Wen-Zone LT
是时候全面来聊聊大厂裁员这件小事了。 在2021的尾声,各大互联网公司不约而同走上了收缩的道路,从腾讯、阿里,到快手、爱奇艺、字节跳动...裁员消息接踵而至,在为媒体提供了一波波话题之外,似乎也在宣告着“互联网的黄金时代结束了”。
At the end of 2021, xff0c; xff0c; xff0c;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
last week xff0c; zero-state editorial joint titanium media and xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; whether an era has passed xff0c; where a new era will begin.
as part of the presentation < #xff1a;
零态LT作者、评论员老胡 Key Point:增长故事破产
从裁员的部门来看,爱奇艺和快手几乎砍掉的都是新开的业务部门,或者是合并掉增长不够明显的事业部。从这个特点可以发现,上述互联网大厂几乎都是增长失败之后的被迫裁员。换言之是“增长故事”的破产。而资本市场之所以愿意投资中概股,很大程度上不是因为它的业绩,而是因为它不断增加的用户。而哪怕如中国这般的巨型市场,增长亦犹有竟时。如果把目光放到更大的背景之下。则是疫情之后迟迟未能复苏的实体经济。因为互联网行业本质上是个“卖水人”的角色,是靠链接各式各样的实体经济或者提升实体经济的效率而存在的,如果实体经济本身出现 了衰退,那么互联网的寒冬到来,或许推迟,但绝对不会缺席。 而目前的裁员风潮,实质上只是这场寒冬的前奏。具体是否真的是寒冬,还是要等待明年年初各家大厂的发展计划的出台。如果都是呈现守势或者收缩,那或许才是真正的winter coming。
xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; or xfff0c; or x0c; or xfff0c. From this characteristic, it can be found that xff0c; most of the Internet plants are forced to lay off after growth has failed. In other words, the bankruptcy of the “growth story.” And the capital market is willing to invest xff0c; it is not to a large extent because of its performance xff0c; it is not because of its growing number of users. , even a giant market like that of China xff0c; growth may also be over. If the real economy itself has fallen xx0c; then the real economy has not recovered after the outbreak. x x ;
刺猬公社责编石灿 Key Point:新一轮技术变革来临的必然
整体来说,按照业务划分,互联网公司分为To B向和To C向两种,目前裁员的公司基本上都是To C向互联网公司,To B向互联网公司反而活得挺好。
Overall xff0c; by business xff0c; Internet companies divided into ToB and ToC into two xff0cs; companies that are currently downsized are basically ToC to Internet xff0c; ToB to Internet companies is doing well.
这与流量见顶、监管政策落地的大环境息息相关,流量本质上是数据主义,物极必反,先天性土壤优势变弱后,To C向互联网公司初期发展的业务抗风险能力变得很弱。这也与我们这一轮技术周期性变化有关,人工智能分发技术自2012年被广泛应用至今也快10年了,围绕这一技术变革形成的互联网经济态势早已蓬勃生长,在下一轮技术变革来临之前,To C向互联网公司还是很难受的。
This is related to the peak of the flow and the environment in which regulatory policies are found xff0c; the flow is essentially data-based xff0c; it is highly counterproductive xff0c; the natural soil advantage has weakened xff0c; the operational resilience of ToC to the initial development of Internet companies has become weak. It is also related to the changes in our technology cycle xff0c; the artificial intelligent distribution technology has been widely applied for almost 10 years since 2012 xff0c; the Internet economy that has evolved around this technological change is already growing xff0c; before the next technological change comes xff0c; and it is still difficult for TotoC to deal with Internet companies.
Today’s top Internet companies may not be making a lot of money xff0c; they may be compatible with more social tasks over survival. But there are contradictions and sarcasm with the fact of layoffs xff0c; the company’s willingness to engage in public goods xff0c as a result of corporate behaviour; and the other side’s heart’s fierce layoffs.
零态LT主理人胡展嘉 Key Point:内耗内卷的反嗜
Key Point:,
Now it is time to burn money for size xff0c; the phase of growth is clearly over xff0c; the business model has stabilized xff0c; the business community has been running since the end of its life xff0c; and it is time to reflect on the big handwriting of the leap.
