比特幣周行情圖 來源:火幣網
國際在線互聯網金融頻道綜合報道(記者 許煬 實習生 徐藍):根據火幣網公佈的報價顯示,比特幣價格本週(9月1日-9月7日)在3850點附近橫盤後於9月4日迎來一波劇烈的上漲行情,一天之內從3842最高上漲到了4135,並收于4098,單日漲幅為6.66%,為近兩月來最大的單日上漲行情,比特幣價格成功站上4000點。火幣網COO朱嘉偉對此分析表示,自從比特幣産量減半和Bitfinex事件後,行業近期沒有重大消息産生。比特幣價格自從一個月前受不利消息影響下降後,橫盤很長一段時間,從技術上來説,比特幣價格到了需要突破的壓力點。
International online financial channels reported (journalist Xu Blue): According to the price posted on the Flamenet, Bitcoin prices this week (1 September-7 September) followed by a dramatic upturn on 4 September near 3850 points, rising from 3842 to 4135 at the top of the day and rising from 4098 to 6.66 per cent a day, the largest single day in the last two months, with 4,000 points on the Bitcoat price. This analysis shows that there have been no significant developments in the industry since the fall of half of the Bitcoins and Bitfinex events.
The next few days saw a small swing in currency prices between 4,000 and 4100. Bitcoins broke out this week on September 4th and September 5th, largely driven by a huge demand for purchases.
According to trends, although the 60-day line has remained on a downward trend, last week’s 5-day line was connected to the 10-day, 30-and-60 antenna, with the same speed of 30-day average, showing a long period of steady decline and short-term rapid upswing. In terms of turnover, apart from the rapid rise in the volume of transactions on 4 September and 5 September, which reached 300,000 in both days, other trading days remained essentially below 200000.
●“四大”會計師事務所之一德勤公司現已擁有了首臺自己品牌的比特幣ATM機。近日,在位於多倫多市中心的德勤Rubix區塊鏈部門辦公室,這臺比特幣自動交易機或稱BTM首次亮相。Rubix項目創始人Iliana Oris Valiente解釋稱,此舉是為讓公司員工及其他在該區域的人們更好地了解區塊鏈。
The Barclays Bank reported on September 7 that two partners (Ornua, an agricultural cooperative, and Seychelles Trading Company, a food dealer) had been able to successfully transfer trade documents through a sector chain platform that had been created by Barclays Bank accelerator graduate Wave.
The Hong Kong Financial Authority (HKMA, Financial Policy, Bank, and Currency Management) plans to set up a new centre for testing the chain and the distribution of books. HKMA has announced that it will work with the Hong Kong Institute of Applied Science and Technology (ASTRI) to launch this project. The Hong Kong Institute of Applied Science and Technology (HKMA) is a government-created scientific research institute designed to enhance its technical competition.
●紐約梅隆銀行(BNY)目前開發了一個測試版區塊鏈系統,其可用於創建銀行經紀業務交易的備份記錄。這個名為“BDS 360”的新系統,其目的是作為銀行現有交易記錄系統的一個“備胎”,既當銀行第一層交易記錄系統變得不可用時,該系統就頂替而上。據悉,這只是紐約梅隆銀行更為廣泛的區塊鏈研究的一部分,它也是該銀行與R3分佈式賬本聯盟的內部合作項目的一部分,即最近曝光的“結算幣”項目。
The New York Melon Bank (BNY) is currently developing a test-based sector chain system, which can be used as a backup for the creation of bank-run business transactions. The new system is called “ BDS 360” it is intended to be an “ a back-up & rdquo; it will be replaced when the bank's first level trading record becomes unusable. It is known that this is only part of the Bank's more extensive sector-link study, and it is part of the Bank's in-house cooperation with the R3 branch of the Federation, the recently exposed & ldquao; the accounting & rdquo; the project.
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