Bitcoin Cats IDO 超募 1 亿美元后,还有哪些值得关注的比特币链游项目?

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Bitcoin Cats IDO 超募 1 亿美元后,还有哪些值得关注的比特币链游项目?

Bitcoin Cats IDO over raise $100 million, and what other projects are worth noting?


Following the explosion of the Bitcoin ecology NFT, the hot tide of the Bitcoin ecology is also spreading over the use of narratives for games.

12月19日,BNB Chain上的AMM与NFT交易所BakerySwap宣布,其首个BRC的IDO项目比特币链游Bitcoin Cats 在IDO中完成了150倍的超额认购,有37,383枚ETH、7300万枚BAKE以及其他代币参与此次IDO,共计1.06亿美元的USDT。

On 19 December, the AMM and NFT Exchange BakerySwap on BNB Chain announced that its first BRC IDO project, Bitcoin Cats, had completed a 150-fold overpurchase in IDO, with 37,383 ETHs, 73 million BAKEs and other tokens participating in this IDO, totalling $106 million USDT.

随后, Bitcoin Cats 于12月20日下午16点开放其以太坊上 1CAT 代币交易, 开盘涨幅逾15倍,现报价 0.007 美元。据Lookonchain监测,1CAT开盘时首个购买该代币的地址花费603.13枚ETH(约合133万美元)购买了4.1389亿枚1CAT,之后该地址以759ETH(约合168万美元)的价格出售了3.892 枚1CAT,在15分钟内赚了156枚ETH(约合34.5万美元)。Bitcoin Cats 还表示,因比特币网络堵塞先启动以太坊上的1CAT,未来几天内也会分发比特币上的代币。

Subsequently, Bitcoin Cats opened up its trade in dailies on 20 December at 16 p.m., with an increase of more than 15 times and a current offer of US$ 0.007. According to Lokonchai, the first ETH to buy the dailies at the start of the CAT was spent 603.13 (approximately US$ 1.33 million) on the purchase of 413.8 million 1CATs, after which it was sold at a price of 759 ETHs (approximately US$ 1.68 million) and generated 156 ETHs (approximately US$ 345,000) in 15 minutes. Bitcoin Cats also indicated that in the days to come, it would be possible to distribute coins on the dailies in the light of the blocking of the Bitcoins network.

Bitcoin Cats的火爆也助推BakerySwap代币BAKE 价格大幅上涨,一度突破0.38美元,24涨幅超50%。而今日,BakerySwap还宣布第二期Launchpad项目,将仅支持使用BAKE、1CAT代币参与,BAKE应声上涨突破0.45美元,24小时涨超24%,现报0.42美元。

Bitcoin Cats’ fire also helped to boost BakerySwap’s price of BakerySwap’s token, BAKE, which was once over US$ 0.38, with an increase of more than 50%. Today, BakerySwap also announced that the second phase of the Launchpad project would support only the use of BAKE, with BAKE’s voice rising by US$ 0.45, 24% in 24 hours, and is now being reported at US$ 0.42.

Bitcoin Cats 的造富神话引起链上FOMO,BakerySwap 接下来的IDO能否能复刻“造富神话”,成为遭富IDO平台?Bitcoin Cats会不会带动比特币网络链游热潮?又有哪些值得关注的比特币链游项目?

The myth of Bitcoin Cats caused the chain of FOMO, BakerySwap whether the next IDO could re-engineer the Myth of Wealth and become a platform for rich IDOs? Did Bitcoin Cats drive the Bitcoin network?

Bitcoin Cats 超募 1 亿美元后,BakerySwap 能否复刻 IDO“造富神话”?

After over $100 million by Bitcoin Cats, can BakerySwap re-engineer the IDO's Myth of Wealth?

BakerySwap是BNB Chain一个老牌的AMM与NFT交易所,成立2020年,并于2021年4月获得了“币安1亿美元种子基金”投资。BitcoinCats IDO完成了150倍的超额认购,让BakerySwap在比特币生态上的布局迎来开门红。

BakerySwap, an old BNB Chain AMM and NFT exchange, was founded in 2020 and received a $100 million seed fund investment in April 2021. BitcoinCats IDO completed a 150-fold oversubscription, which enabled BakerySwap to open the door on the bitcoin ecology.