在一众互联网公司中,扒拉下财报就可以发现,除了市场营销成本,人员支出的成本让人惊诧,需要反思的是,这些人真的值这么多钱吗?一个项目的完成,真的需要这么多人吗?如果答案是否定的,那么企业必然会陷入内耗,员工必然会不断内卷,这种情况下,裁员反而是能够提升效率,去熵增。 冬天来了,春天不远,大规模的收缩之后,战斗力更强也未可知。
xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; apart from marketing costs xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xffff; completion of a project; xff0c; xfff; fff; xff0c if the answer is negative; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; under these circumstances xff0c; retrenchment is more effective than ever; xff0c;
币圈从业者路畅 Key Point:Web3.0时代来了
Key Point: Web3.0 has come to
The Internet has stopped growth xff0c; the next innovation point is Web3.0, I was surprised to discover xff0c; the Internet now sees Web3.0 and people 10 years ago see Web 2.0 the same xff0c; the Vice-President of the Financial Community says “The bubble will burst in the second half of next year.” An Internet analyst has entered the winner-take-all phase, and the new company is becoming more and more difficult to survive.”
流量枯竭根本不是问题,因为十五年前Web2.0崛起的时候,也有人质疑过Web2.0的增长潜力。Web1.0到Web2.0变革的时候,人们没有想到除了“做门户、接广告”之外的商业模式, 自然充满了对流量枯竭的焦虑 “所有人都去接广告了 广告市场有这么大的容量吗?” Web1.0时代的人无法想象淘宝对商家收广告费、外卖平台对外卖商家收广告费、抖音对创作者收广告费。 流量枯竭之后的变革一定是有新的use case ,“深耕”之类的在原有价值上深度开发治标不治本。当美国国会已经提出“要确保Web3.0革命发生在美国”的时候,中国互联网还在现有的市场范围内加速内卷,而不去开拓更多的创新,这是非常可悲的。
Flow depletion is not a problem at all xff0c; because 15 years ago, when Web 2.0 rose xff0c; there were also questions about the growth potential of Web 2.0. Web1.0 to Web 2.0 changes xff0c; business models other than “portaling, advertising” xff0c; natural anxiety about flow depletion xff1f; xff1f; Web1.0 era people can't imagine how much capacity there is in advertising markets xff0c; xff0c
零态LT作者吴炯 Key Point:野蛮增长只是起点
Had it not been for a slowdown or even a decline in Internet growth xff0c; the meta-cosm concept would not have been lost xff0c; I've always thought so. First-line companies are not too good this year xff0c; policy regulation of education companies xff0c; head-line bubbles are close to burst xff0c; it is not easy to go to the United States stock market. The time for investors to move hundreds of times the rate of return has passed xff0c; it should be said xff0c; it is long overdue.
The sailors on this big ship are the most innocent xff0c; they can't control the ship's course xff0c; but they choose to lose weight at first sight when the big ship hits the wind. Are they really innocent? xff1f; it is the sailors who do their best to drive the big ship into the eyes of the storm. Internet companies should realize that xff0c; xfff0c) barbarous growth is only the beginning; xff0c; smooth development is the norm of a great enterprise.
零态LT编辑林枫 Key Point:躺着赚钱的时代结束了
The future Internet company xff0c; the extreme but true words xff0c; either innovation xff0c; or death xff0c; if still in the comfort zone of the past xff0c; trying to lie down for money xff0c; that it is hard to get rid of the fate of the ultimate demise xff0c; time xff0c; the still good xff0c; whether it is not a 100% innovation xff0c; at least xff0c; you see xff0c; xff0c; not giving up xff0c; little tendency to catch the video #xff0c; although it is not visible xff0c; but the video number is not strong enough.
野马财经缪凌云 Key Point:企业必须要加速转型
Key Point: business has to accelerate the transformation
Our Internet enterprise xff0c, represented by tether, Ali, bytes; has been able to achieve the results of today xff0c; there are a number of factors xff0c, including product innovation, marketing model innovation, and some technological innovation xff0c; but the root causes xff0c; and the huge Internet dividend in our country.
The so-called Internet dividend xff0c; i.e. xff0c under the demographic dividend; xff0c over the past 10 to 20 years; xff0c; xff08; xff08; e.g. network transfer xff0c; 3G, 4G, 5Gff0c; chip processing speed xff0c; data storage etc. xff09; xfff0c; Internet usage times and scenes are increasing.
