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本文為An Introduction to Game Studies(Frans Mayra,Sage,2008)的讀書筆記。

This is a written book by Frans Mayra, Sage, 2008.

1.學會發問(Learning to Ask)

1. Learning to ask


The Society asks questions about a good question that is not only necessary for the Games Institute, but is also an important step in the study of natural sciences, humanities and sociology.


The good question comes not from the sky, but from the constant dialogue with the various sources of literature.

研究者所要探究的問題,必然要是研究者本身真正感興趣的問題(genuinely interested in),這等同於,研究者真的想要從中獲得新的知識(Learn More)。

The questions to be explored by researchers must be those of real interest to the researchers themselves, which is the same as those of the researchers who really want to get new knowledge from them.


Sometimes the questions that researchers want to explore are not always properly located in established academic literature, even if they are originalist, or in the eyes of some academic authorities they have never been done, but it is not a good reason to abandon the original idea (the philosophy of northern Europe!), and it is precisely a good time for researchers to develop their potential, and it is very likely that new research by researchers can bridge the gap between “new”, “old” and “gap”.


But we also need to see an obstacle to the study of a whole new topic — he/she needs to be the first person to paint the concept and the structure of the theory, which is often faced with a powerful academic challenge.


So, when looking at a newer question, the researchers have to ask themselves,


(1) What is the essence of this cultural/social reality to be studied?


(2) How do we position the issue of research in the broader context of human behaviour or cultural forms?

(3)哪些適切的學術概念(correct concepts)可用於討論這個研究問題?

(3) What are the appropriate concepts of science that can be used to discuss this research?


(4) The academic community is also an arena shaped by cultural and social activities, and how should the research be shared with science?


So it's very cautious that if such a game research project does not take into account the relevant multidisciplinary academic history, it can easily be an unknowing and insulated study attempt.


Next, my favorite phrase, which also explains why the game research in northern Europe is doing so well--

“Academic life is based on love of learning, and there is no better advice than to read widely and well, and to write often.”


So, is there any way to help researchers develop a good research problem?

詮釋學開創者之一的弗里德里希·施萊爾馬赫(A.D.1768-1834)的哲學觀點爲研究者們提供了一個較爲完備的問題形成路徑:詮釋學迴圈(hermeneutic cycle)——理解理論-->(現場)資料調研-->分析資料-->詮釋資料-->n次理解理論。

The philosophy of A.D. 1768-1834, one of the pioneers of the release, provides researchers with a more end-orientated path: hermeneutic cycle -- understanding theory -- > on-the-spot -- > analytical data -- > release data -- & gt; n comprehension theory.


The process of thinking about the problem should be one of a spiral (spiral) development. A more accurate understanding of the concept can be more nuanced.


The release cycle helps us understand why sometimes the adjustment of research issues is a good signal for a researcher.


And how does a researcher translate this release into a practical exercise of research? Professor Mayra provides readers with a more general guide.


(1) Pre-study (pre-study): the researchers themselves are going to play some games to search for and read related contributions, and to do a full reading of books and notes that are relevant to the subject of the study;


(2) Collection and analysis of data/data;


(3) Use the language of learning and the ability to record the results of each study in a self-conciliating way.


Also, don't underestimate any seemingly “small” research problem, because “small” often means focus, but rather makes the research deeper.


Professor Mayra introduced readers to a year’s DiGRA conference and the presentation of papers. As you can see, a number of topics are “doing a lot” (for example, research on Button, Shadowplay, Avatar).

2 建立自己的研究方法工具箱

2 Creates its own research methodology toolbox


All play research is not based solely on a single approach, and every researcher has to build his own toolbox of research methods. But play research is ultimately a cross-field study that requires researchers to explain why this is the approach rather than that, and why it is the knowledge of the first class rather than the other.

本體論關心的是游戲或嬉玩存有的形態;知識論則關注知識和知曉(knowing and knowledge)的本質

is concerned with the form of play or play; knowledge is concerned with the nature of knowledge and knowledge .


According to Kuhn's point of view, these foundational presets shape scientific paradigms, which are typically composed of recognized points of view (which are derived from the subject matter of the study, or a research problem that is constructed by a suitable research path).


As far as methodological research is concerned, as of 2010, three orientations are worth deeply linked to play research.


(i) Seeking to study games and their structure for a reasoned purpose;


(ii) Focus on understanding the game players and their games;


(3) A study focusing on the design and development of games;


(4) Attached: Study of the history of games - Help researchers to better grasp the bigger picture behind the problem and avoid a fragmented understanding of the culture of games.


Different studies are oriented towards different methodological orientations.

研究個人游戲或文化性地詮釋游戲意義的研究通常立足於人文學科(Humanities)的研究方法;而對“玩”這一行爲和“玩家”群體的研究通常利用社會科學(Social sciences)的方法;至於游戲設計則涉及十分多樣的方法論傳統,包括計算機科學和藝術設計的研究。

Research on individual games or culturally unleashing the meaning of games is usually based on the research methods of the Humanities; research on the “playing” and “players” communities is usually based on the social sciences; and game design involves a wide range of methodological traditions, including computer science and art design.


