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week-to-week love highlights


12 July xff0c; ITN launched the Three-Year Action Plan for the Quality Development of the Cyber Security Industry & xff08; 2021-2023 xff09; xff08; comments xff09; xff0c; offers up to 2023 xff0c; network security industry of more than 250 billion yuan xff0c; combined growth rate of more than 15% annually.


The Ministry of Labour and Communications, the National Networking Office and the Ministry of Public Security have recently issued the Regulations on the Management of Cyber Product Security Gaps xff0c. It is clear that no organization or individual may take advantage of cyberproduct security gaps to engage in activities that endanger cybersecurity xff0c. Information on cyberproducts security gaps should not be illegally collected, sold or published.


The industry xff0c; the Sadie report shows xff0c; the size of the Chinese block chain industry in 2020 amounts to 2.78 billion yuan xff0c; the rate of increase is 33.7% xff0c; it exceeds the rate of growth of the global block chain industry xff0c; it is one of the most promising countries for the development of the global block chain industry. The International Semiconductor Industry Association estimates xff0c; and the global semiconductor equipment sales are expected to reach the $100 billion mark in 2022.


Company side xff0c; xff0c; 34; anecdotal xff0c; anecdotal xff0c; an attempt to develop chips in a given field xff0c; non-general chip. July 18 xff0c; Chinese software release bulletin xff0c; the proposed co-initiation of e-mails in a equity investment fund. July 16 xff0c; an official launch of xff0c at the Nanking Smart Computing Centre; an official launch of xff0c; AI computing capacity of 8 billion copies per second. July 16 xff0c; a web security review of seven sectors, including the National Internet Information Office; a launch of 12-inch technology company, Inc.


Local level xff0c; 15 July xff0c; Launch xff0c of the Chengdu Smart Network Industry Plan (2021-2025); proposing a core industrial revenue of hundreds of millions of yuan by 2025. xff0c on 14 July; Shanghai Municipal Office issuing the Shanghai Advanced Manufacturing Development “XIV” Plan xff0c; encouraging the listing and re-purchase of eligible manufacturing enterprises. xff0c; recent release of the Guangdong Data Factoring Reform Action Programme; offering support to Guangzhou's extra-county, Shenzhen's extra-measurement capabilities xff0c; and supporting the construction of an artificial intelligence super-calculation centre for xff0c.




& & #xff17; 1200 - 18 July 2300 & #xff0c; Web-wide total number of requests for information on credit creation totalled 16579. In terms of dissemination trends & #xff0c; smooth ahead & #xff0c; heat peaked on 16 July & #xff0c; daily volume 46.80.


Media typologies xff0c; xff5e; xff0c of 12 July; xff0c; message-related events focused on news APP platform xff0c; 41.59 per cent xff1b; followed by news websites and micro-blogging platform xff0c; 20.82 per cent and 17.32 per cent xff1b, respectively; forum, microblogging platform 5.53 per cent and 4.71 per cent xff1b, respectively; and press, video, front number, fox search, question-and-answer platforms cumulatively accounted for 10.03 per cent.


III. Policy developments


1, 3 sectorsxff1a; cyberproduct security gaps should not be used to engage in cybersecurity activities


The Ministry of Trade and Communications, the National Networking Office and the Ministry of Public Security have recently issued the Regulations on the Management of Cyberproduct Security Gaps & #xff0c; the regulations are in effect as of 1 September 2021. The provisions state clearly & #xff0c; no organization or individual may use the cyberproduct security gap to engage in activities that endanger cybersecurity & #xff0c; information on web product security gaps xff1b; knowledge that others are using the cyberproduct security gap to engage in activities that endanger cybersecurity xff0c; no technical support, advertising promotion, payment settlement etc. #xff08; the web site of the Ministry of Trade and Communications xff09;


2, with the launch of the 5G Application “Showing” Action Plan in 10 sectors, focusing on promoting 15 industry 5G applications


Recently xff0c; xff08, 2021-2023, xff09;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


3 The Ministry of Trade and Communications launched the Three-Year Action Plan for the Quality Development of the Cybersecurity Industry xff08; 2021-2023 xff09; xff08; xff09;


