
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:20 评论:0



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21世纪经济报道记者 家俊辉 广州报道

Economic Reporter for the 21st Century, Jia Junhui, Guangzhou.


Editor: Lee Elin


A new round of blows against virtual currency transactions has begun.


On 24 September, 10 ministries, such as the Central Bank and the Superintendence of Silver Insurance, jointly issued a circular on further prevention and management of the risks associated with virtual currency transactions (hereinafter referred to as “the circular”) stating that the recent rise of virtual currency transactions has disrupted the economic and financial order and fostered illegal criminal activities such as gambling, illegal fund-raising, fraud, distribution and money-laundering, seriously endangering the property security of the population.


In response, the heads of central banks said that, in order to establish a mechanism for regularizing the work, they had always maintained a high-pressure stance on the activities of virtual currency transactions. In the light of new risk situations, departments such as central banks had drawn up circulars based on a review of their previous work experience.


“Our policy on the regulation of virtual currencies is clear and consistent.” According to the above-mentioned officials, the Circular re-emphasizes that virtual currencies with characteristics such as non-monetary authority issuance, the use of encryption technology, distributed accounts or similar technologies, and their digital presence, such as bitcoin, tataco, and so-called stable currencies, including tada, do not have legal status equivalent to that of legal currency and cannot circulate as currencies on the market.


The Circular clearly states that virtual currency-related operations such as virtual currency exchange, buying and selling virtual currency as a central counterparty, facilitating services for virtual currency transactions, financing the issuance of currency in currencies and trading in virtual money derivatives are all illegal financial activities, which are strictly prohibited and firmly prohibited by law; the services provided by the offshore virtual currency exchange to the residents of the country via the Internet are also illegal financial activities.


Economic Reporters for the 21st Century noted that the Circular specifically states that multi-dimensional, multi-layered risk prevention and disposal systems are to be constructed and that explicit requirements are to be made for financial and non-financial institutions, Internet enterprises and relevant regulatory authorities.


Among these, the Circular requires that financial institutions and non-bank paying agencies should not provide services such as account opening, transfer of funds and settlement of transactions related to virtual currency, that virtual currency should not be included in encumbrances, that insurance operations related to virtual currency should not be carried out or that virtual currency should be included in insurance liability; and that Internet enterprises should not provide services such as a network business place, business display, marketing promotion, payment stream, etc. for virtual currency-related operations.


In this regard, the above-mentioned officials indicated that the financial administration, the network services, the telecommunications authorities, the public security services and the market regulatory agencies work closely together to provide comprehensive advice on the closing of payment channels, the handling of related websites and mobile applications in accordance with the law, the strengthening of the registration and advertising management of relevant market subjects, the suppression of related illegal financial activities in accordance with the law, and the strengthening of member management and policy advocacy by the relevant industry associations, and the prevention and handling of risks associated with virtual currency transactions in all their aspects.


In addition, in accordance with the circular, the above-mentioned officials indicated that they would establish a mechanism for working on the regularization of departmental synergies, which would be linked to the continent, and would strengthen the monitoring and early warning of risks associated with virtual currency transactions.


As early as 3 December 2013, five ministries, including the Central Bank, issued a circular on protection against the risk of bitcoin, making it clear that bitcoin does not have legal monetary status; and on 4 September 2017, the Central Bank, in conjunction with the former Banking Commission, the former Insurance Commission, and others, issued a bulletin on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of coins, which guided the concentration of 173 platforms in various parts of the country, and has since maintained high-pressure control. On 21 May this year, the State Council's Financial Stability Development Committee explicitly called for “combating against bitcoin mining and trading”.


On the same day, the CDRC, the Ministry of Industry and Communications, the Ministry of Public Security and other 10 departments issued a joint circular on the regulation of the “mining” of virtual currency activities. It explicitly called for the strengthening of the chain of command of the entire industrial chain of virtual currency “mining” activities up and down, the banning of new virtual currency “mining” projects, and the acceleration of the orderly withdrawal of stock projects. Specifically, the introduction of new virtual currency “mining” projects is prohibited.


Prior to that, a number of practitioners, in an interview with the 21st Century Economics Reporter, had also called for an immediate end to the vagaries of virtual currency mining and trading.


There are four main risks to the market, transactions, technology, and compliance, in the opinion of the United Nations Chief Financial Researcher, namely, the purchase, sale or use of virtual currencies such as bitcoins. Market risks are, for the time being, limited size of virtual currencies, such as bitcoins, entering the trading market, making it easier to create a “surpassable” illusion for investors to be influenced and controlled by a small number of institutional investors or individuals.


He suggested that, as a next step, financial administrations should step up their fight against illicit mining and trading activities in virtual currencies, maintain a normal economic and financial order, and create a better environment for the official roll-out of our digital renminbi. Institutions and platforms that are involved illegally in virtual currency transactions, campaigning or providing support services for them should be dealt with jointly with the judiciary in a timely manner, raising the cost of violations and increasing the deterrent effect of remediation activities. The Bitcoin mining project should be completely cleaned up and shut down in all parts of the country. At the same time, investor education should be further strengthened and improved, making education more relevant and effective, increasing the risk identification and protection of virtual currencies by ordinary investors.




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