
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:27 评论:0



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APP下载   官网地址



APP下载   官网地址




本协议阐述之条款和条件适用于您使用一呼百应原材料采购平台(www.youboy.com), 所提供的在全球企业间(B-TO-B)电子市场(e-market)中进行贸易和交流的各种工具和服务(下称“服务”)。

Welcomes the reading of the Platform's Basic Services Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”), the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement apply to the various tools and services (hereinafter referred to as “services”) that you offer to trade and communicate in the global electronic market (e-market) between enterprises (B-TO-B), using the 100% Raw Materials Procurement Platform (www.youboy.com).



This agreement contains all types of service rules that should have been or may be issued in the future.


2. Access to and use of services in any way means that you have fully read, understood and voluntarily accepted the terms and conditions of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to collectively as “the Articles”) and strictly abide by the relevant provisions.


3. The term “provisions” may be amended, as appropriate, in the light of business adjustments, and if any change occurs, it should be updated on its website in the form of a notice and not separately. The revised article becomes effective as soon as it is published on a 100-minute website. If you do not agree to the change, the use of the service will cease immediately. If you continue to use the term “services”, you will accept the amended term “provisions” and, if you are in dispute with the 100-year-old, the latest service agreement shall prevail. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, any new content that expands the scope of the term “services” or enhances its functionality is subject to this agreement.



For this purpose, members must meet the following basic conditions:


1. “Services” shall be reserved only for persons (natural persons or companies) who have full civil capacity in accordance with the relevant laws.


2. Members are required to provide their own equipment for accessing the Internet, including computers, modems or other necessary access devices.



However, the website cannot control the quality, security, or legitimacy of the goods involved, the authenticity or accuracy of the information, and the ability of the parties to meet their obligations under the trade agreement. The website cannot or will not control the ability of the parties to the transaction to meet their obligations under the agreement.



1. Provide real, accurate, timely and complete information, including relevant information about users themselves and their references;


2. To maintain and update this information in a timely manner in order to ensure its authenticity, accuracy, timeliness and completeness.


& nbsp; & nbsp; Users here grant a permanent, irrevocable, global and free-of-charge licence to use, including their employees, service providers and other collaborators who provide the necessary technology and services, i.e. they have the right to use the information and information provided by the user in accordance with this agreement and the 100% user service agreement. Users further agree to waive their copyright and related property rights to this information or information once the information is provided when the service is used.


& nbsp; & nbsp; if the information provided by the user is untrue, inaccurate, timely or incomplete, or if there are reasonable grounds to doubt its authenticity, accuracy, timeliness and completeness, the user shall have the right to suspend or terminate the membership of the member immediately and to deny the member access to any existing service and any functions or services that may be provided later.

3、 一呼百应用户在此声明并保证所提供的信息和产品不应包含以下内容:

3. All users hereby declare and guarantee that the information and products provided shall not contain:


(1) Fraud, the provision of false offers, the sale or attempted sale of counterfeit and stolen items, and other laws and regulations that restrict or prohibit the sale and promotion of goods;


(2) Aggression or abetment of the infringement of the copyright, patent, trade secrets or other legitimate rights of third parties;


(3) Violation of relevant laws, regulations, regulations or decisions (including, but not limited to, national export restrictions, consumer protection, unfair competition and discrimination or false advertising);


(4) insults, defamation, intimidation or unlawful harassment;


(5) Obscenity or any child pornography;


(6) Discriminatory or tendentious content such as race, sex, region, nationality, physical disability;


(7) Any virus, disguised sabotage program, computer worms, timer bombs or other computer program that deliberately destroys, maliciously interferes with, secretly intercepts or usurps any system, data or personal information.


4. Any information published or provided by a user using the service under this agreement shall be subject to the disclosure instructions and related narratives published on the website at and after that time.


If you agree to use a full range of services only for the purpose of real business communication between yourself and a third party or to communicate with other members, not to engage in various forms of information agents, intermediaries, etc., you should have the right to terminate the service at any time and not return the service fee.


6. The user further agrees that there should be no obligation and should not be held responsible for the authenticity, accuracy, misinformation, fraud, abuse or violation of any information posted or provided by a member or a third party. If the user has suffered any loss, including the total loss suffered by the company, employee or representative, the administrative authority should seek compensation from the publisher and the user should waive the right to be held liable.


