何改进,都无法避免走向 ASIC。

It's a PoW mining mechanism, and the BTC already has a problem of financial valve rule, and it's only a matter of time for ETH, and no matter how much the algorithm improves, it's not possible to avoid going to ASIC.

代币分发机制的设计挑战在于,确保其中立性。PoW 系统的好处在于人们知道算法是什么样的,任何人都可以去做验证,任何人都能参与。但像 Ripple 那种通过社交媒体进行分发的方式就很不公平,首先,不是人人都能参与到其中,其次黑客可以为了得到代币注册一万个账号,你不想看到一个底层公链的代币分发模型是这样的。而对于 PoS 系统来说,其本质就是将代币再分发给代币持有者,并让代币持有者维护网络安全。除了现有的 PoS 及 PoW 的代币分配机制外,现在没有什么更中立的代币分配机制了。如果在 PoW 和 PoS 分配机制上稍加改动,可能又会一起其他方面的争议。

The design challenge for the money distribution mechanism is to ensure that it is neutral. The advantages of the PoW system are that people know what the algorithm is, that anyone can verify it, and that anyone can participate. But it is unfair to distribute it through social media, like Ripple.


很多人认为 PoS 缺点在于,只要你在创世时参与到网络中得到代币,之后你就可以永远作为质押者参与到网络中,然而 PoW 中的矿工却需要一直更新硬件设施。

Many people think that the PS's disadvantage is that if you were involved in the creation of the network and got a token, you could always be a pledgeer, but the miners in the Pow need to keep up with hardware.

Vitalik 认为 POS 并不是 100% 优于 POW,从这点上 PoW 在减少长期捕获方面就要优于 PoS。

Vitalik believes that POS is not 100% better than Pow, and that Pow is better than PPS in reducing long-term capture.

首先,PoW 市场现在还很年轻,可能会经常受到外界的影响,但这些问题可能对于成熟后的 PoW 市场就不再是问题。但关于常被 BTC 矿工讨论的热力学极限问题来说,当产出一个哈希答案的成本低至极限时,效率是无法再提高的,这确实将成为 PoW 无法解决的问题。其次,对于 POS 来说,如果你有 32 个 ETH 你就可以自己成为验证人,获得更多的代币,如果你没有那么多 ETH,也可以通过与其他人一起进行质押,获得 ETH。而在 PoW 系统中你必须有足够的启动资金购买矿机,不然你是不可能挖矿的。这样 PoS 也杜绝了财富过度集中的问题。最后,POS 的回报要整体低于 POW,参与的人越多收益越低。

First, the PoW market is still young and may often be affected by the outside world, but these problems may not be a problem for the mature PoW market. But the question of thermodynamic limits, often discussed by BTC miners, is that when the cost of producing a Hashi answer is low to the limit, efficiency cannot be increased, and it will indeed be impossible for the PoW to solve the problem. Second, for POS, if you have 32 ETHs, you can become a certifier and get more indents, and if you don’t have so many ETHs, you can pledge ETH with others.

所以总体来说,PoW 有其优势,而 PoS 更容易参与但收益会比较低。

So, in general, PoW has an advantage, and PoS is easier to participate but less profitable.

最重要的一点是,如果有人拥有 51% 的币或 51% 的算力该怎么办。相比于 PoW,PoS 给了社区更多的挽救方案。对于 POW 来说,你只能眼看着 51% 攻击的发生,或许你能软分叉,可是攻击者可以继续攻击分叉链,Vitalik 管这种攻击叫做「SPAWN CAMP ATTACK」, 要想解决问题就只能改变 POW 算法,但这不光伤害了攻击者,也伤害了普通矿工。当 PoW 算法被更改后,接下一段时间将没有人拥有新算法的 ASIC 矿机,如果攻击者垄断了 CPU GPU 市场,那攻击者可以继续发起攻击,接下来这条链就完了。

The most important thing is that if someone has 51% of the currency or 51% of the arithmetical power. The PoW, PoS, gives the community more rescue options. For Pow, you can only look at 51% of the attacks, and perhaps you can split them, but the attackers can continue to attack the fork chain, Vitalik, which is called "SPAWN CAMP ATTACK" and the attacker can only change the Pow algorithm, but not just the attacker, but the ordinary miner. When the Pow algorithm is changed, no one will have a new algorithm ASIC mine machine for some time. If the attacker monopolizes the CPU GPU market, the attacker can continue the attack, and the chain is over.

所以对于 PoW 链来说,他是拿 51% 攻击没有办法的。但对于 POS 系统就不一样了,那些被攻击的人可以重启另一条分叉链,并在分叉链上删去攻击者所得的币,你都不需要进行硬分叉。所以攻击者每次进行攻击都会损失很多币。

So there's no way he can take 51% of the Pow chain. But it's not the POS system. Those who are attacked can reboot another fork chain and remove the money from the fork chain. You don't need a hard fork. So every time they attack, they lose a lot of money.