But researchers need to pay particular attention to the use of socio-scientific methods, since their methods are usually also embedded in the theory of cultural and design research, and sometimes even in the convergence of the two remaining domains.


a humanities methodology

【文本研究/話語研究(textual analysis/discourse analysis)】

[text study/verbal study (textal analysis/discusse analysis)]

這種方法著重於揭示語言中的固有内在習俗(或者説,在游戲文本中的文化成俗、規約,此時游戲被視爲一種媒介)如何形成一些特有的再現(representation)方式或思想——這些方式或思想呈現出一種自證而明(self-evident)的、自然的(natural)面貌,即便其中附著一定的權力關係。文本分析在很大程度上受后結構主義觀點的影響,反對結構主義者所説的存在普遍的文化邏輯以及單一的權威意義,而更傾向於揭示能指過程(signification processes)常見的而内在一致的多重性和衝突性(multiple and conflicting)。

This approach focuses on how to reveal the inherent customs of language (or cultural traditions, regulations, in the playbooks, where games are regarded as a medium) how to form a particular re-realization approach or idea that presents a self-evident, natural face, even with a certain degree of power attached to it. The analysis of the text is influenced to a large extent by the post-strong constructionist perspective , the prevailing cultural logic of the anti-constructists, and the power of one, and is more inclined to reveal the common multiplicity and conflict that characterizes the process.

運用此方法經典的游戲研究讀本——Screenplay(King and Krzywinska,2002);Game Cultures(Dovey and Kennedy,2006)。

A classic game study using this method — Screenplay (King and Krzywinska, 2002); Game Cultures (Dovey and Kennedy, 2006).

b 社會科學研究方法

b socio-scientific research methods

驗證(Verification)是經典科學方法的“心臟”,這深深根植於科學研究的實證性——客觀地觀察現實(objectively observable reality)。

Verification is the “heart” of classic scientific methods, deeply rooted in the evidence of scientific research — observable observation of reality.


But not all social scientists insist on this point.


Of course, the truth still occupies the highlands of research law.


Inquiries are a common method of proofism, where researchers can often extract information about attitudes and behaviour from a larger sample.


To be sure, it cannot be denied that the question papers are very useful for small scale test studies — to detect possible flaws in subsequent investigations.


(For the time being, calculating social science has been travelling in the "Big Data"-era windmill to say goodbye to the inquiry. Please move to the micro-message "Big Data Digest" for details.)


As for qualitative research methods, it focuses on “experiences/experiences” and “meanings.” By observing and talking, it is possible to learn how different groups experience their different lives in order to understand. For quantitative research, qualitative research data are “rich” to some people's speeches, texts, images, and other media, cultural vehicles.


Qualitatively researched data analysis, sometimes like a puzzle -- one day, a new way of connecting the data to explain what's behind it.


In fact, according to current trends in methodology, more researchers are trying to combine quantitative and qualitative methods to absorb the advantages of both and to better develop new play studies.


There is also a qualitative and common way to invite reporters to record their games on a daily basis. This requires a renewed focus on time-sensitive social theory to gain a deeper understanding of the players’ experiences. This form of journal recording is relative to freedom, and it is important to understand the emotions and reasons behind their games — and in-depth interviews are a good way to do it. Different methods of biography can provide more time- and longer-term information about the role played by games in human life.


As a result, speech analysis can naturally be useful in analysing the life history of games, and different social scientists can also provide data analysis by assisting in the introspection of narratives.


The last method of study is the nationalism often used in anthropology and sociology!


It is important for a nation's aspirations to remain reassured, but at the same time do not forget to develop a strict set of operating rules that will provide better evidence for research and discussion; in the end, it is important to maintain the focus of internal diplomacy to the ideal state of anthropological research.

c 設計研究的方法

c Designing methods for research


So-called design research, actually, is to explore the logic of these game design methods. Understanding the culture of play design, as well as detailed analysis and criticism of play operations, does not mean that there is much room for exploration between research and design.

對於經濟性、内在性的游戲文化研究,生產性的實踐以及游戲工業的市場策略研究很少會在本書中提及,但是討論這個議題是十分重要的。消費產品的是一個複雜的混合體——特定的企業境況、經濟投資、設計選擇(design choices)、技術的創新或借用,以及企業宣傳策略、廣告效應、利益分配、市場發佈形態等等,瞭解這些有助於我們祛除游戲產業的神秘氣質。【聯想一下法蘭克福學派所提出的“文化工業”邏輯批判,對於文化工業而言,馬克思主義和新馬克思主義理論都是不錯的分析工具,具體就是德波、鮑德里亞啦~】

It's very important to discuss the issue in this book. The consumer product is a complex mix - specific business situations, financial investments, design options, creative or loan technology, and corporate advocacy strategies, advertising effects, distribution of benefits, marketing patterns, and so on.


In fact, a large number of original or multi-variate digital game designs are rooted in numerous, day-to-day game designs for innovation, which are an important part of play research.


Research on the design of games cannot avoid engineering designs (the famous Toy Wang Lego gathers a large number of professional [engineering] students each year in Mordu and history) and the wide range of engineering designs available, but laboratory testing is one of the most important approaches. The video footage of inside the game can be combined with external dynamics about , thus creating more possibilities for subsequent analysis.


But actually, not all game designs need programming tests, and the design of a game concept can be done by a piece of paper or a pen -- actually, it's about our "design creativity."




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