In addition to this, the use or attempted use of a wide variety of catalogues, databases and lists for commercial purposes or reproduction, copying, large-scale promotion (but not limited to the distribution of spam, etc.) or other unauthorized purposes will be prohibited by force.


8. Each user undertakes to adhere to the principle of good faith and fully agrees that the user shall be entitled to an immediate and unilateral sanction of a different degree than, but not limited to, warnings, publicity, restrictions, termination of service during the period of membership restriction, without extension of service. Members whose services have been terminated shall be notified on one page, without reimbursement of the cost of the services they have failed to perform and without liability for any breach of contract.


(1) persons suspected of using services to commit fraud or other offences (one-on-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one-one;


(2) A complaint by any third party that it has failed to deliver the goods as agreed, failed to pay as agreed or failed to comply with the agreement on the quantity or quality of the goods delivered, that there was a breach of the agreement, that there was a delay in delivery of the goods, or that it had produced or sold products that were falsely false or that violated the legitimate rights of third parties, and that it failed to provide evidence within a reasonable period of time as requested or, while providing evidence within that period, failed to sufficiently prove that it did not do so;


(3) A person who, without his or her written consent, has authorized another person to use the services provided by him or has transferred or partially transferred his or her services (including, but not limited to, unauthorized authorization for the use of his or her account numbers and passwords or for the transfer or disclosure of his or her account numbers and passwords to another person), or who sells or offers to sell relevant commercial information such as a buyer and a buyer's information plate that he or she has learned through the 100 per cent response service;


(4) unlawfully extracting, deleting, modifying or adding any information from the website or from other members of the website, or endangering the normal functioning of the website in any other way, by means of, inter alia, the exploitation of the Avatar Service or computer viruses/procedures;


(5) The existence of, or violation of other agreements or website rules, other imperceptible acts to be determined.



1. Users of services?


You confirm that you are a natural person, legal person or other organization that has full civil rights and the capacity to act in a manner commensurate with the civil conduct in question when you complete the registration process or when you actually use the service in other ways that you should be allowed to do so.


2. Registered accounts


(1) You are bound by this agreement when you complete the information, read and agree to this agreement and complete the registration process, or when you actually use the 100% website service in other ways that you should be allowed to do so.


(2) You can set a nickname/company name for an account, but the nickname/company name you set may not infringe or be suspected of violating the legitimate rights and interests of others.


(3) When you complete the registration process, you should provide and update your information accurately and in a timely manner, as indicated on the appropriate page, in order to make it true, timely, complete and accurate.



1. Users are welcome to use the SaaS raw materials procurement trading platform for legitimate online transactions, where users engage in irregular or fraudulent transactions, and are entitled to take measures including, but not limited to, termination of services, restriction of use and freezing of 100-year-old accounts, depending on the nature of the user's behaviour?


Note: In order to ensure the authenticity of the transaction, the purchase order that you upload will appear in the transaction management of the supplier, e.g. do not upload the purchase order if it is related to confidentiality, otherwise the platform will not be held liable for any of the resulting risks and liabilities.


2. Rules for the approval of purchase order subsidies for the SaaS procurement platform


(1) Items purchased by an enterprise must be spare parts, raw materials, semi-finished goods, and the type of enterprise must be a validly registered and viable company of an industrial, construction or manufacturing type.


(2) The name of the purchaser or supplier must be true and valid and there must be no unusual or poor record of business information, consistent with information from the credit publicity system of the national enterprise and the information on the search results of the Enlightenment Web site;


(3) In the case of an individual bank account transaction (i.e. a public-to-public, private-to-public or private-to-private) the transaction requires an authorization (with a stamp) from the enterprise to do the transaction, but is not subject to a transaction subsidy.


(4) The contract to be uploaded, the purchase list, the purchase invoice for the goods, the goods receipt order must be authentic and consistent with the subject matter. The contract must have a public or exclusive stamp (original or fax scanned) stamped by both parties to the purchase list; the date of payment for the purchase price transaction must be within the period of validity of the contract and, in exceptional circumstances, may be duly deferred but not beyond 20 days of the contract agreement; in the case of the framework contract, the date of first payment must be within the period of validity of the contract;


(5) The purchase list, the contents of the goods receipt form, must be true, valid and consistent. The list must be clear and the items purchased must meet the subsidized industry catalogue requirements. It must include the following key fields: name of the item, quantity, unit, unit value, etc., which are fully compatible with the information submitted on the line purchase order, the total amount of which must be consistent with the total amount paid, the parties to the contract must be consistent with the names of the sellers and sellers in the line purchase order, and the name of the company registered by the buyer for the enterprise.