作为BakerySwap首个BRC赛道的IDO项目,Bitcoin Cats 借助“比特币生态+链游+NFT”的迭buff叙事获得了巨大的关注从BitcoinCats的 X 平台来看,其于2021年8月便已入驻X 平台,12月6日,才正式在X 平台宣布推出比特币生态游戏BitcoinCats,目前其X平台粉丝数已突破 17万,Ttelegram群里粉丝数量也超过1.6万。

As the first BRC track of BakerySwap, the IDO project Bitcoin Cats received a lot of attention through the "bitcoin+ eco-swap+NFT" narrative. , from its X platform in BitcoinCats, was posted on platform X in August 2021, and only on December 6th it officially announced the introduction of BitcoinCats on platform X, which now has over 170,000 followers and more than 16,000 followers in the Ttelegram community.

从官网上信息来看,BitcoinCats将自己定位其比特币生态系统的 GameFi 平台,将通过特币资产(BRC20、Ordinals NFT 等)映射到以太坊(和其他 Layer2)网络,BitcoinCats 为比特币资产将带来 Play2Earn、Stake、Farmland、SocialFi 等多种玩法。整体风格为卡通像素风。

According to official online information, BitcoinCats will locate its own GameFi platform for the Bitcoin ecosystem, which will be mapd to the Ether (and other Layer2) network through the Special Currency Assets (BRC20, Ordinals NFT, etc.), and BitcoinCats will bring a variety of games like Play2Earn, Stake, Farmland, and SocialFi for Bitcoin assets. The overall style is cartoon pixels.

此次开盘涨超15倍的$1CAT是BitcoinCats游戏生态系统中的原生代币,最初铭刻在比特币上,部分桥接/包装到以太坊。$1CAT可用于购买和升级游戏内资产,包括头像、宠物、装备等。$1CAT总供应量为100亿枚,20%将分配至Launchpad,20%用于流动性,15%给团队,45%用户游戏奖励。目前BitcoinCats开放了以太坊的$1CAT交易,并表示即将开放比特币生态上的$1CAT交易。交易平台Bitget则宣布将于 12 月 21 日 11:00 UTC 上线 $1CAT/USDT交易对。

The $1CAT, which is more than 15 times higher, is the original ingenuity in the BitcoinCats game ecosystem, initially engraved on Bitcoin, with partial bridge connections/packaging to Etheria. The $1CAT can be used to purchase and upgrade assets in the game, including heads, pets, equipment, etc.. The total supply of $1CAT is $10 billion, 20 per cent will be allocated to Launchpad, 20 per cent to mobility, 15 per cent to the team, and 45 per cent to the user. BitcoinCats are now open to trade in $1CAT in the Pacific and have indicated that $1CAT in the Bitcoin ecology will be opened. Bitget, the trading platform, has announced that 11 per cent UTC will be traded online on December 21.

此外,BitcoinCats 还表示$1CAT也可以是一个MeMe币,以一只超级可爱的猫作为它的标志。

In addition, BitcoinCats indicated that $1CAT could also be a Meme coin marked by a super cute cat.

BitcoinCats 还推出了BitcoinCats NFT。而BitcoinCats NFT是由10,000件像素化的猫艺术作品组成的集合,铭刻在Ordinals上。目前可以通过质押1CAT代币来获得BitcoinCats NFT的资格。BitcoinCat官网显示的“游戏元宇宙”以及“FRAMLAND”玩法入口,则暂未开放。

BitcoinCats also launched BitcoinCats NFT. BitcoinCats NFT is a collection of 10,000 pixelized cat art works engraved on Ordinals. BitcoinCats NFT qualifications can now be obtained by pledging 1CAT tokens. BitcoinCat shows the "gaming metacos" and the "FRAMLAND" playing portal.

在IDO过后,BitcoinCats 发布的路线图来看,其接下来先启动质押1CAT 来获得白名单的计划,再发布第一款3D元宇宙游戏。

Following the IDO, BitcoinCats published a road map which indicated that it would then launch a pledge of 1CAT to obtain the white list, and then issue the first 3D space game.