The Ministry of Industry and Communications has publicly sought comments on the Three-Year Action Plan for the Quality Development of the Cybersecurity Industry xff08; 2021-2023 xff09; xff08; xff09; xff09; xff0c; by 2023 xff0c; over $250 billion xff0c; over 15% annual composite growth rate; breakthroughs xff0c; advanced levels of a number of key technologies in cybersecurity. Emerging technologies and innovation in cybersecurity have significantly accelerated xff0c; network security products, services innovation capabilities have been further enhanced. Network security inputs in key industries such as telecommunications account for 10% of informatization inputs. xff08; Ministry of Trade and Finance website #xff09;


4, DTIE & #xff1a; provisional provisions for the implementation of personal information protection management for mobile Internet applications are issued as soon as possible


Ministry of Information and Communications news spokesperson Zhao Shigeo said xff0c; focus user APP service perception and several key links of experience xff0c; organize service awareness enhancement actions xff0c; target effective measures xff0c; further promote improvements in the quality of APP services. We plan to launch “service awareness enhancement” xff0c in the second half of the year; start with user service perception xff0c; improve governance and effectiveness. Zhao also indicated xff0c; issue provisional regulations for the administration of personal information protection on mobile Internet applications as soon as possible in conjunction with the relevant departments. xff08; securities report xff09;


5, ITSD & #xff1a; 14th and medium- and long-term industrial and information development plans will be launched in the second half of the year .


The Ministry of Information and Communications news spokesman Tantao Yuhyu said xff0c; we are now working on the 14th and medium- and long-term industrial and information development plans xff0c; they will be launched in the second half of this year. These plans will accelerate the development of new forms of industrialization xff0c; in the 14th and medium- and long-term xff0c; and we are fully deployed around the goals, ways and priorities of creating powerful and networked countries. xff08; and xff09;


6, DIST & #xff1a; average annual growth in the size of the national data centre hangars at around 20% by the end of 2023

工信部印发《新型数据中心发展三年行动计划(2021-2023年)》:到2023年底,全国数据中心机架规模年均增速保持在20%左右,平均利用率力争提升到60%以上,总算力超过200 EFLOPS,高性能算力占比达到10%。国家枢纽节点算力规模占比超过70%。新建大型及以上数据中心PUE降低到1.3以下,严寒和寒冷地区力争降低到1.25以下。国家枢纽节点内数据中心端到端网络单向时延原则上小于20毫秒。(鞭牛士)

The Ministry of Information and Technology issued the three-year action plan for the development of the new data centre xff08; 2021-2023 xff09; xff1a; xff0c by the end of 2023; the average annual rate of increase in the size of the national data centre was about 20 per cent xff0c; the average utilization rate was tried to increase to more than 60 per cent xff0c; the total capacity exceeded 200 EFLOPS, the high performance amounted to 10 per cent. The size of the national hub node was more than 70 per cent. The new large and above data centre PUE was reduced to below 1.3 xff0c; the harsh and cold areas were reduced to less than 1.25.


iv. Local dynamics


1. Chengdu accelerated the deployment of the smarts network industry #xff1a; by 2025, the core industry will have lost hundreds of billions of dollars


At the opening summit of the Ninth China (West) Electronic Information Fair, held in Chengdu, xff0c; and the official launch of the Chengdu Intelligent Networking Industry Plan (2021-2025). The plan proposes xff0c; by 2025 xff0c; Chengjing will build innovative and well-developed systems, broad-based, high-powered and influential national smart networking industries and clusters xff0c; its core industrial camps will break through $100 billion xff0c; and will drive related industries to break through 200 billion yuan. xff08; Securities Times xff09;


2, “XIV5” scheme for advanced manufacturing development in Shanghai xff1a; encouraging listing and M & As restructuring


14 July xff0c; Shanghai Municipal Office issued the “XIV” Plan for Advanced Manufacturing Development in Shanghai. Planning proposed xff1a; multi-layered capital market role xff0c; encouragement of listing and merger restructuring of eligible manufacturing enterprises xff0c; xff0c through financial leasing, securitization of assets xff0b; insurance guarantee role xff0c; continued promotion of front desk xff08; suite xff09; insurance development of scientific and technical categories such as major equipment insurance, patent integrated insurance xff0c; innovative development of green finance, supply chain finance #xff0c; formation of a promotion centre for the integration of long triangles.