(6) Subsidy rules: The allowance is paid at 0.5 per cent of the turnover, with a monthly maximum subsidy of 20,000, and the allowance is no longer counted in excess of the allowance.


(7) In the event of a finding of fraud by means of a false contract, invoice, etc., the Department has the power to freeze, clear, deduct or recover the subsidy, and in serious circumstances to seek compensation for the triple subsidy and to retain the right to legal accountability.


(8) Discharge: The amount of cash required for a single application to be cashed requires £1,000.


& nbsp; Upon presentation of the application in January, the purchaser is required to invoice cash withdrawals and post them to my division, which arranges payments on a uniform basis by the following 25 months.


& nbsp;2 if a client is unable to provide an invoice for the amount of cash, our Division cancels the subsidy and, if so, our Division has the authority to arrange for payment of the subsidy, subject to freezing, clearing, deduction or recovery, by the 25th month following receipt of the application.


& nbsp; e.g., when clients apply for the March subsidy, cash withdrawals are invoiced and mailed to my division by 5 April, and payments are centrally arranged by 25 April.


(9) Other outstanding matters are subject to the latest official publication.


3. Platform SaaS procurement is only recorded as contract-based procurement data, and the platform is not responsible for the content of the transaction (including the actual down payment date, amount, product quality, etc.).


Annex: Methodology for fast-tracking the type of enterprise (examining the scope of operations only in contentious cases)


1. Does not include services, commerce, freight forwarders, business management, food, by-products, etc.


2. Business names cannot contain any of the following keywords [x]:


Services, counseling, design, advertising, planning, etc.


Communication, media, culture, brokering, brokering, agency, talent,


Investments, management, investigations, materials, leases,


Business, commerce, trade, freight, transport, logistics, imports and exports,


Business, information, technology, technology, networks, testing,


Conservation, beauty, greening


Classification reference: https://zhidao.baidu.com/queration/1957849473535220.html


The repository of judgements includes words that are not limited to the above and that, if updated, are posted on the official website.



1. The service consists mainly of data assetization services, the privilege of the service and station construction services.


2. This service is provided only to subjects who can enter into legally binding contracts in accordance with the relevant legislation, so if you are a user of an enterprise, you must be a person with an independent name, address and who can be certified as an enterprise by a commercial or economic organization (e.g., a limited company, a joint stock company, a partnership, a sole proprietorship, etc.) or an operating individual (e.g. an individual business owner, a rural contractor, etc.);


3. Your service will be effective as soon as your payment is received and your identification has been confirmed.


4 If you have provided information that is erroneous or because of changes in information or other reasons that have led to its non-certification, can you request a further authentication after you have modified the information?


The user understands and makes clear that any operation carried out through its account number and password (including, but not limited to, the publication of information, online click consent or submission of various rule agreements, online renewal agreements, or the purchase of other services) should be regarded as an act of the user, with legal consequences to be borne by the user. The user should keep the account number and password properly and be fully responsible for its use. The user undertakes to notify the user immediately of any unauthorized use of its password or account number or any other security issue.


6. There should be no assurance or commitment by its partners as to the authenticity, legitimacy, accuracy, timeliness and completeness of any information provided by the user using the service. Moreover, identification and identification merely indicate the authentication and verification of the situation at the time, and the subsequent changes should not be held accountable?


7. In order to enhance the effectiveness and impact of the service, you shall have the right to make your identification and identification information, service identification, etc. available to the relevant partner and to demonstrate it reasonably within the scope of your operations, and/or to have the relevant information posted by the partner in the scope of your business by hyperlinking it to a dedicated site in China (specific presentation, the rules of the link shall be determined on the basis of the cooperation with the partner's business, and you shall comply with the rules of business of the partner at the same time, without your consent.


8. In order to provide services to users, the user agrees that during the period of access to the services, the user shall be granted an irrevocable right to gather, save, collate, and/or process, in accordance with the law, user information (including, but not limited to, identity information, contact information, transactional information, performance information and related documents), and that the user's information may be collected directly from any subject (relevant third party with whom the user's information is legally kept) for the purpose of verification, risk assessment and prevention of user-related information.


