
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:23 评论:0



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As the currency boom faded in April, the bank accounts of some of the bankers were frozen. Under pressure, many of the losers began to touch the money ring for other purposes.


Wang Yong, who lost tens of thousands of dollars previously earned in the dog price contract deal, is trying to sell USDT (Tedaco) back home and abroad. From May 25, Wang Yong will earn $10,000 a day at his peak. On the chance, Wang Yong has invested $100,000 in a fight.


Chen Feng was “continuously reversible” on the market: when he was a multi-dog, the dog's coin fell, and when he was an empty dog's coin, he ran into the gunnnet for 10 minutes, and the dog's coin went up and went straight to the barn.


All the money Chen had earned before was lost. Repeated reversals had also caused Chen to lose interest in the currency. On the advice of his friends, Chen was turned to the router to dig the mine.


At the moment, Chen Feng is carrying thousands of mortgages each month, with 10 credit cards to be paid at the end of the month. The routers are making more money than Chen Feng’s idea of making more money.


In practice, however, every day the router digs less than expected, and Chen's goal is to make money from the beginning to return.


Last month, even a couple of shire-coin-squeezers paid off, began to think of virtual money as worthless, "What faith is that they buy themselves, and what makes money for me is faith."


He chose a software platform called Yabo, the Hungarian competition against Portugal, where he pitched 200, similar operations, and won 2,000 a night. But also from the coin to the game, Ho-Ming's hundreds of dollars poured into the water, making a mockery of the fact that "baskets are like coins, they're giving heads."



Beginning in May, a number of Bitcoin trading platforms announced the closure of their services and various virtual currency prices jumped under the harsh blow of State policy.


On the night of 25 May, while the outside world was moaning and the cucumbers were throwing their money to cut their flesh, Wang Yong noticed that USDT prices had fallen significantly, that there was a stable difference between the tender and Hitbtc USDT transactions, and that the coins flowed in full currency, moving around the night with friends from abroad.


After the first taste, Wang Yong and his friends continue to work together: Wang Yong buys USDT domestically, and friends sell it on foreign third-party platforms. For several days, Wang has moved back and forth with $100,000 in principal, $6.1 in domestic prices, $6.6 to $6.7 in foreign prices, 20,000 to 4 million USDTs per day, and back and forth.


By virtue of the high demand from abroad, Wang Yong can carry bricks every 20 minutes and earns around $10,000 a day.


USDT was chosen because it was a virtual currency that pegged an encrypted currency to the legal currency, the United States dollar equivalent of the same amount, i.e., 1 USDT = US$ 1, which made it a good proxy in a highly volatile crypto-currency market.


Because those who make coins need to buy them in renminbi and replace them with other virtual currencies, the USDT has become the preferred choice for Wang Yong.


This method of operation, commonly referred to in the currency circles as “brick removal”, earns a very low-priced price difference.


On 1 June, after several successive failures of the dog-coins contract, Chen Fung felt that he could not afford to pay the price, and that he still had mortgages, making the need for money even more urgent.


At a time of great anxiety, during a chat with a friend, Chen Fung followed the router to dig the mine.


Routers dig mines that are not real mines, but rather use the loose bandwidth resources of routers in exchange for the profits of the respective manufacturers. This gain is similar to the “electronic currency” where, for example, the Kyoto Cloud Routers dig for points, which can be converted to Kyoto East E-cards, which can be realized directly during shopping.


So the router became the miner, and the router owner became the miner.


The use of routers for “mining” is premised on the fact that the first electricity is not expensive and the second is idle broadband, both of which are in order.


A friend paid Chen Feng a bill: a single router spends about $8 a month on electricity, and each router digs up about 300 cents a day, equivalent to three cents, and earns about $90 a month.


According to this calculation, a quick return can take more than six months, and the longer it takes, the more the machine will earn, the more it will be possible to have more than 100,000 credits a year.


It is also possible to reach the wool in Kyoto. Chen Feng found out that there is a policy in Kyoto that the platform will subsidize the purchase of copies until it is zero in a year, and that “the worst benefits are free of charge for a router”, and with the same energy, it would be better to dig a mine.


Together, Chen Feng and his friends decided to invest tens of thousands of dollars in it.


At the end of the afternoon vacation, Chen Feng spent $20,000 on the power company platform to buy nearly 10 gindong Cloud routers, at prices ranging from hundreds to thousands, and when the router returns home, he's ready to sit and get rich. "The sooner you get in, the sooner you get rich."


As well as a loser, Zhang Li, who bought several shires in a row last month, changed his nickname to “lost underpants” and never touched a virtual currency for more than 20 days.


Recently, on the occasion of the 2020 European Cup, Zhang Li saw in the crowd a constant sharing of a screenshot called the Yabo platform, claiming that he was playing with virtual currency in Yabo. At first, Zhang Li suspected him, and then, after his own search, found out that Jabohl was a sponsor of several teams, “shouldn’t run away.”