3, Full Clean-up of Virtual Currency Mining Project in Anhui Province


14 July xff0c; Wirtschaftsprüfer's online article, " My province's complete clean-up of virtual currency mining projects ". The article states that xff0c; xff0c over the next three years; the state of electricity supply and demand throughout the province xff0c; and there is a large supply guarantee gap. xff0c is to be caught with the "in-house" "outsides" xff0c; the impostor will be completely shut down the virtual currency mining project xff0c; and the promotion of the implementation of residential electricity prices in new residential neighbourhoods and public construction heating systems. xff08; IT House #xff09;


4, Guangdongxff1a; integrated construction of new infrastructure for advanced computing and data


An Action Plan for the Reform of the Marketized Configuration of Data Elements in Guangdong Province has recently been issued. It refers to xff0c; integrated construction of new infrastructure for advanced and data. Integrated construction of layouts for provincial energy and arithmetic networks xff0c; promotion of integrated data centre upgrades xff1b; orderly advancement of scientific sound layout of provincial data centres, clustering of green developments xff0c; accelerated construction of national integrated data centres in conjunction with national nodes of innovation systems and cluster of large data centres. Support for Guangzhou super-counting, Shenzhen super-counting capabilities xff0c; support for the construction of artificial intelligence super-counting centres xff0c; support for the construction of marginal computing resource points in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Pearlhai, Fushan, Dongfung, Middle Mount, etc.


V. Industrial dynamics


1, 2021 letter-based desktop software development access

7月14日,在中国电子工业标准化技术协会信息技术应用创新工作委员会的指导下,由统信软件主办,北京信息技术应用创新工作委员会、清华同方、数科网维、航天706所联合主办的面向全国开发者的顶级赛事2021信创“大比武”桌面软件开发赛道正式启动。本次大赛面向全国高校师生、信创产业链生态伙伴、软件开发商和技术爱好者开放,拥有基于统信开发套件DTK的应用开发、应用软件平台迁移、自研生态创新应用、面向未来的融合应用探索四大赛道选题。大赛的启动报名时间为2021年7月14日- 8月27日;初赛期2021年8月1日- 27日;复赛期为2021年9月13日- 27日;决赛将于四季度在重庆举行。(站长之家)

14 July xff0c; xff0c, under the guidance of the Working Committee on Innovations in Information Technology Applications of the China Electronic Industry Standardization Association; xff0c, hosted by Translator Software; xff0c, under the auspices of the Beijing Committee on Innovation in Information Technology Applications, Qinghua co-sponsored by Qinghua, Digital Network Wi, Space 706 co-sponsored a top-level competition for the development of desktop software for all national developers; the launch of the event was launched on 14 July-27 August 2021, xff1b; the initial competition was opened on 1-27 August 2021, xff1b; the resumption of the competition was held on 13-27 September 2021, xff1b; the launch date of the event was to be held on the fourth quarter of 09;


2, IDC: China's Baas market in 2020 was over 630 million yuan xff0c; the ant chain market was first in place


IDC released the market share report of China's BAAMS. The report shows that & #xff0c; China's BaaS market grew at a high rate of growth of 91.8% per year in 2020 & #xff0c; achieved market size of more than 630 million yuan. In the case of manufacturers & #xff0c; ant chain with a market share of 31.7% xff0c; China with a market share of xff08; 12.6% xff09; Wave #xff08; 11.7% xff09; DMC xff08; 11.3% xff09; Fate chain technology xff08; 8.9% xff09; 100 degrees smart cloud xff08; 4.7% xff09; market share with a market share of between 2 and 6%; #ff08; IDC counselling ff09;


Global semiconductor equipment sales are expected to reach the $100 billion mark in 2022 .


International Semiconductor Industry Association & #xff08; SEMI) estimated & #xff0c; global semiconductor manufacturing equipment is expected to total $95.3 billion & #xff0c; it's going to make a record record & #xff0c; there are opportunities in 2022 for further breakthroughs of $100 billion & #xff0c; high innovation. xff0c; this year sales will amount to $81.7 billion xff0c; 34% increase #xff0c; and it is expected to reach $86 billion in 2022. #xff08; FCU #xff09;


4 - China's block chain industry grew by 33.7% #xff0c in 2020; it exceeded the global block chain by


The annual report of the Research Centre for Digital Economic Industries of China, 2020-2021. The report shows that xff0c; that the growth of the global block chain industry slowed significantly in 2020 xff0c; that the total size of the industry reached $2.81 billion xff1b; that the size of the Chinese block chain industry reached $2.78 billion xff0c; that the rate of increase was 33.7% xff0c; that it exceeded the rate of growth of the global block chain industry xff0c; and that it was one of the countries with the greatest potential to develop the global block chain industry.