On the basis of the continuing development of Internet technology and the need to provide better services to users, the right to decide on the changes, upgrades, modifications, transfers of services and their associated functions, applications, etc., and the right to develop new modules, functions and software or other language services in the service should be further preserved.


Duration of services purchased


(1) The Gospel Service consists of (credit index certification, bonds and fees for technical services) and the credit index certification and technical service fees are valid for a period of one year (from the start of the service).


(2) The credit index and the services covered by the technical services fee shall cease automatically on the date of expiration of service if no full renewal from the user is received by the date of expiry of the service.


(3) The services specified in this agreement are valid only on one page of the website.


11, renewal


(1) A user who has purchased a service for one year may submit a request for the renewal of the service before the end of the service, subject to a 100 per cent response.


(2) The user pays the service fee for the following year in full before the end of the original service, and this agreement extends for an automatic period of one year from the end of the previous year.


(3) The renewal user is required to re-establish the business identification upon payment of the service fee for the following year.




(i) The fee for the services to be provided will be posted on the website. All charges will be paid in advance by wire transfer, member’s credit card or other means (www.youboy.com).


(2) The above fee for services does not include any other expenses for taxes, fees or related mailings, handling, etc., otherwise the member shall either make up the payment or pay the fee itself.


(3) All responses (www.youboy.com) reserve the right to unilaterally modify the composition and terms of payment of the price at any time.


(4) Members are not affected by the adjustment of service prices during this period (www.youboy.com) until the service is opened for renewal.



1. Purchase of a level-I stand-alone domain name


(1) The purchase of a first-level independent domain name may be decided on the basis of the requirements of the shop. The service is for a period of one year and cannot be replaced for the duration of the service.


(2) Costs


You should have the right to adjust the purchase cost of the domain name by informing the user in the form of a notice or mail before the price of the product is adjusted, and the message becomes effective as soon as it is issued.


2. Purchase of the God-to-God money


(1) The Avatar account is a 100-to-one user-to-peer-to-peer-to-peer account, and the user-to-peer account is a user-configured account.


(2) When the purchase has been successful, it shall not be refunded;


Financial services


Financial services-related rules and agreements can be found in the Platform's Financial Services Agreement.


4. All services above may not be refunded upon purchase.



1. Add product description entries

产品描述是由您提供的在一呼百应网站上展示的文字描述、图画和/或照片,可以是(a) 对您拥有而您希望出售的产品的描述;或 (b) 对您正寻找的产品的描述。您可在一呼百应网站发布任一类产品描述,或两种类型同时发布,条件是,您必须将该等产品描述归入正确的类目内。(c) 未经合法权利人的许可,任何人严禁在本网站展示产品图片。任何未经授权便在本网站上使用该图片都可能违反国际法,商标法,隐私权法,通讯、通信等法律法规。因此导致侵犯第三方权利或受到行政机关处罚的,由此导致的一切纠纷、赔偿、罚款由您承担。 一呼百应网站不对产品描述的准确性或内容负责。

The description of the product is provided by you on the 100% response website. It can be: (a) a description of the product you own and you wish to sell; or (b) a description of the product you are looking for. You can post a description of either type of product on the 100th response website, or both, provided that you have the right description of the product. (c) Anyone who displays a picture of the product on the website without the permission of the legal owner is strictly forbidden to do so. Any unauthorized use of the image on the website may violate international law, trademark law, privacy law, communications, etc. laws.


2. Dealing with transactional disputes

本公司不会且不能牵涉进交易各方的交易当中。倘若您与一名或一名以上用户,或与您通过本公司网站获取其服务的第三者服务供应商发生争议,您免除一呼百应 (及本公司代理人和雇员) 在因该等争议而引起的任何 (实际和后果性的) 权利主张、要求和损害赔偿等方面的责任。

If you have a dispute with one or more users, or with a third-party service provider whose services you have obtained through your website, you are exempt from liability (and on behalf of the company’s agents and employees) for any (practical and consequential) claims, claims and damages arising from such disputes.


3. The company cannot and does not attempt to control the information provided by other users through “services.” By its very nature, other users’ information may be repulsive, harmful or inaccurate, and in some cases may be falsely marked or fraudulently marked.