BitcoinCats 还表示会定期空投,白名单名额和游戏资产。玩家需要按照其需求,在官网随机下载像素猫图片,并上传至社交作为头像等。

BitcoinCats also offers regular airdrops, white-list slots, and game assets. Players need to download pixel cat images randomly on the official network and upload them to socialization as head images, etc.

此次BitcoinCats 和1CAT 的火爆,除了借力比特币生态叙事热潮之外,离不开和BakerySwap等多家平台的合作共赢。

The explosion of BitcoinCats and 1CAT, in addition to the boom in ecological narratives in Litcococo, was won by collaboration with several platforms, such as BakerySwap.

BakerySwap早在11月份便发文表示,要为牛市作准备,发现百倍项目,提供流动性优质的NFT和GameFi资产,并拓展比特币生态。BitcoinCats 此次IDO中,参与者除了可以使用ETH 外、还可以使用 BAKE以及 Bakery 生态系统的代币。首次IDO的150倍超额认购,让BakerySwap和BitcoinCats 达成双赢。BAKE 代币价格也一度涨超50%。

BakerySwap wrote back in November that he wanted to prepare for the cattle market, discover a 100-fold project, provide mobile and high-quality NFT and GameFi assets, and expand the BitcoinCats ecosystem. In BitcoinCats, participants in this IDO could use the BAKE and Bakery ecosystem tokens in addition to the ETH. The first IDO overpurchases 150 times, giving BakerySwap and BitcoinCats a win-win.

除了BakerySwap 之外,BitcoinCats还和专注于比特币生态的 IDO 平台 Turtsat 进行了IDO合作。此前TurtSat 已发射如资产协议 CHAX、BRC 20 跨链桥 MUBI、Ordinals 聚合平台 NHUB等多个BRC 20项目,这些项目都在发射后有亮眼表现。Turtsat也被看作造富IDO平台。

In addition to BakerySwap, BitcoinCats collaborates with the Bitcoin Ecologic IDO platform, Turtsat. TurtSat has previously launched several BRC 20 projects, such as the asset protocol CHAX, BRC 20 Translink Bridge MUBI, Ordinals Convergence Platform NHUB, which have shown good performance since the launch. Turtsat is also seen as a rich IDO platform.

而继 BitcoinCats IDO获得成功后, BakerySwap下一个IDO项目将是谁,又能否复刻造富神话,成为和Turtsat等类似的造富IDO平台?

And after the success of BitcoinCats IDOs, who will BakerySwap's next IDO project, and who will be able to re-engineer the myth of wealth and become a similar IDO platform like Turtsat?


In the afternoon, BakerySwap announced the second phase of the BRC track Launchpad project, which will support only the use of BAKE and 1CAT tokens to participate in the BAKE response, which will exceed 0.45, by over 24 per cent on a 24-hour basis, and is now reported at $0.42.

Bitcoin Cats 将引爆比特币链游叙事?还有哪些值得关注的项目?

Bitcoin Cats will detonate the Bitcoin chains. What other items of interest?

Bitcoin Cats此次号称“比特币生态的首个链游”,确实占领了叙事高位,吸引了不少加密用户的关注。像BakerySwap 这类IDO平台,也很明确表示本轮牛市下的重点是比特币生态、GameFi和NFT。

Bitcoin Cats, this time called “the first chain of Bitcoin Ecology”, does occupy a high profile of narratives and attracts attention from a lot of encryption users. IDO platforms like BakerySwap also make it clear that the focus of this cow market is Bitcoin Ecology, GameFi, and NFT.

BakerySwap和Bitcoin Cats此次IDO 的成功,可能会吸引更多的IDO平台和比特币链游项目推动特币链游叙事,创造造富神话。除了Bitcoin Cats之外,目前也出现了不少比特币链游叙事的项目,或许可以提前关注。

The success of BakerySwap and Bitcoin Cats in this IDO may attract more IDO platforms and Bitcoin Links to promote the meth of the Tetcos and create the myth of wealth. Besides Bitcoin Cats, there are a number of bitcoins that can be followed in advance.