5, Canalys: 13 per cent increase in global PC markets in the second quarter of 2021


The latest data on Canalys shows a 13% increase in the volume of shipments, including workstations & #xff09; a total of 82.3 million units. The supply of components remains a major challenge for the industry & #xff0c; but the level of inadequate and backlog is decreasing. The volume of shipments to laptops and mobile workstations increased by 15% to the same level & #xff0c; 66.7 million units & #xff0c; and the volume to the same level of desktops and workstations increased by 6% & #xff0c; and 15.6 million units & #xff08; Canalys #xff09;


, VI. Corporate dynamics


1, >.

7月14日,2021信息技术应用创新论坛在湖南长沙举行。会上,金山办公正式发布全新信创产品——WPS专业增强版。金山办公副总裁吴庆云介绍,WPS专业增强版办公软件是一款兼容、开放、高效、安全并具有中文本土化优势的办公软件。它不仅支持国内外主流软硬件系统,其专业的图文混排功能、强有力的计算引擎和强大的数据处理功能、丰富的动画效果设置、公文处理等, 可以充分满足国内外企业级和个人用户在Linux体系下高效办公的要求。(驱动之家)

14 July xff0c; 2021 Forum on Innovation in Information Technology Applications held in Changsa, Hunan. xff0c; Kimsan Office officially released a new IT product - WPS Professional Enhancement. U Kyung-woon, Vice-President, Kimsan Office, introduced xff0c; WPS Professional Enhancement Office software is a compatible, open, efficient, secure and Chinese-native office software. It not only supports mainstream software and hardware systems at home and abroad xff0c; its professional mix-up function, powerful computing engines and powerful data processing functions, rich animation effect settings, paper processing, etc. xff0c; it can fully meet the requirements of domestic and foreign enterprise and individual users to operate efficiently under the Linux system. #xff08; drive home ff09;


2, Woo's information distribution medium-digit 2.0 product


Beijing-Wowoo Information Technology Ltd. has recently released a medium-level 2.0 product based on the IT industry. & #xff0c; the product is known to be based on a complete re-engineering of IT & #xff0c; it includes , for data hubs, technology hubs, smart platforms, mobile hubs, etc. & & #xff0c; it promotes the upgrading of IT-based industrial application systems & #xff0c; it is efficient and low-cost to complete the conversion and upgrading of old and new systems. & #xff0c; the product is aimed at providing a holistic IT solution in a number of areas such as smart government, financial science and technology & etc. & #xff0c; it covers two basic office applications: basic office collaboration, e-public collaboration. #xff08; Economic Reference & #xff09;


3, a micro-letter program called "America Cars" online


The Panel has recently launched a micro-procedure called "Standing America" (VM). At the end of June, the sub-procedure was changed by name & #xff0c; from "Standing America" to "Standing America". #xff0c is no different from "Standing America" App; provides smart ticking services & #xff0c; and 23 types of vehicles. #xff08; Planet Tech #xff09;


4, Chinese software & #xff1a; to co-sponsor the creation of a equity investment fund


China Software Bulletin & #xff0c; company and subsidiary tritium & #xff0c; to co-initiate the creation of a conglomerate & #xff0c in an equity investment fund with related parties such as Skynet, Concord Technologies, Deep Sanda, Reda Group, etc.; to focus on investment in software and information technology services. & #xff08; Chinese software & #xff09;


5, former CEO Tang Jingy of Switzerland joined the company #xff0c; served as Vice-President of the company


xff0c was confirmed on the 8th day of Commercial Tofu Technology; xff08, former former Chief Executive Officer of Xin, China; CEOxff09; #xff0c; Vice-President xff0c; and two co-founders of the current Tofu Co-founder, Xu Li and Xu Xu Ice, were analyzed by practitioners as xff0c; xyé joined xff0c; xy joined xff0c; or xy was in the process of preparing his next listing compliance work. xff08; Still #xff09;


6, tether response "Keys #34; xff1a; attempts to develop chips in specific areas xff0c; non-general chip


Recently xff0c; xff0c, the largest Internet company in the country; multiple chip research and development posts xff0c, including chip architects, chip validation engineers, chip design engineers, xff0c, etc.; workplace options for Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, etc. xff0c; xff0c, xff0c, xff0c, xff0c, based on business needs xff0c; xff0c, there are attempts to develop chips in specific areas; e.g. AI acceleration and video code #xff0c; but not generic chips. xff08; securities report #ff09;