During this process xff0c; one of the benefits is the above-mentioned Internet enterprise xff0c; the other is the company that provides technical support to China, Hightower, etc. It is clear that xff0c; the latter group has higher barriers xff08; xff0c xff0c xff0c ,
xff1a; China is a Chinese official
On the other hand, xff0c; Internet access times are fully excavated xff0c; there is a clear trend towards red-oceanization of the Internet market xff0c; and industry ceilings are becoming more visible. On this basis, xff0c; decentralized conceptions and development xff0c; all contribute to uncertainty about the future development of head enterprises.
Combining xff0c; the dividends of “traditional” Internet companies are fading xff0c; however, technology companies serving the Internet are beginning to receive increasing attention.
For the current Internet giants, xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; walkin' with two legs is the choice for more head businesses.
Based on the above background xff0c; faced with a decline in the performance of Internet companies, company layoffs or rumours xff0c; indeed representing the end of a golden age xff0c; but a new golden age is also coming xff0c; these actions may be business pressures xff0c; they may also be business development logic switching xff0c; business initiatives to accelerate transformation xff0c; reasons for significant outward investment xff0c; and the need for a differentiated view.
互联网观察家牛金鹏 Key Point:掌握变革主动权
Internet observer Key Point: ownership of change initiatives
The word “retrenchment” & #xff0c; became the annual key word for the big Internet factory in 2021. In recent days & #xff0c; constantly rushing to the top & #xff0c; and I think the sound of late layoffs will continue to burst. This is not the first time that the Internet industry has experienced large-scale layoffs. I think that every person will have to experience several business cycle shocks in his life #xff0c; there is no need for too much panic.
The big problem for Internet companies now is “depressive growth” & #xff0c; lack of imagination and growth points & #xff0c; and the industry's urgent need for a new track.
xff0c can be seen in the financial statements of the major Internet companies and in the recent heat of the “mass universe”; in fact, no one can tell the business logic of the meta-cosm; nor what it really is xff1f; but everyone is going to hang on to this hot spot xff0c; because the whole industry really lacks direction xff0c; and everyone needs a new track to accommodate the imagination.
Business now needs a whole new economic ecology & #xff0c; new marketing thinking & #xff0c; strategic vision on how to build a community of destiny with branders and advertisers & #xff0c; state-of-the-art technology on the minds of users & #xff0c; issues that enterprises should deal with now. But then again #xff0c; crises and opportunities always coexist. In this age of change & #xff0c; each of us cannot rely on the environment for our own fate.
互联网从业者郑阳 Key Point:扩大企业边界势在必行
The future exploration must be a diverse xff0c; there are currently several directions xff0c in terms of the behaviour of the major Internet platforms; one is deep farming in the vertical field xff0c; this is integrated with multiple types of technology through in-house technology development and investment xff0c; one is the expansion and upgrading of ecological content xff0c; one is the ecological construction represented by the meta-cosm. One is the extension of market coverage xff0c; and another is the seaing of Ali.
超声波主编刘思雨 Key Point:裁员是控制成本最简单的方式
Business is defined as a profit-oriented social organization & #xff0c; business without profit will be cut off & #xff0c; this is iron law & #xff0c; Internet companies will not be able to escape. Previous years & #xff0c; everyone believes in burning money for growth, fast fish for slow fish & #xff0c; crazy expansion. The cake is now almost xff0c; and you are finally thinking about the most fundamental issue of making money.
The traditional Internet mode xff0c; the flow business continues to be the main source of revenue. But this year the advertisers have had a difficult year xff0c; the big handouts of education, real estate, etc. xff0c; other clients have also tightened their wallets xff0c; the budget has shrunk significantly xff0c; this can be seen from the big factory's financial statements.
Map #xff1a; Fast Hand Q3
Retrenchment is the simplest way of controlling costs & #xff0c; dismissing employees who are “advanced, older, well-paid” & #xff0c; or abandoning #xff0c in innovative and uncertain business; albeit cruelr & #xff0c; but it is also a sign of compliance with market rules.
And then #xff0c; the Internet industry will become more and more like the real sector #xff0c; the era of gold everywhere may really be gone.