为何要参与到 ETH2 的质押中

Why do you want to be involved in the ETH2 pledge ?

Vitalik 认为这是作为以太坊公民的公告,而且还可以得到收入作为激励。

Vitalik considers this to be an announcement as a Taiwan citizen and can also be stimulated by income.

如果你无法做验证出块节点,你也应该尽量参会到网络中去验证以太坊网络。原因在《A Philosophy of Blockchain Validation》中有提到,不一定要验证链上所有的东西,你可以有选择性的进行验证,比如验证数据可用性,或者验证欺诈证明,甚至可以跑一个轻节点这样还可以避免你去信任某一节点。这种自主行为不光对用户自身有好处,最终也会对整个以太坊生态有好处。

If you cannot verify a block node, you should also try to join the network to verify the Ethernet. For the reason mentioned in A Philosophy of Blockchain Verification, it is not necessary to verify everything on the chain, and you can check selectively, for example, to verify the availability of data, or to verify a fraud certificate, and even run a light node, which would prevent you from trusting a node. Such autonomy is not only good for the user itself, but would also be good for the whole Taepan ecology.


Why did the talisman choose to split it?


(Note: The concept of fragments is derived from the partition table concept of the database, which actually aims to put the data on different databases and hosts, so that the data can be processed in parallel and more efficient. In the block chain, each piece deals in its own segment, thus achieving an extenuating effect.

早在 2014 年,Vitalik 以及以太坊社区就开始对分片进行探索研究。相关研究人员在最初就一致认为,链上的每笔转账都需要被每个节点验证是件十分愚蠢的事情,以太坊应该使用一种更高效的方式来保证链上安全。

As early as 2014, Vitalik and the Etheraya community began to explore the sub-sections. The researchers initially agreed that each transfer on the chain needed to be validated by each node as a very stupid thing, and that the Taiga should use a more efficient way to secure the chain.

过去几年对于计算机科学的学习研究给 Vitalik 带来了很大的启发。在学习过程中,Vitalik 深刻体会到,当你对一个高效的算法再稍加复杂化一点,就可以达到最佳效率。

The study of computer science over the past few years has given Vitalik great inspiration. In the course of learning, Vitalik has learned that you can achieve the best efficiency when you're a little more complicated about an efficient algorithm.

一个很好的例子就是数列排序问题:如何将一个随机数列从小到大进行排列,普通人可能会选择依次从数列中选出最小的然后进行排列,这种算法通常在 runtime 中被称为 O(N^2),也就是说处理序列的步骤是序列长度的平方。

A good example is the question of how to sequence a row of random numbers from small to large, and ordinary people may choose to select the smallest of the rows in order of order, which is commonly referred to in runtime as O (No. 56/2), i.e. the step in processing the sequence is the square of the sequence length.

然而这种排序算法并不是最高效的,更聪明一些的算法可能是类似于归并排序、快速分类以及一些其他的归类算法,这些算法的所需步骤不再是 O(N^2),而是 O(LogN)。

However, such sorting algorithms are not the most efficient, and more intelligent algorithms may be similar to the sorting, fast classification and some other sorting algorithms, whose steps are no longer O (N/55/2) but O (LogN).

比如说,你有 100 个数的数列,由于 100 是三位数,那么所需的处理步骤为 100*3,也就是 300 步。当你明白这些算法的运算逻辑时你会感觉这些算法从数学角度来看是十分简洁明了的,虽然这些算法比普通算法稍微复杂了一点,但效率却提高了很多。

For example, you have a 100-digit array, because 100 is a three-digit range, so the processing step is 100*3, or 300 steps. When you understand the logic of these algorithms, you can feel that they are very simple from a mathematical point of view, although they are slightly more complex than normal algorithms, but they are much more efficient.


The initial block chain is like a normal algorithm, and each node validates every transfer, although easy to understand, is inefficient. Now the block chain requires an algorithm that is slightly more complex, but more efficient. This is probably the algorithm. In a segmented world, the certifier does not need to verify everything, but only some, which is very efficient.

但在这种情况下如何抵御 1% 攻击(攻击者将算力集中攻击一条链的某一部分,并让被攻击部分无法正常运作)呢?经过研究探索后,现在研究人员已经得出了几种很巧妙的方式来抵御这种攻击。

But in this case, how can one percent of the attack be resisted (the attacker concentrates his arithmetic on one part of the chain and makes it impossible for the attacked part to function properly? Now, after research, researchers have come up with several very clever ways to resist the attack.