7; Nanjing Smart Computing Centre officially delivered xff0c; AI calculated 8 billion times per second

南京智能计算中心正式投入运营,将成为长三角当前投运的最高算力的智能计算中心。南京智能计算中心由南京市麒麟科技创新园与浪潮、寒武纪共同打造,采用浪潮AI服务器算力机组,搭载寒武纪思元270和思元290智能芯片及加速卡,已运营系统的AI计算能力达每秒80亿亿次(800P OpS)。(浪潮服务器)

Nanjing’s Smart Computing Centre is officially operational xff0c; it will be the highest computing centre for the long triangle’s current delivery. Nanjing’s Smart Computing Centre is built by Nanjing City’s Nanjing Science, Technology and Innovation Park in conjunction with Waves, Cold Warf0c; Wave AI Server Calculator Group xff0c; xff0c with cold martial arts 270 and thought 290 smart chips and acceleration cards xff0c; AI’s computing capacity is 8 billion times per second (800P OpS). xff08; Wave Server xff09;


8 and the National Internet Information Office >, seven sectors of the country's Science and Technology Corporation, Inc., are conducting a security review of the network.


According to the National Networked Information Office (SNSO) xff0c; the relevant head of the Cybersecurity Review Office (NSOC) indicated xff0c; working arrangements according to the Cyber Security Review (ISP) xff0c; 16 July xff0c; the National Networked Information Office co-located with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Security, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Transport and Transport, the General Directorate of Taxation, the General Directorate of Market Supervision, etc., xff0c; conducting cybersecurity reviews. xff08; and the China Web Network (CNN) xff09;


9, three star electron #xff1a; 152 billion won to be spent on national R & D projects during the year xff0c; covering AI, 5G, semiconductor multi-area


Three-star electronic announcements xff0c; 152 billion won xff08; approximately 86 million yuan xff09; xff0c; for 12 national research and development projects xff0c; covering areas such as advanced AI, next-generation encryption systems, B5G&6G, robotics, semiconductor equipment and processes, next-generation display technology.


10, 4th Paradigm for strategic cooperation with the Ninder era

第四范式日前与宁德时代达成战略合作。据官方介绍,宁德时代根据第四范式Sage AIOS数据治理、模型上线和模型自学习等全流程AI技术及生产工具,打造AI人工智能平台。未来,双方将在产品研发、产线质检、排程优化等更多业务中持续研发。(第四范式)

According to the official presentation & #xff0c; full-flow AI technology and production tools, based on the fourth paradigm Sage AIOS data governance, model upline and model self-learning & #xff0c; building AI artificial intelligence platforms. Future & #xff0c; both sides will continue to develop and develop in more business such as product R & D, product line quality checks, schedule optimization, etc. & #xff08; fourth paradigm & #xff09;


11, strategic collaboration between the Ningde era and Xingyun


An agreement on strategic cooperation between Ningde and Xiff0c was signed; the parties announced intensive cooperation in the areas of artificial intelligence technology development, transfer of results, talent development & & #xff0c; and the co-construction of the “Ningde era-Tengyun AI joint innovation base”. Under the agreement & #xff0c; the tseng will provide infrastructure such as data centres, private cloud and AI algorithm platforms for innovative bases. xff08; 36 kryptons & #xff09;


12, they say Little Red will suspend the US IPO program .


According to the foreign media, xff0c; the Little Red Book will suspend its listing plans in the United States. Previously, in April, xff0c; IFR under Reuters’s banner reported xff0c; informed sources said xff0c; the Small Red Book is planned to run IPO, in the United States around mid-year; raise about $500 million to $1 billion. According to sources, xff0c; the Little Red Book is working with Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley on listing. One of those sources revealed xff0c; the company has submitted confidential listing applications in the United States. xff08; the IT Home xff09;


13, co-manufacture of the country's first 12-inch crystal regenerative plant


15 July xff0c; The Pure Technology Fertilizer to Micro project held a mass production ceremony xff0c in the new high-rise area of the City of Synth; this was the country's first item and the first production of 12 inches of crystallized regenerative plant xff0c; filled another gap in the integrated circuit chain of the market of compost. xff0c; the project invested approximately 1 billion yuan xff0c; it included crystal regenerative and semiconductor components. xff0c; the crystal regenerative project was the first 12-inch crystallization reproduction line to serve the Chinese semiconductor high-level market. xff08; the central net #xff09;


14, IBM will acquire the Spanish software company BlueTab


IBM will acquire the Spanish software company BlueTab, expand data and mixed cloud services in Europe and Latin America.