ORDZ GAMES:号称比特币生态的首个链游,近期计划在 Alexlab上 IDO

ORDZ GAMES: First link to Bitcoin Ecology, planned for the near future on Alexlab IDO

和Bitcoin Cats 一样称比特币生态首个链游的ORDZ GAMES,上线时间要早于Bitcoin Cats 。其于今年3月份便已上线,并分别进行了两轮free mint 以及brc20 代币的奖励。

Like Bitcoin Cats, ORDZ GAMES, the first link of Bitcoin's ecology, went online earlier than Bitcoin Cats. It came online in March this year with two rounds of free mind and brc20 tokens.

ORDZ GAMES 首款游戏是坦克大战,项目方还陆续上了类似“羊了个羊”、飞船等一系列小游戏。用户通过铭文浏览器打开铭文详情进入游戏。玩家通过打游戏获取积分并兑换代币。目前,ORDZ GAMES的官方X平台拥有超过4.8万粉丝,官方Discord社区也吸引了超1万名成员。

The first game of ORDZ GAMES is the battle of tanks, and the project has developed a series of small games like "goats with sheep" and "ships" and other small games. Users open the details of the inscriptions to the game through an encyclopedia browser. Players gain points by playing games and exchange tokens. Currently, the official platform of ORDZ GAMES has more than 48,000 fans, and the official community of Discord attracts more than 10,000 members.

ORDZ GAMES 在X 平台上的近日发文称,其代币代码从$OG $ 更改为$ORDG 。ORDG总供应量为 2100 万枚,可按与$OG $ 1:1 的比例换取。当前钱包持有$OG $ 的快照将于香港时间 12 月 26 日晚上 9 点进行,并且$ORDG将于 2024 年 1 月 5 日开始在http://ordz.games处领取。

A recent communication from ORDZ GAMES on platform X stated that the code for the currency had been changed from $OG $US to $ORDG. The total supply of ORDGs was 21 million, in exchange for $OG $1:1. The current snapshot of the wallet holding $OG $ will be taken at 9 p.m. Hong Kong time on December 26, and $ORDG will be collected at on January 5th, 2024.

此外,ORDZ GAMES选将未来几周内启动IDO,合作平台为Stacks生态Alexlab协议。Alexlab社区计划于12月23号进行社区投票,如果投票通过,$ORDG代币将成为首个在Alex Launchpad上发行的游戏代币。

In addition, ORDZ GAMES has chosen to launch the IDO in the next few weeks, a collaborative platform for the Stocks EcoAlexlab agreement. The Alexlab community is planning a community vote on December 23, and if the vote is passed, $ORDG will be the first game token to be released on Alex Launchpad.


bitmap: First dollar cosmos project known as Bitcoin Ecology, The BRC-420 Protocol on Bitmap exploded

Bitmap号称比特币生态首个元宇宙项目,由推特用户@blockamoto 于 2023 年 6 月 13 日在推特提出,建立在 Ordinals theory(序数理论)和 Bitmap theory(位图理论)基础之上,主要发售虚拟土地。

Bitmap, known as Bitmap, the first metacosystem of Bitcoin Ecology, was launched on Twitter by Twitter user @blockamoto in June 2023, and based on Ordinals Theory (sequential number theory) and Bitmap Theory (bitmap theory), mainly selling virtual land.

Bitmap上线不久后便创造了7日销售额增幅440%的成绩。地板价在沉寂数月之后近日又创新高,突破 0.007BTC,比今年 8 月的价格涨了十多倍。目前 Bitmap 持有地址也超过了 3 万,其NFT 市值已经超过 The Sandbox 地块 LAND 、Otherside 虚拟地块 Otherdeed 的市值之和。

Bitmap’s arrival soon led to an increase of 440% in sales over seven days. The floor price has been innovatively high in recent months, breaking 0.007 BTC, a tenfold increase over the price in August of this year. Bitmap now holds more than 30,000 addresses, and its NFT market value is already greater than the sum of the Land of The Sandbox and Otherside virtual land.