There are still many who believe that fragmentation is not feasible, and the criticisms are mainly divided into two levels:


The first is simply a lack of understanding of the concepts of “indirect verification” and “probability certification”, which they believe can only be verified in black or white, or you can verify the transfer, or you can't prove it and there is no intermediate event.


Secondly, there were serious doubts about the assumptions in the fragments, which, in their view, might make the system more fragile when the actual system operated.

我们用「欺诈证明」举例,欺诈证明本质上就是一种大规模的「概率性验证」。有一小群人对计算结果进行验证并签署验证证明随后将一些 ETH 质押在证明上,任何人都可以对证明进行验证和挑战,当有人验证证明发现其有误时,可进行挑战,挑战成功后,可得到质押在证明上的 ETH 作为奖励。

We use the example of a " fraud certificate ", which is essentially a large-scale " probabilistic test ". A small group of people verify the results and sign the certification certificate and then pledge some of the ETHs on the certificate, so that anyone can verify and challenge the certificate, and when someone proves that it is wrong, they can challenge it, and if the challenge is successful, they can get the ETH on the certificate as a reward.

那么「欺诈证明」的问题是什么?本质上他所存在的问题就是他的「同步假设(Synchrony Assumption)」。一般来说,在网络正常运行时,欺诈证明能够及时被验证真伪,并被及时同步到网络当中,但当网络出现问题、存在延时时,「同步假设」一旦被打破,「欺诈证明」也就不再有效。

So what's the problem with "proven fraud"? In essence, the problem with him is his Synchrony Assumption. In general, fraud proof can be verified in time for the proper operation of the network and is synchronized into the network in a timely manner, but when the network has a problem and there is a delay, the "sync hypothesis" will no longer be valid once it is broken.

如果算法或机制能够避免这些假设,系统在没有任何假设的条件下能够正常工作,这是最好的。对于分片来说,研究人员一直试图尽可能将假设数量减少。比如之前分片依赖于「多数诚实假设」,现在即使你控制了 2/3 的验证人你也无法将无效区块上链。对于「欺诈证明」来说,如果使用 zk Rollup,我们可以在不应用欺诈证明的情况下保证分片的安全。

If algorithms or mechanisms can avoid these assumptions, the system can work normally without any assumptions, which is the best. For splits, researchers have been trying to reduce the number as much as possible. For example, when previously splits relied on "most honest hypotheses," you cannot now chain invalid blocks even if you control two-thirds of the certifiers.

以 Rollup 为核心的以太坊路线图

with Rollup at its core

Vitalik 今年 10 月份在论坛中发布了标题为《以 Rollup 为核心的以太坊路线图》的讨论帖,许多人认为是不是以太坊要放弃分片而转向 Rollup 方案进行扩容了。Vitalik 明确地否定了这个说法。并进一步详细地进行了解释。

Vitalik released a discussion post at the forum this October entitled " The Ethio-Rollup Road Map with Rollup at its core ", which many think has been expanded by turning to Rollup programmes with Tai-Pang to give up. Vitalik categorically rejected this statement. Further details have been provided.

(律动注:Rollup 是以太坊上的一种二层扩容方案。简单来说,为了减轻一层主链的运行负担,Rollup 将处理大量交易,处理完成后将最终将结果告知主链。)

(Note: Rollup is a two-tier magnification program in the Tails. In short, in order to ease the operating burden of a chain, Rollup will handle a large number of transactions, and the results will eventually be communicated to the main chain when the process is completed.

Rollup 和分片的相似与区别

Rollup and the similarities and differences of the fragments

关于分片和 Rollup 有何不同这个问题,Vitalik 表示现在有许多人对分片的理解存在误区,认为分片就是一群节点,但这并不是 Vitalik 所理解的分片。

On the question of the difference between splits and Rollup, Vitalik indicated that there are many people who have misperceptions about fragments, arguing that splits are a group of nodes, but that is not the piece Vitalik understands.

Vitalik 认为分片中的每一片都是一条区块链中的一个逻辑子集,然后一群节点被派遣负责验证这个逻辑子集,每个节点都可以验证多分片。

Vitalik considered each of the fragments to be a logical subset of a block chain, and a group of nodes was then assigned to verify the logic subset, each of which was capable of validating multiple pieces.

Rollup 则具备一部分分片的特质,但不是所有。

Rollup has some, but not all, characteristics.

其中一个相同点是对于链上计算的拆分,如果你有许多 Rollups,不同的 Rollup 会负责各自的计算,这也就是 Rollup 如何进行扩容的。

One of the same points is that if you have a lot of Rollups, the different Rollup will be responsible for their respective calculations, which is how Rollup expands.