15, bytes to take out xff0c; ; ; <#xff0c > ; ; ; ;


Recently xff0c; the whirlwind under the byte-jump flag has recently set up a team for the takeout business xff0c; and recently tested in the shivering app. Currently xff0c; the shivering takeout business is called “heart-to-go” xff0c; its Slogan is “heart-to-go” xff0c; eats what you love.” xff08; Tech Planet xff09;


16, the Kolill Movement Control Department received a high-volume order from Hai Conway


Recently xff0c; Collier Movement Control obtained bulk orders in the field of intellectual security from Heiconway. The Collier Movement Control Department was established in 2019 xff0c; Main Camp Step-by-Step and Step-Drigger R & D, Production and Marketing xff0c; extensive application of company products to smart security, lithium battery equipment, photovoltaic equipment, semiconductor processing, medical devices, laboratory automation, 3D printing and industrial automation.


17. >. . >......................................................................................................................


The former Senior Vice-President has joined the Takashi Group as operating partner & #xff0c; the introduction of technology-oriented layout and talent. In 2016, he joined from the base platform & #xff0c; he worked successively on the base platform & the flow of wisdom & the #xff0c; he worked almost seven years before he joined Alibaba & #xff0c; he worked in connection with Aliun. xff08; later, Late Post& #xff09;


18, Convergence Group and China for comprehensive strategic cooperation


Recently xff0c; Transfer Group Ltd. has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Hua-Technology Ltd. The parties will undertake in-depth collaborative research and application practices on digital transformation, new chemical materials, intelligent logistics, future communities xff0c; jointly promote digital transformation of industry xff0c; achieve co-winning and sustainable development. xff08; securities timer xff09;


19, , , , and . >. >......................................................................................................................................


xff0c; xff08; BCG) strategic cooperation xff0c; full cooperation between the two sides in a number of areas, including finance and retail; xff0c; xff0c for the overall architecture design, employee empowerment programmes and marketing programmes of the firm; xff0c for the digital transformation of the co-contributive enterprises; xff08; 36 kryptons; xff09;


20, KyotoTechnology Releases “Kyoto-Ai Economists” Smart Research Analysis Terminal


xff0c at the 2021 Kyoto Cloud Summit; Kyoto Group Vice-President and Chief Economist of Science and Technology of Kyoto Group, Shen Jianqian, officially released the smart analysis end product, “Kyoto AI Economists.” The product covers the AI Economist Data Terminal, the Kyoto Science and Technology Macroeconomic and Social Development Database, macro big data AI and meta-analysis topics xff08; customization services xff09; three core functional plates xff0c; capable of providing outputs such as high-quality macroeconomic databases, economic logic-oriented data depth visualization and artificial intelligence prediction and analysis models xff0c; economic data visualization and AI analytical services for economic research analysts of related institutions xff08; 36 kron #xff09;


21, General Directorate of State Market Supervision xff1a; unconditional approval of Tung Holdings Ltd. to acquire shares in the Dog Search Company


xff0c, according to the network of officials of the General Directorate for the Supervision of National Markets; unconditional approval for the acquisition of shares in the dog search company by Tung Tung Holdings Ltd. xff08; financial community xff09;


22 for A share IPO


xff0c; xff0c; xing xff0c, which is based on process technology; xff0c, which is focused on sensorization, connection, power and special semiconductor systems; xff0c, which is the starting point for crystal round workers; xff0c, which goes down to the system module xff08; MSff09; and powerware xff08; Powerless Shareholder xff09; xff0c, which is based on process technology; xff0c; xff0c, which is used as a proxy for semiconductor systems; 19.57% shareholding ratio xff08; #xff0c, which goes up to design services.


23, UFO data xff1a; proposed to buy the remaining 60% of Tianjin's shares at $187 million


O-fly data bulletin xff0c; agreement signed on the same day between the company and Shinjung-sung Tianjin on the transfer of shares in Tianjin Guyuntai Technology Development Co. Ltd. xff0c; agreement to purchase 60% of Tianjin's shares in Tianjin Koyun-hye; transaction price of $187 million. This transaction will become a fully-owned subsidiary of the company. Tianjin Kuyun-tae intends to build the data centre project xff0c in the Wuqing area of Tianjin City; and relevant approval has been obtained for the data centre to build 12,000 high-capacity machine cabinets.