零态LT作者韩灵 Key Point:行动勤奋弥补不了战略的懒惰
爱奇艺裁员力度之大,范围之广,堪称其发展史上之最。真实的情况众人皆知:缺钱,为了节省成本。每季度十多亿人民币的亏损,是个老板都想裁员啊!收入其实不少,每季度很平稳在七十多亿元左右,但架不住运营成本更高啊,花太多钱在叫好不叫座的流量剧上了。 一直以来,悬在爱奇艺头上的亏损阴云迟迟不散,运营多年尚未盈利。它一边疲于应对版权之战,一边错失短视频风口。行动的勤奋永远无法弥补战略上懒惰带来的后果,爱奇艺成为“中国版奈飞”的梦可能只是个梦了。
xff0c; wide range xff0c; it's the highest in the history of development. The real situation is well known xff1a; lack of money xff0c; to save costs. The losses of more than a billion yuan a quarter xff0c; a boss who wants to lay off xff01; a lot of income xff0c; a quarter flat at about seven billion yuan xff0c; a much higher operating cost xff0c; spending too much money on a traffic show that is not popular.
上海红布林传媒创始人杜聿康 Key Point:最怕的是瞎指挥
The founder of the Red Brin media in Shanghai, Key Point: most feared is blind command
The most fear of Internet companies is to manage the crisis & #xff0c; the company, under the catalyst of capital & #xff0c; the growing number of soldiers & #xff0c; but the ones sitting on it will blindly direct & #xff0c; the stage of company development & #xff0c; the importance of management & #xff0c; post-corporate stabilization & #xff0c; and the technological layer is the key.
价值研究所编辑林之柏 Key Point:找到合适的路线非常重要
Key Point:, editor of the Strange Values Institute; finding the right route is important
For Internet giants, this wave of redundancies #xff0c; it should be true that some of the core business hit the ceiling. After all, apart from byte beats xff0c; Ali, tether, etc., are not barbarous growth xff0c; it is the build-up of years xff0c.
And the ceiling’s most visible xff0c; of course, advertising. Byte beats, hundreds, Alibaba, Aichi, and fast-handed Internet companies have always relied heavily on advertising.
#xff1a; the King's Conqueror honours his obsessive proclamation
And it's very clear to those giants that they believe. After the Golden Age, they have to find their differential advantage & #xff0c; and find new growth curves.
For the time being, xff0c; the development paths of enterprises are different. Byte beats and fast hands are held in the custody of the precious electrician xff0c; and stations B are also preparing to increase the layout. But Alibaba, who has been an electrician for years, has made it clear that xff0c; it is largely a market based on traffic and advertising.
"Strong" 2021 had a cooling trend at the power provider's mouth #xff0c; it's not easy to say that bytes and fast hands can capture the remaining growth dividend.
Ali, Tung, on the other hand, has shown that he wants to follow the technology & #xff0c; continues to compete on the cloud. Digitalization, intelligent tides swept the world & #xff0c; domestic B-side markets with huge potential & #xff0c; competition between the two giants is bound to last a long time. Ali's cloud now has a clear lead & #xff0c; it does not give up catching up #xff0c; who wins xff0c; who wins #xff0c; who captures the pain of B-end customers #xff0c; and provides better digital services.
2021年,在巨头转型关键期,裁员潮势不可挡,不确定性正在加大,过往年底时刻,众人奔走呼告的是大厂令人艳羡的年终奖,如今,裁员的达摩克利斯之剑,悬在每个人头上,或许是为了粉饰财报,让数字变得更好看,但真相很有可能是大厂的余粮也不充足了。 2021 xff0c; xff0c xff0c xff0c xff0c; uncertainty is increasing xff0c; towards the end of the year xff0c; people are talking about the enviable end of the year award xff0c; now xff0c; the downsized sword of Damocles xff0c; hanging over everyone xff0c; perhaps to gloss money xff0c; to make the numbers look better xff0c; but the truth is probably not enough for the big factory. 在这之外,巨头们也面临着比裁员更艰巨的命题:在元宇宙的新型游戏中,如何更加快速入局,熟稔游戏规则,成本新一轮资本造富的主宰者。 Beyond this, #xff0c; giants also face more difficult propositions than layoffs & #xff1a; #xff0c in the new game of the meta-cosmos; how to get in faster xff0c; rules of the #xff0c game; and the master of the cost of a new round of capital enrichment. 听起来有些荒谬,但资本永不眠。 Sounds a little ridiculous; but capital never sleeps.
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