另一个相同点是跨片或跨 Rollup 是无法直接同步交互、执行(Synchronous interaction/execution)的,每一个分片或 Rollup 都是一个单独「域」(Domain),在域内的交互可以做到同步,但跨域间交互是无法同步的。虽然跨 Rollup 的同步交互是有可能实现的,但难度很高。

The other point of convergence is that it is not possible to interact directly, or execute directly, across fragments or Rollup, each of which is a single Domain, and that interactions within domains can be synchronized, but cross-domain interactions cannot be synchronized. While synchronization across Rollup is possible, it is very difficult.

分片与 Rollup 的一个不同点是安全模型。一条链上的不同 Rollups 的安全会由同一数据层负责,例如以太坊上的 Rollup,他们的数据全都会被 ETH 的节点验证,而分片并不是这样的,所以某种程度来说 Rollup 避免了一些分片中会出现的安全缺陷。

One of the differences between the fragments and Rollup is the security model. The security of the different Rollups in a chain is covered by the same data layer, e.g., the Rollup in the Tai Chamber, where all their data are validated by the ETH nodes, which is not the case, so to some extent Rollup avoids safety defects in some of the fragments.

虽然分片和 Rollup 存在很多共性和不同之处,但对于用户来说,用户体验不会有太大差异。另一个很有趣的事是当 ETH2 应用 Rollup 时,你会发现不同的 Rollup 会使用不同的分片,可能一个 Rollup 使用 5 个分片,也有可能 5 个 Rollup 共享一个分片。

Although there are many similarities and differences between splits and Rollup, the user experience does not differ much from user to user. Another interesting thing is that when ETH2 applies Rollup, you find that different Rollup uses different fragments, maybe one Rollup uses five fragments, or maybe five Rollup shares one fragment.

以 Rollup 为核心对于以太坊社区意味着什么

what does the Rollup mean for the community of Etheria

Vitalik 首先再次分享了他对比特币和以太坊价值区别的看法。相比于比特币社区,以太坊社区是更加实用主义的。比如说,对于以太坊 Gas Limit 的问题,经过社区内各利益群体进行协调,最终会进行权衡得出最佳的区块大小,而不是固守统一标准,最终导致分叉。

Vitalik first shares his view of the difference between the bitco and the ethal values. It is more pragmatic than the Bitcoin community. For example, in the case of the Ethio Gas Limit, coordinated by the various interest groups within the community, the optimal size of the blocks will ultimately be weighed, rather than insisting on a uniform standard, leading to a fork.

现在以太坊面临两个很现实的问题,从 Gas 费用飙升就可以看出现在以太坊极度需求扩容,且希望扩容马上实现。过高的 Gas 费用已经让许多以太坊上的应用被迫出局,尤其是那些非金融类应用。

There are two very real problems facing the district, as seen by the dramatic rise in the cost of Gas, which now expands its capacity in extreme demand and hopes that it will soon be achieved. Excessive cost of Gas has forced many of its applications out of the market, especially for non-financial applications.

如果从现实的技术层面来看,Rollup 是现有且最好的技术选择。虽然现在状态通道也是可用的,但是状态通道只适用于各别应用,局限性过强。Plasma 也是一个选择,但 Plasma 只适用于支付领域,并不支持通用合约。所以目前即使以中期的眼光来看,Rollup 都会是最佳的扩容选择。

Rollup is the best available and best technological option in real terms. While the current state path is also available, it is only available for individual applications and too limited. Plasma is also an option, but Plasma is only in the area of payment and does not support universal contracts. So, even in the medium term, Rollup is the best extension option.

另一件很有趣的事是,如果将 Rollup 和 ETH2 的路线图放在一起看,我们可以看到,Phase0 的 PoS,Phase1 的数据的分片,Phase2 的执行的分片,只要在 Phase1 加上 Rollup,以太坊将能达到极高的吞吐量,所以只要人们愿意继续坚持 Rollup 技术,不光现在的以太坊可以实现扩容,在未来,ETH2 的 Phase1 吞吐量将远超人们的想象。

Another interesting thing is that if the Rollup and ETH2 road maps are put together, we can see that the Phase0 PS, Phase1 data fragments, the Phase2 implementation fragments, as long as Phase1 plus Rollup, will reach a very high level of ingestion, so as long as people are willing to continue to insist on Rollup technology, and not just the present Etheria can achieve expansion, in the future, the ETH2 Phase1 will be far greater than people can imagine.

所以人们需要认清现实,且以太坊社区应该致力于发展 Rollup。Vitalik 给出了几个理由:

Vitalik gives a few reasons:

1.Rollup 很快就能实现,且有很强的扩容能力。

Rollup is soon to be achieved and has a strong capacity for expansion.