4. Non-manipulation of transactions


You agree not to manipulate the outcome of a commercial negotiation with another party by using a partner (subordinate client or third party) who helps to achieve a covert or deceptive intent?


5. No interference with the trading system


You may not use any device, software or routine program to interfere with the normal operation of a 100-percent website or any transaction that is being carried out on the company’s website.


6. Feedback


You must refrain from any action that might compromise the integrity of the feedback system, such as using a second-member identifier or a third person to leave positive feedback for yourself; using a second-member identifier or a third person to leave negative feedback for other users (reaction data bombing); or leaving negative feedback if the user fails to perform certain actions outside the scope of the transaction (reflection is deliberately imposed).


About dealing with transaction disputes?


If you have a dispute with one or more users, or with a third-party service provider whose services you have access to through a 100-page website, you are exempt from liability for any claim, claim, and damages (practical and consequential) arising out of the dispute, or for the different types and nature of the dispute in any respect?


(2) You shall have the right to receive and settle any disputes that may arise between you and other users as a result of the transaction, as well as the right to unilaterally and independently determine whether the other users have a claim against you and/or whether the claim is valid. If the claim is established, you shall use your own funds in a timely manner. Otherwise, you shall have the right to use the bonds that you have paid (if any) or to deduct the corresponding amount of the non-performing portion of the goods or services that you have purchased and associated with the company, or you shall have the right to continue the recovery if it is not possible to make up for the claimed part of the price or other funds (or interests) that you have spent on all accounts on the website.


(3) You shall have the right to be informed by e-mail and to inform the other person of your knowledge, including by e-mail, of your obligation to cooperate, or you shall have the right to make a decision against you.


Financial settlement of transactions


Purchasers purchase orders from suppliers through the platform, and purchase orders and the corresponding costs of the platform's services are subject to financial supervision by the Platform's designated bank or third-party payer.


(1) Payments: when the buyer makes payment, the designated bank or third party that confirms the arrival of the payment shall be determined by the parties on the basis of the designated bank or third party that makes payment to the company;


(2) Settlement: amounts paid to the purchaser by the designated bank or third party to pay the remaining balance to the supplier after deducting the costs of the Platform's services.



1. You agree that you can terminate your services, password, account (or any part thereof) or your use of your services on the basis of reasonable suspicion (including, but not limited to, the fact that you should be considered to be in violation of the provisions or that you are acting in a manner that is not in conformity with them).


2. You agree that measures to terminate your use of "services" under any of the provisions of this agreement may be implemented without prior notice, and recognize and agree that you shall immediately invalidate your account or cancel your account and all relevant information and files in your account, and/or deny you further access to such archives or services.


3. In addition, you agree that you or any third person shall not be held responsible for terminating your access to the Service.



Without limiting other remedies, the company may immediately issue a warning, suspend, permanently terminate your membership, delete any existing product information and any other information that you display on your website:


(1) You are in breach of this Agreement;


(2) The company is not in a position to verify or authenticate any information that you have provided to the company;


(3) The company believes that your actions may give rise to any legal liability on the part of you, its users, or third-party service providers who provide services through its own website or through its own website.


You agree that if this website receives a written notification from anyone that your information about you or your products violates your legitimate rights and interests, or if this website has reason to believe that your information or product information may violate the legitimate rights of a third person, including, but not limited to, infringement of intellectual property rights such as trademark rights, domain names, patents, etc., this website can warn you and suspend your services for a while, after being warned, you can apply to your network for your services either by providing us with legal and relevant information about your information, or by changing information that you may infringe.


If your alleged breach of your commitments causes damage to an arbitrary third party, you shall be held responsible independently in your own name and shall ensure that you are exempt from liability.



1. The services include commercial secrets and copyrights and other intellectual property rights worldwide. The full rights of the services, including ownership and intellectual property rights, will be reserved by the companies to which they belong.


2. Users are not allowed to copy, i.e. to copy, copy or publish a “one-hundred response” (www.youboy.com), “www.youboy.com”, “b2b.youboy.com”, “Thesis” and related signs and symbols without permission or authorization.


3. A user may not engage in any activity on his own or on behalf of a third party, for any reason or without his or her consent, in any way using the business names, business names, trademarks, LOGOs, brand names, etc. of his or her associated company, otherwise he or she shall have the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally and to seek compensation from the user for all damages (including, but not limited to, the costs of investigative evidence-gathering, notarized fees, attorney fees, etc.).



