【环球科技综合报道】如果你关注比特币的话,肯定会知道日本的交易网站Mt.Gox。在经历了长期的煎熬后,日本比特币交易所Mt. Gox在今天下午已经无法正常登陆,网站的全部内容已经清空,另外该网站的官方Twitter也已经删除了所有的内容。有知情人士指出,该交易所的全部交易都已经终止,这对于近期来不景气的比特币市场又是一次沉重的打击。
if you're interested in Bitcoin, the Japanese trading site Mt.Gox. After a long ordeal, the Japanese Bitcoin Exchange, Mt. Gox, was unable to access the site properly this afternoon, all the content of the site has been removed, and the website's official Twitter has been deleted.
Bitcoin is a virtual currency based on Internet rules.
Since mid-November of last year, Bitcoin has fallen by 14%, with volatility becoming a distinct feature. As the world’s largest Internet trading platform, Mt. Gox has recently been a disaster, with repeated failures in the normal currency withdrawals and successive delays in the return to normality, depriving investors of confidence in the platform and selling it.
On 7th of this month, Mt. Gox had a technical failure that prevented the user from making a normal withdrawal, and the entire platform had to suspend the transaction.
Three days later, Mt. Gox issued an explanatory statement, which fell by another 80% in a few seconds on the Bitcoin Disk. Investors consider this another severe blow to the Mt. Gox trading platform.
Last Friday morning, the Mt. Gox platform re-emerged with a bitcoin storm.
Mt. Gox made a statement on its website, and recently the company is trying to solve the cash withdrawal problem. In addition to the technical problems, Mt. Gox faces security problems, which necessitated the relocation of the office to its former location, Shibuya.
Mt. Gox users lost confidence in the biggest bitcoin trading platform ever. In just a few hours, Mt. Goxbitco fell from over $260 to over $110, a drop of about 50%.
而就在不到两天前,比特币交易所Mt.Gox的CEO Mark Karpeles在博客中宣布退出比特币基金会。受此消息影响,比特币交易价格再次出现跳水。至于,Karpeles离开的原因,其本人并没有透露。不过外媒猜测这和Mt.Gox接连不断出现的安全漏洞有一定的关系。据了解,Mt.Gox目前面临一系列长期的技术问题。这些问题去年夏季就已开始出现,当时Mt.Gox暂停了客户提取美元。到本月早些时候,问题变得更加严重,Mt.Gox停止了所有客户取现,称比特币软件的一个漏洞使部份用户能够更改交易。
Just less than two days ago, CEO Mark Karpeles of the Bitcoin Exchange, Mt. Gox, announced in his blog that he would withdraw from the Bitcoin Foundation. As a result of this news, the price of the Bitcoin transaction was again jumped. As to the reason Karpeles left, it was not revealed. But the foreign media guessed that it had something to do with the successive security gaps in Mt. Gox. It was understood that Mt. Gox was facing a series of long-term technical problems.
Mt.Gox closes heavy for bitcoin
Mt. Gox曾经是全球最大的比特币交易所,在其CEO退出比特币基金会时候,包括比特币中国在内的多家组织还曾经为了安抚比特币持有者称其退出只是个别现象,不会影响比特币的正常运转。目前而包括国内比特币交易网站BTC China在内的多家交易网站,也专门就“MT.GOX破产”发表了联合声明。
Mt. Gox, once the largest Bitcoin exchange in the world, and when its CEO withdrew from the Bitcoin Foundation, several organizations, including Bitcoin China, also claimed that its withdrawal was an isolated event and would not affect the normal functioning of Bitcoin. Currently, several trading websites, including the domestic Bitcoin trading website BTC China, have issued a joint statement specifically on “MT.GOX bankruptcy.”
The current financial regulatory body in our country has made it clear that bitcoin is not a real currency, while countries such as Russia have imposed a strict ban on bitcoin trading and trading.