2. 若底层公链的功能够单一,那 ETH2 就可以抛弃一些像「欺诈证明」这类的安全假设,那么安全性将大大提升,这也会使 Rollup 能够更专注于其本职工作。

2. If the bottom public chain is single, then ETH2 can discard some security assumptions such as the " certificate of fraud ", and security will be greatly enhanced, which will also allow Rollup to focus more on his/her job.

3. 正如「以太坊卫星生态」中所说,如果以太坊能够专注于 Rollup,ETH2 将能够与生态中其他以太坊帮手、赋能者,甚至竞争对手合作,以太坊将成为这些项目的平台,而这些项目就像是卫星围绕着以太坊,并通过桥接与以太坊交互,最终在执行层共创协同效应。

3. As stated in the Etherne Satellite Ecology, if Ether was able to focus on Rollup, ETH2 would be able to work with other Ethers in the ecology, enablers and even competitors. Ether will be the platform for these projects, which are like satellites around Ether and interact with Ether at the bridge, ultimately creating synergies at the implementation level.

L2 二层对以太坊一层的影响

L2 Second Level Impact on Ethio Level

Vitalik 认为,在未来大多数用户将长期生存在二层网络中,可能几年都不会与一层网络进行一次交互。但也可能会有几种情况用户还是会与一层网络交互:

Vitalik argues that in the future most users will survive in the second layer of the network for a long time, and may not interact with one layer of the network for several years. There may also be several situations where users will interact with one layer of the network:

1. 当用户能够通过高效的「大规模退出」机制,以极低的手续费穿梭于一层二层网络间;

1. When users are able to travel between two layers of the network at minimal fees through an efficient "large-scale exit" mechanism;

2. 如果二层网络崩溃了;

2. If the second-tier network collapses;

3. 对于有些应用来说,应用的核心更适合被注册在一层主链上。例如说应用会在一层网络发币,然后将代币存入二层网络中,之后人们将会在二层网络中使用代币。

3. For some applications, the core of the application is better suited to be registered on the first layer of the main chain. For example, the application will be made on the first level of the network, which will then deposit the currency into the second level of the network, after which it will be used in the second level of the network.

Vitalik 十分有信心,在未来随着时间的推移,用户将慢慢地从一层网络迁移至二层网络。

Vitalik is very confident that, over time, users will move slowly from one level to the second.


centralization and de-centralization

最终,用户会选择去使用去中心化或中心化的二层网络。Coinbase 就是一个很典型的中心化二层网络,还有像 Liquid 这样的许可联盟链。如果去看以太坊生态,许多应用正在迁移至像 xDai 或是像 Ropsten 这样的测试网。

Ultimately, users choose to use decentralized or centralized second-tier networks. Coinbase is a typical centralized second-tier network, with licensing chains like Liquid. Many applications are moving to test networks like xDai or Ropsten.

Vitalik 认为在以太坊生态还没有出现十分合适的去中心化扩容方案前,人们去使用这些中心化解决方案是情有可原的。但最终当去中心化方案实现后,用户最好还是选择去中心化方案。

Vitalik believes that it would be reasonable to use these centralization solutions before the Ethermian ecology has yet to emerge as a suitable decentralisation program. But eventually, when decentralisation is achieved, it is better for users to opt for decentralisation.


Combinability of the extension programme

对于一些特定的应用会出现特殊的处理方案,允许应用在非同步情况下实现可组合性。之前 Vitalik 所提到的 Yanking 就是一个很好的例子,这种组合性问题被归类为「火车与旅店」问题:

The Yanking mentioned earlier in Vitalik is a good example of a combination that is classified as a "train and hotel" problem:

如果你在分片 A 上有一个火车票预定合约,而酒店预定合约在分片 B 上,那怎么样才能保证你能同步成功完成两项预定。当火车票预定合约和酒店预定合约在同一分片中时,同步完成是件很简单的事情,你只需要发送一笔交易,交易中包含完成两项预定的指令即可,这笔交易如果成功,两项指令将同时完成,或交易失败,则两项指令则一同失败。

If you have a railway ticket booking contract on sub-a, and the hotel booking contract on sub-b, how can you ensure that the two bookings are completed simultaneously? When a train booking contract and a hotel booking contract are in the same slot, it's a simple thing to do simultaneously. You just have to send a deal that contains two pre-defined instructions, and if the deal succeeds, both orders will be completed at the same time, or the transaction will fail.