24, to launch mixed cloud operating systems

近日,京东科技宣布发布混合云操作系统“云舰”,并发布行业首个全面开放的PaaS生态“云筑计划”。此外,还发布七大基础技术产品,包括新一代绿色数据中心、京刚第四代云主机、新一代弹性专有云JDStack 4.0、京东云智能视觉系列产品、京东万象+隐私计算平台、国产分布式数据库StarDB、自研DevOps工具平台等新产品,大幅提升了云计算的基础设施性能。(界面)

In addition, xff0c; seven basic technology products xff0c; including a new generation of green data centres, a fourth-generation cloud host, a new generation of elasticated clouds JDStack 4.0, an intelligent visual series in Kyotodong Clouds, a Van #43 Kyoto; new products such as privacy computing platforms, a national production distributed database, StarDB, self-researching DevOps tool platforms xff0c; significantly improved infrastructure performance in cloud computing. xff08; interface #ff09;


25. Intel will invest $20 billion in a chip factory in the EU multinational.


The chip manufacturer Intel announced xff0c; the $20 billion invested by the company in new semiconductor plants will be spread across several EU member states xff0c; it is hoped that the EU will provide economic and policy support to the project. Previously, xff0c; the EU has just announced that it will invest heavily to help member countries double semiconductor production by 2030 xff0c; occupy 20% of the market share xff0c; and produce the most advanced chip globally. xff08; new wave technology xff09;


26, KK Hercules Fourth Generation 10 nanograde DRAM using EUV technology


SK Hercules announced on its network that xff0c; fourth generation 10 nano( 1a) grade process 8Gigabit( Gb) LPDR4 mobile end-DRAM product. The product produced was the DRAM, which was first produced by SK Hercules using EUV technology. The company expects the mobile end of 1anammy technology to be supplied to smart cell phone manufacturers from the second half of the year. #xff08; interface #xff09;


27, Yangtze storage xff1a; normal operation xff0c; not directly affected by the bankruptcy of the Purple Group


16 July xff0c; Yangtze Storage issued a statement on the application of the Purple Group for reorganization called xff0c; Purple Group is one of the company's investment shareholders xff0c; Yangtze Storage has an independent governance structure and always operates independently. xff0c; Yangtze Storage Management Team is stable xff0c; Normal Operation xff0c; Adequate Financial Reserve.


28, 100 degrees marked Chongqing Yongcheon Smart Traffic Pilot xff08; phase xff09; project


12 July xff0c; Chongqing City Yongchon District External Public Notice xff0c; 100-medium-Hing Yongchuan Smart Transport Pilot xff08; Phase 1 xff09; Project xff0c; project amount of $98.8 million xff0c; Procuring Man-made Development Company of the Yongchon District of Chongqing. The project will build a unified district-wide transport data platform and command centre xff0c; build intelligent public security handover, intelligent transportation, intelligent travel services, auto-pilot of four application blocks xff0c; implement infrastructure intelligence, information security, upgrade of the handover backstage facilities xff0c; support traffic situation one screen awareness, safe emergency movement key #xff0c; control the optimization of signals throughout the region #xff08; cut wood network #ff09;


29, Tai Chi shares in strategic collaboration with North Shining


16 July xff0c; Tai Chi shares signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the North. According to the agreement xff0c; the two sides focused on the development of the overall internal and external trade cycle in the Guangxi Liang Autonomous Region xff0c; gradual extension to areas such as XC applications, intelligent transport, intelligent water & water xff0c; joint promotion of the expansion of the domestic, international, Hong Kong and Australian markets xff0c; accelerated integration of the Guangxi Liang Autonomous Region into the country's “one-way” strategy xff0c; construction and high-quality development in Guangxi of the new sea and land corridors in the western Liqiang Autonomous Region #xff0c; promotion of the overall development of the Guangxi Autonomous Community #xff08; Chinese electric network #xff09;


30, Strategic Cooperation between Fukuoka Software and Blue Spray


Current #xff0c; formal strategic collaboration between Fukuoka and Bluejack; ongoing and in-depth collaboration in products, technologies, markets, etc. & #xff08; BlueLine & #xff09;



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