
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:22 评论:0



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The investor in the block chain, Lee, laughed at the fact that he had once again become the focus of public opinion because of “herb”.


On the night of 7 March, the laughter of Lee, sitting in front of the computer, became more and more unconscionable, “making it look as if he had come to buy drugs and as a means of making me laugh...”, he knocked out the text with some dissatisfaction.


A few minutes later, he posted an article called "Did Li laugh to grow marijuana?" to clarify and counter another article that has recently spread widely on the Internet: "Li laughs to grow marijuana".


"Learning Re-Learning"

回想李笑来上一次大规模暴露在公众面前,还是去年7月那次 “割韭菜”言论所引发的币圈动荡。而在这一次的“大麻事件”中,李笑来显得理直气壮并极力撇清关系。

Thinking back of Lee’s last large-scale exposure to the public, or the currency turmoil caused by last July’s “cuttering” speech. In this case, Li’s laughter appeared to be straightforward and evasive.


Even so, the top technology (01647.HK) of Hong Kong's listed company, with Li Xiao Xiao as co-chair of the CEO, which has the background to the block chain, has been well received — on 6 March, stock prices rose sharply in connection with the announcement of an agreement on the cultivation of industrial cannabis between the wholly-owned subsidiary and the 100 per cent Chinese-growing farmers' professional cooperative (hereinafter referred to as “the 100 per cent Hanmah”).


“It's not clear who's going to pay for it, we're going to give it to him! The money is not in place, and cooperation isn't certain.” This is a response from the founder of all the technology.


On the evening of 7 March, Yusaki issued another announcement stating that his wholly-owned subsidiary had also signed a framework agreement with the People's Government of the city of May mouth, Jilin Province, on the cultivation of Haname, which remained undisclosed.


As the pace of opening up the cultivation of cannabis in the domestic industry accelerated, the industry appeared to have become a new capital overnight, triggering a strong deployment of a number of listed companies, and male-bank technology was typical of this capital market.


But would industrial marijuana really be a profit-making business?




The company listed in the block chain at .

“李笑来种大麻了?显然没有。李笑来所任联席 CEO 的一家上市公司,雄岸科技,签了个协议,'聘请百成汉麻为其工业大麻种植项目合作伙伴' —— 这是公司行为,并非李笑来个人行为。”李笑来的澄清文章这样写道。

"Li laughs at growing marijuana? Obviously not. Li laughs at a listed company that co-chairs the CEO, Yusaki Technology, signed an agreement to hire 100% Haname as a partner in the industrial cannabis cultivation project." This is corporate behavior, not Li laughs at personal behaviors. Li laughs at the clarification article.


The incident originated on the evening of March 5, when the company announced that the company had hired 100% Haname (Hong Kong) Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Hong Kong) as a partner in the industrial cannabis project. Hong Kong is responsible for the money and 100% for the cultivation, management, and harvesting of the plant. The agreement expired on December 31, 2019, and the cost of services will be agreed upon after the project has been located.


On 6 March, the share price of the male shore technology rose dramatically, by more than 23 per cent on that day.


On the evening of March 8, daily economic news (micro sign: nbdnews) journalists reached Zhang Coning, the founder of the 100% Han-jae. Referring to cooperation with Yuji technology, Zhang Coning said:


"The truth is, whoever takes the money, we give it to him. Cooperation is a very preliminary situation, and we're not sure if we're gonna make it, and we've had our client's regrets before."


Since the market access for industrial cannabis is more restricted, growers tend to have access to funds before planting becomes the default rule within the industry.


“Intentional agreements can be signed, and I'll plant them for you.” Jang Conning added.

而在宣布与百成汉麻的合作后,3月7日晚,雄岸科技再度发布公告,表示雄岸香港又与吉林省梅河口市人民政府订立了有关汉麻(尤其是高大麻二酚 (CBD) 汉麻种植资源)室内种植、加工及推广销售一体化以及提升汉麻产品附加值内容的协议。

On the evening of 7 March, following the announcement of cooperation with 100 per cent of the Chinese people, a new announcement was issued by Yusaki Technology, stating that it had concluded an agreement with the People's Government of the city of Meiguchi, Jilin Province, on the integration of indoor cultivation, processing and marketing, especially of high-cannabinol (CBD) and the promotion of the value-added content of the Chinese products.


Since the legislative amendments to the Anti-Drug Ordinance on industrial cannabis cultivation in Jilin Province have not yet been completed, it will take some time to move forward with the collaboration between Yujia-Technology and the Municipality of Mayoguchi.


On the afternoon of 8 March, the journalist sent an outline of the interview to the Maeguchi Municipality and to Yujia-Technology for consultation on the form and specific content of the above cooperation, which had not yet been responded to by the time of the submission.


It is important to note that this wave of increases in the prices of males' shares in technology has stagnated after 6 March, with a sharp fall of 24.03 per cent on 7 and a fall of 4.27 per cent on 8 August — yet, to date, the cumulative increase in their six trading days in March still exceeds 36 per cent.


There's still a lot of .


In our country, industrial cannabis is also referred to as the herb plant of cannabis, which is known as cannabis (or melancholy, melancholy, pyrotechnic, etc.). Unlike drug cannabis, industrial cannabis has a lower percentage of dry matter and is widely used in medicine, food health, agriculture, etc.


Globally, industrial cannabis cultivation in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Russia, Japan, etc. has been legalized. In my country, the process of opening up industrial cannabis cultivation has also clearly accelerated.


In 2010, Yunnan became the country's first province to allow the cultivation of industrial cannabis, with the formal application of the Industrial Cannabis Plant Processing Licence in Yunnan Province; in 2017, Heilongjiang Province formally amended its Anti-Drug Regulations to allow for the special management of the cultivation, processing and sale of industrial cannabis; and in March this year Jilin Province also began to permit the cultivation of industrial cannabis.


In this context, capital markets are also keen to smell the industrial cannabis industry, with a number of listed companies making arrangements. With the industrial cannabis concept on the rise, a number of companies have experienced a huge increase in equity prices, as has been the case with male-back technology.


In January of this year, a circular was issued stating that the wholly-owned subsidiary had obtained the approval of applications for the processing of cannabis leaf projects and had begun to distribute industrial scientific research, cultivation, processing and sale of its products. Since then, there has been a proliferation of stocks;


In February of this year, Connbé (600572.SH) disclosed that its subsidiary had obtained a licence for the industrial cultivation of cannabis in Yunnan Province. From the announcement to its closing date on 8 March, the company’s stock stock had increased by 39.7 per cent; and the purple medicine industry (02118.SZ) had experienced a significant increase in stock prices as a result of its Dutch subsidiary’s Cooperative Research Agreement on Industrial Cannabis with the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Jilin Province.


The “characterism” of industrial cannabis can be seen, but it has also triggered discussions within the industry about the existence of companies that have taken advantage of the concept of speculation.


In the article "Li laughs to grow marijuana", the debate was triggered by the technology and the anger of Li laughs.


According to public information, starting in May last year, a natural person, Yao Yongjie, joined his co-actors to start a full-scale acquisition of Hong Kong’s listed company, SHIS, the predecessor of Yuji technology, which is now on the market. Yao Yongjie was the co-founder of Li’s previous initiative to launch a global block-chain innovation fund.


After borrowing the shell, in addition to continuing the block chain industry, the industrial cannabis became the latest business development for the company, as well as a well-deserved “challenging company”.


Compared to the keen interest in capital markets, the current state of the industrial cannabis industry in the early stages of development in the country cannot be ignored, and its prospects and direction are difficult to predict accurately at the present time.


Source: Daily economic news.


(ed. Leaf Orange)




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