然而在非同步环境下,这个任务就较难完成了,若想完成你需要应用 Yanking 机制。Yanking 机制的工作原理是:第一步,你调用在分片 A 中的火车票预定合约,然后创建一个单独独立的含有预定权的合约。第二步,你用同样的方式调用并创建分片 B 中的酒店预定权合约。第三步,你将单独独立创建的火车票和酒店预定权合约转移至你所在的分片中。第四步,现在所有你需要的合约都在同一分片中了,你可以完成同步操作了。

In a non-synchronous environment, however, the task is more difficult to accomplish if you want to use the Yanking mechanism. The working principle of the Yanking mechanism is: first, you call the train ticket in sub-a, and then create a stand-alone contract with predefined rights. Second, you call and create the hotel reservation contract in sub-B in the same way. Third, you transfer the independently created train ticket and hotel reservation contracts to the segment where you are. Fourth, now all the contracts you need are in the same segment, and you can do the synchronization.

这个机制能够成功的原因是,你预先将所需的、在不同分片中的非同步合约的许可权转移创建在了同一分片中,然后在最后一步时你指派的两个许可权合约在同一分片中,即可完成同步操作。解决这种」火车与旅店「问题对于去中心化交易所以及各类 DeFi 项目来说是十分关键的。

The reason for the success of this mechanism is that you pre-create the required transfer of licences for non-synchronous contracts in different sub-sections in the same film, and then, at the last step, you assign two licence contracts in the same sub-synchronous operation. Solving this "train and hotel problem" is crucial for decentralizing the exchange and for various DeFi projects.

除了 Yanking 以外,另一种解决方案是将不同种类的应用归类到不同的分片或 Rollups 中。例如,将高价值的 DeFi 应用放在一个 Rollup 中,这个 Rollup 可能会有较高的 Gas Price,其他应用聚集在其他 Rollups 中,但是不具备与高价值应用同步链接的能力。

In addition to Yanking, another solution is to categorize different types of applications into different fractions or Rollups. For example, to place a high-value DeFi application in a Rollup, which may have a higher Gas Price, while other applications are assembled in other Rollups but do not have the ability to synchronize with high-value applications.

另一个比较有趣的东西是,在分片完成后,一个 Rollup 可以与多个分片进行交互,也就是说一个 Rollup 可以使用多个分片中的数据。例如,一个专注于 DeFi 的高性能 Rollup 可以对多个分片进行扩容。

Another interesting thing is that, when the fragments are finished, a Rollup can interact with multiple fragments, that is, a Rollup can use data from multiple fragments. For example, a high-performance Rollup focused on DeFi can expand multiple fragments.

ETH2 的 Phase2


在极端情况下,ETH2 是不需要进入 Phase2 的,Rollups 可以满足扩容需求,最终只需要将 ETH1 和 ETH2 合并即可。本质上你不需要做大的改动,但你可以进行一些附加的升级,类似于升级至 Casper CBC,或应用更多的零知识证明。

In extreme cases, ETH2 does not need to enter the Phase2, Rollups can meet the need for expansion, and eventually only combines ETH1 and ETH2. In essence, you do not need to make major changes, but you can do some additional upgrades, like upgrading to Casper CBC, or applying more proof of zero knowledge.

一种非极端的情况,是若未来分片变得更安全、更方便使用,且底层网络并不是很拥挤、昂贵,那么可能会有更多的分片成为可执行智能合约以及其他应用功能的可执行分片。另一种情况则是我们可以延缓 Phase2,等到 zk Snark 可进行零知识证明 EVM 时,则底层公链在执行时就不再需要依靠」欺诈证明「来保证安全了。

In a non-extreme situation, if the future segments become safer and more user-friendly, and the bottom network is not very crowded and expensive, more are likely to become implementable pieces of smart contracts and other applications. In another case, we can delay Phase2, and when zk Snark has zero knowledge to prove EVM, the bottom public chain will no longer need to rely on "the" evidence of fraud to ensure security.

实现 ETH2 的 Phase2 会有很多不同的版本,Vitalik 认为不必过度关注其中某一个版本。同时,Vitalik 表示在 Rollup 的帮助下,ETH2 的 Phase2 并不是实现扩容的关键,并且 Rollup 可能是更容易实现、更快能够到来的方式。

Phase2, which achieves ETH2, will have many different versions, and Vitalik does not think it is necessary to focus too much on one of them. At the same time, Vitalik states, with the help of Rollup, that ETH2 Phase2 is not the key to achieving expansion, and Rollup may be a more achievable and faster way to get there.