1. You clearly understand and agree that no claim for damages arising out of any of the following circumstances, including, but not limited to, loss of profit, goodwill, use, data or other intangible loss (whether or not every one should be informed of the possibility of such damages): (i) the use or failure to use “service”; (ii) the cost of obtaining substitute goods and services resulting from the purchase or acquisition of any goods, samples, data, information or services through or from the “service” or from the conclusion of any transaction; (ii) unauthorized access to or modification of your transmission information or data; (iv) any third party's declaration of “service” or act concerning “service”; or (v) any other matter relating to the “service”, including negligence, arising for any reason?


It is understood and agreed that the risk of using the “services” will be borne by you and that the “services” will be provided “in a manner that is accurate or trustworthy” and “available”. It is stated that no explicit or implied assurance of any kind, including, but not limited to, marketability, application to a particular use and non-violation of rights, should be made available. It is not guaranteed that: (i) the “services” will meet your requirements; (ii) the “services” will not be interrupted and will not be made without any error; (ii) the results that may be obtained through the use of the “services” will be accurate or trustworthy; and (iv) the quality of any products, services, information or other materials that you have purchased or obtained through the “services” will be consistent with your expectations.


3. You agree that you should be able to use all the information you have posted on the 100% response platform.


4. If the Platform adapts its website services as a result of business upgrades or transformations, the website becomes available without notice to each user.



You agree that the amount of the administrative fine must be paid in compensation for the breach of this agreement or other documents incorporated into it as mentioned here, or for the violation of the law or the infringement of the rights of third parties by third parties against their subsidiaries, subsidiaries, directors, employees, agents (including the costs of judicial fees and other professionals), in order to protect them from loss, or if the violation of the law results in a 100 per cent administrative penalty.



You must comply with all relevant laws, regulations, regulations and regulations relating to the use of your services and to your competition for the purchase, purchase and sale of any item, as well as the provision of information on commerce and trade.



This agreement is not intended to create or create any agency, partnership, joint venture, employment and employment, or the award of a concession.



“Services” or third parties may provide links to other web sites or resources. Since every call should have no control over such websites and resources, you recognize and agree that every call should not be responsible for the availability of such websites or resources, nor for any content, publicity, products, services or other material on or from such websites or resources, nor for any direct or indirect loss (or alleged to have resulted) from the use or reliance on such websites or resources.


除非另有明确规定,任何一呼百应通知将以公告或邮件的形式通知。电子邮件地址为 youboyad@youboy.com,或 (就您而言) 发送到您在登记过程中向一呼百应提供的电子邮件地址,或有官方指明的其他地址。在电子邮件发出二十四 (24) 小时后,通知应被视为已送达,除非发送人被告知相关电子邮件地址已作废。或者,本公司可通过邮资预付挂号邮件并要求回执的方式,将通知发到您在登记过程中向一呼百应提供的地址。在该情况下,在付邮当日三 (3) 天后通知被视为已送达。

The e-mail address is youboyad@youboy.com, or (in your case) the e-mail address you should have provided to you during the registration process, or any other address specified by the official. The notice shall be deemed to have been delivered twenty-four (24) hours after the e-mail has been sent, unless the sender is informed that the relevant e-mail address has been cancelled. Alternatively, the company may send the notice to the address you should have provided to you during the registration process by way of pre-paid mailings and requesting a reply. In this case, the notice shall be deemed to have been delivered three (3) days after the date of the delivery of the post.



The company shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform for reasons beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, natural disasters, strikes or disturbances, material shortages or rationing, riots, acts of war, acts of government, malfunctioning of communications or other facilities or serious casualties.



You do not need to agree to a 100 per cent transfer of this agreement.



1. This Agreement shall be governed by Chinese law and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the People's Court, which shall be the seat of the Court.


2. If any of the provisions of this Agreement is deemed null and void or unenforceable, the above-mentioned provisions may be separated and the rest remain legally valid.


3. The title of this Agreement is intended for ease of reading and is not a definition, limitation, interpretation or description of the scope or limits of the provisions.


4. The waiver of rights under this Agreement in the event of fault or default by a member shall not be regarded as a waiver of fault or breach by the member in respect of other or later members of the same kind.



Any dispute arising out of this Agreement or the services of this company shall be settled by suit in the People's Court of the place where it is located.





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