A bookie likes to gamble. Last year at the World Cup, he was in the middle of the list, and then he was run by a platform dealer.


This year, Zhang Li decided to try using a virtual currency. In the payment method offered by the App, the choice of a virtual currency to receive an additional 0.6 per cent of the official addition, from June 12 to the present day, Zhang Li will spend a few hours a day, gambling three or four cards a day, betting dozens to hundreds.



But these new fortunes are not new.


Unsold USDT, someone tried it back in 2018.


The alphabet found that some of the Internet users who sold USDT claimed at the Virtual Currency Forum that the risk of moving bricks was very high, that black money was received at the time of selling USDT, and that bank cards and accounts were frozen. Moreover, such moves, even if they were profitable at 10% a time, would consume a lot of time and effort on the part of the bankers.


And the greater risk for USDT is that distribution is entirely centralized, i.e. distribution, acceptance, regulation, and operation are concentrated in a company called Tether. Once Tether is shut down, the market USDT will be exposed to acceptance risk and will depreciate immediately.


This is not without precedent.


In October 2018, the USDT started its first thunderstorm. The media exposed the market value of the USDT in circulation to a greater extent than the real asset reserve, directly causing the USDT price to fall sharply, to 11%. In the face of panic, a large number of USDTs were sold and exchanged for BTC, causing BTC prices to rise rapidly.


In April 2019, the USDT secondary thunderstorm. Tether officially acknowledged that only 74 per cent of the USDTs were supported by cash and equivalents, causing the market to panic again.


Routers are cheaper to dig than miners. In each case, Fiji, listeners, connectors, and thunders are fanatical participants, with successive projects related to mining by routers.


Thunderbusters are the first to lead mining routers. These companies need bandwidth resources and storage space, and routers owners are paid the appropriate amount of money for broadbanding and storage space, not so much for mining.


In the past few years, router vendors have not been in the minority.


The wealth of the cooperating P2Pi platform was seized by public security because of the illegal absorption of public deposits; the money of the new user was returned to the old user because of the 0 dollar purchase, which led to a break in the money chain being investigated by the police; and the new route 3 for investment in the capital was also exposed to “fraud” by the media.


Virtual currency bets have been swimming around the regulatory red line. During the 2018 World Cup, some people on the dark web launched a gambling website called “Global First”, which supports the world’s universal online virtual currency, Bitcoin, Latcoin, etc., by putting more than $10 billion in 20 days, attracting a large number of fans to bets, some of the players trapped in it, and eventually losing their assets.


In 2018, the Guangdong Mao police succeeded in dismantling more than 20 groups involved, dismantling gambling apps, more than 70 websites, shutting down more than 250 social networking groups and freezing the sum of more than 260 million yuan involved.



Jang Li, who is addicted to virtual currency gambling, has won 11 consecutive games and more than 20 lists, often sharing his gambling experience in the troupe. Since gambling, however, his mobile phone has received several phone calls in Hong Kong every day, which has upset him.


Unlike the experienced Jang Li, he doesn't know much about football, and by chance he sees a great shattering gambler who wins a lot of money. He can't resist temptation, he uses the USDT he bought, he sees it at 2:30 in the morning, and he buys it for his friends several times.


In England, the 1-0 and 3-0 singles, although small, only a few dozen to a few hundred, lose each time, watch hundreds of dollars roll, and then stop gambling in time. He mocks himself, “The game is like a coin, but he sends his head”.


Chen Feng obviously thought the router digs too simple.


In Chen Feng's vision, as long as routers are purchased and kept open every day, routers themselves can work to dig up the mines and make them credits for money.


Although routers did save more effort than the reverse sale of Usdt, when they were actually bought back home, it became clear that the speed of the Chen Feng family was slowing down, and that the daily score was not as much as expected.


For example, if the family turns on the TV, it's only 20% of the day. A couple of routers add up less than ideal, and Chen Feng is very frustrated, and now only wants to get it back.


Wang Yong, on his side, will not be able to make 10,000 dollars a day at a peak, but it will not be long. Recently, USDT prices have started to rise to $6.4, and Wang Yong has discovered that the profits from moving the bricks are shrinking, adding to the costs of handling and paying for their energy.


The way to make money by moving bricks on the USDT is now impossible and he does not want to collide any more, and Wang Yong has recently taken up the idea of mining, buying nearly 40,000 cards and starting to prepare for mining.

  6月16日,知乎热榜上排到第四位的问题是,“如何看待 6 月 14 日京东大量显卡被拍下,但不付款的行为?”

On June 16, the fourth place on the hot list was asked, “How to view the large number of cards taken on June 14 in Japan without payment?”


The highest response was that, “The heat of the mine has faded, the miners have largely stopped collecting their cards, and their power has fallen by more than one tenth, so why do the cards remain high and why do they simply mean less?


Wang Yong, Chen Feng, Zhang Li





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