该如何看待 EIP-1559

how to look at EIP-1559

Vitalk 认为 EIP-1559 的设计初衷是为了改进以太坊的交易费率市场。在现在的费率市场中,如果网络拥挤,用户不光需要支付高额的交易费,还需要经历漫长的等待。EIP-1559 试图以弹性区块容量的形式来缓解、抵消交易费率的波动性。(更多关于 EIP-1559 的细节可参见《解读以太坊提案 EIP1559:大幅降低交易费总额和交易费波动性》)

Vitalk argues that EIP-1559 was originally designed to improve the market for the Taiwan trading rate. In the current rate market, users need to wait a long time not only to pay high transaction costs if the network is crowded. EIP-1559 tries to mitigate and offset the volatility of the trading rate in the form of flexible block capacity. (For more details about EIP-1559 see EIP1559: Deeply reducing the volatility of total and transaction costs.)

在 Vitalik 的一篇论文中同时提到,EIP-1559 可以避免首价拍卖模型的低效,还可以摆脱「费率统治的区块链」(Fee Dominant Blockchain)所带来的安全问题。总体来说,EIP-1559 解决了现有费率市场中的很多问题。

In one of Vitalik’s papers, it was also mentioned that EIP-1559 could avoid the inefficiency of the first price auction model, and could move away from the security problems posed by the Fee Dominant Blockchain. Overall, EIP-1559 solves many of the problems in the current rate market.

EIP-1559 的销毁机制

EIP-1559 destruction mechanism

另一个引起众人关注的点就是 EIP-1559 所推行的销毁机制。本质上 EIP-1559 的销毁特性确立了 ETH 在以太坊生态中的中心地位。如果没有销毁机制,那么 ETH 将成为」无特权「的普通资产,也就是说最终以太坊网络中的其他资产可以取代 ETH。

Another point of concern is the destruction mechanism promoted by EIP-1559. The destruction properties of EIP-1559 have established the centrality of ETH in the Etheraya ecology. In the absence of a destruction mechanism, ETH will become an ordinary asset without privilege, meaning that other assets in the Taiwan network can eventually be replaced by ETH.

尤其是在 Rollup 中,如果」排序者「(Sequencer)使用 ETH 支付手续费,但用户用 DAI 或者其他资产支付费用,最终排序者可以与矿池私下达成协议,用其他方式进行支付、不再使用 ETH,那么这所带来的问题,就是为了保护网络的安全,越来越多的 ETH 将被印铸出来,最终给 ETH 的自身价值带来负担。

In Rollup, in particular, if "Sequencer" uses ETH to pay charges, but the user pays with DAI or other assets, and the final sequencer can make a private agreement with the pond to pay in other ways and stop using ETH, the problem is to protect the safety of the network, and an increasing number of ETHs will be stamped out, ultimately burdening the ETH's own value.

EIP-1559 的交易费销毁机制本质上根治了这个问题,支付 ETH 是唯一能够让数据被记录在以太坊链上的方式,因为如果用户不支付 ETH,必须需要有一方支付 ETH,因为最终必须有一方需要销毁交易费所需的 ETH。

EIP-1559's transaction fee destruction mechanism essentially solves the problem, and payment of ETH is the only way that data can be recorded in the Taiku chain, because if the user does not pay ETH, one must pay ETH, because eventually one must destroy the ETH required by the transaction fee.

EIP-1559 与 MEV(矿工可榨取价值)

EIP-1559 and MEV (miners can extract value)


The extraction value of miners is the unequal gain that miners derive from the privileged advantage that they can adjust the order of transactions in blocks.

对于解决 MEV 来说,一大挑战在于 MEV 的种类很多。交易手续费是关键的一种 MEV,通过实行 EIP-1559,交易手续费的价值可大部分被协议所捕获。另一种 MEV 是榨取套利价值,现在矿工们还不太善于榨取这部分价值。在未来 Rollup 的世界中,这部分套利价值将大部分被 Rollup 排序者以及 Rollup 项目方所获得,这个现象其实反映了一种很有趣的均衡,价值不再全部被安全所捕获,而是被给予到了其他公共品(Public Goods)上。

One of the major challenges to solving the MEV is that there are many kinds of MEVs. Transaction fees are one of the key MEVs, the value of which can be largely captured by the agreement through the introduction of EIP-1559. Another MEV is the extraction of arbitrage, which the miners are not yet very good at extracting. In the future of Rollup, this arbitrage will be largely obtained by Rollup sorters and Rollup project agents, a phenomenon that reflects an interesting balance that is no longer fully captured by safety, but rather given to other public goods.

ETH2 的 Phase1.5


Vitalik 表示 ETH2 的 Phase1.5 即是 ETH1 和 ETH2 的合并。合并时会将 ETH1 当时的全局状态、账户余额、智能合约代码、智能合约存储等数据剪切并粘贴至 ETH2 系统中,到时若你有 ETH1 客户端,该客户端将停止追踪 ETH1 链,而开始追踪 ETH2 链,之后与你进行交互的将不再是 ETH1 链,而是 ETH2 链。

Vitalik indicates that ETH2's Phase1.5 is a combination of ETH1 and ETH2. The ETH1 data at the time of the merger will be cut and pasted to the ETH2 system, which, if you have an ETH1 client, will stop tracking the ETH1 chain and start tracking the ETH2 chain, and then interact with you no longer with the ETH1 chain, but with the ETH2 chain.

用户对于 ETH1 到 ETH2 的迁移将会是无感的,用户不需要做任何事情。如果你是客户端的开发者,ETH1 迁移到 ETH2 本质上就像是一种特殊的硬分叉。迁移过后 ETH1 链将不再被使用。

The user will be unconscious about the ETH1 to ETH2 migration, and the user will not have to do anything. If you are a client developer, the ETH1 migration to ETH2 is essentially a special hard fork. The ETH1 chain will no longer be used after the migration.

ETH2 中除了会实行 ETH2 版本的 EIP-1559 外,还会实行「无状态执行」(Stateless execution):在没有全局状态下执行区块。这也是 ETH1 正在缓慢探索中的,研究者们也发布了许多关于无状态执行的 EIP。

In addition to EIP-1559, the ETH2 version of ETH2 will also be implemented in a state of " stateless execution " : executing blocks in the absence of a global picture. This is also what ETH1 is slowly exploring, and researchers have published a number of EIPs on " stateless execution ".


问题 1:Phase0 会在 2020 年还是 2021 年发布?

question 1: Will Phase0 be released in 2020 or 2021?


问题 2:更爱 zk Rollup 还是 Optimistic Rollup?

{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Question 2: Do you love zk Rollup more or Optimistic Rollup?

Vitalik:短期来看 Optimistic,长期来看是 zk,因为 zk 能够被应用在更通用的环境下。

Vitalik: In the short term, Optimistic, in the long run, is zk, because zk can be applied in a more common environment.

问题 3:Moloch 对于你来说意味着什么?

question 3: What does Mooch mean to you?

Vitalik:Moloch 是惩戒不合作者之神,他代表着:世上的错将不会成为错若人们能够更好地合作。

Vitalik: Moloch, the god of punishment for the uncooperative, represents that the world will not be wrong if people cooperate better.

问题 4:中国和美国谁在央行数字货币赛道上领先?

question 4: Who leads the central bank digital currency track in China and the United States?

Vitalik:中国的 DCEP 确实是这条赛道的领跑者,长期来看,政府间的竞争并不会是一个有趣的话题。比较有趣的问题可能会是,DCEP 能打得过微信支付和支付宝么?央行数字货币相比于其他数字支付系统有什么优势?最终人们会使用央行数字货币进行跨境贸易么?还是人们最终会选择去中心化加密货币?我也不知道最终会发生什么。

Vitalik: China’s DCEP is indeed the lead player on this track, and in the long run, intergovernmental competition will not be an interesting topic. Perhaps the interesting question is whether DCEP can beat micro-credit payments and payment bonds. What is the advantage of a central bank’s digital currency over other digital payment systems?

问题 5:在访谈录制时,已有 142,000 枚比特币被铸造在以太坊网络中,你认为长期来看,比特币和以太坊之间会是什么关系?

Question 5: At the time of the interview, 142,000 bitcoins had been found in the Etherno network. What do you think is the relationship between Bitcoin and Etheria in the long run?

Vitalik:我十分希望往后会有越来越多的比特币被铸造在以太坊网络中,然而我十分担心的是铸造商的信任模型。许多铸造在以太坊上的比特币都试图掩盖、不披露他们的信任模型,这些铸造商也相对来说十分中心化。我十分希望看到去中心化的铸造商,至少是使用多签信任模型的。tBTC 的信任模型就比较有趣。

Vitalik: I very much hope that more and more bitcoins will be cast into the Etherm network in the future, but I am very worried about the model of confidence of the architects. Many bitcoins built in the Etherm are trying to hide and not disclose their model of trust, and they are relatively central. I would very much like to see those who go to the centre, at least using a multi-signature model of trust.

问题 6:若正如你所说 ETH2 的 Phase0 成功在 2020 年发布了,你认为人们应该在第一时间去 ETH2 上做质押,还是应该过一段时间再做质押?

Question 6: If ETH2's Phase0 were released in 2020, do you think people should pledge on ETH2 at the first time, or should they pledge again at a later time?


Vitalik: If you are a brave and fearless lover, you should take the pledge first, or you should wait a moment. We want to get a smaller number of people into the pledge at the first time, and then get involved when you feel right.

*律动 BlockBeats 提示各位投资者防范追高风险,本文所提观点不构成任何投资建议。

*BlockBeats alerts investors against high risk, and the views presented in this paper do not constitute any investment proposal.




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