而近日,基于 Bitmap 资产协议的 BRC-420 协议也爆火,其主打元宇宙,游戏,通过将多个铭文组合成一个复杂的资产,创造出了从小型角色、宠物到完整游戏脚本和虚拟机的各类资产。

In recent days, the BRC-420 agreement, based on the Bitmap asset agreement, has also exploded, with its main role in the meta-cosm, and its games have created a variety of assets, from small players, pets to complete game scripts and virtual machines, by combining multiple inscriptions into a complex asset.

BRC-420协议的第一个资产蓝盒子,9月14号发行,总量1万个,mint价格0.1u,目前地板价已突破2.3万U,持有者惊人的涨幅也引起了链上FOMO,BIRU Solana红盒子就因被对标BRC-420蓝盒子被疯抢。

The first BRC-420 asset blue box, released on 14 September, for a total of 10,000 items and a Mint price of 0.1u, has now reached a floor price of 23,000 U. The alarming increase in the number of holders has also led to FOMO on the chain, and the BIRU Solana red box has been taken madly by the BRC-420 blue box.

Dark City:号称比特币首个多人角色扮演游戏

Dark City: The first multiplayer role played by Bitcoin

Dark City是第一个基于比特币的 MMORPG,建立了一个开放世界,使用了 Bitmap、Ordinals 和 TA多个协议。目前Dark City有6600 多个X平台粉丝。

Dark City, the first MMORPG based on Bitcoin, created an open world using Bitmap, Ordinals and TA protocols. Dark City currently has over 6,600 X platform fans.

Dark City中,玩家可以扮演一名黑客,创立一个未来派邪教,或者成为自己的犯罪帝国的首席执行官等。玩家可以拥有基于Bitmap土地来建立帮派、房屋、公司和宗教邪教。每个区域和地块都有一系列的特征和代币奖励。

In Dark City, players can act as hackers, create a future cult, or become the chief executive officers of their own criminal empire. Players can have a gang, house, company, and religious cult based on Bitmap land.

Dark City 原生代币DRK 总供应量为100万枚,发布在比特币网络上。Dark City 的NFT 系列包括生物扫描和芯片组,在MagicEden 上出售,地板价为0.0004 BTC,持有者为2100名。

Dark City’s original currency, DRK, has a total supply of 1 million units and is published on the Bitcoin network. The NFT series of Dark City includes bioscanning and chip sets, sold on MagicEden at a floor price of 0.0004 BTC and held at 2,100.

BTC PixelWars:号称比特币生态首个全链多人游戏

BTC PixelWars: First full-chain multi-player game known as Bitcoin Ecology

BTC 像素战争于11月份上线,部署在 Ordinals 上,号称比特币生态首个全链多人游戏。目前,BTC PixelWars 在X平台上关注者有5900多位。

The BTC Pixel War was launched in November on Ordinals, the first full-chain multi-player game of the Bitcoin ecology. At present, BTC PixelWars has over 5900 followers on platform X.

在 BTC PixelWar 中,玩家可以在共享画布上提交单个像素,共同创造一个集体作品。每次放置一个像素,玩家将获得 10 个 $BPIX 代币,以及获得比特币生态 NFT的奖励。

In BTC PixelWar, a player can submit individual pixels on a shared canvas to create a collective work. Each time a pixel is placed, the player will receive 10 $BPIX tokens and a Bitcoin ecological NFT reward.

像素战争共有 210 万个像素,每个像素的定价是 0.000033 BTC。 BPIX 的总量为 2100 万枚,但目前仅有20多万个像素被提交。

Pixel warfare has 2.1 million pixels, each priced at 0.000033 BTC. BPIX has a total of 21 million, but only more than 200,000 pixels have been submitted.


Rabbit : known as the First Linkage Platform for Bitcoin Ecology

官网上来看,Rabbit 自称是比特币生态系统游戏平台,致力于用户提供安全、可扩展且卓越的在线游戏体验。Rabbit 平台上有 Block Game、Space Dominion、彩虹花园冒险、境界觉醒多款游戏。Rabbit 目前X平台关注人数为8.6万。

According to the official online, Rabibit claims to be a Bitcoin ecosystem game platform dedicated to providing users with a secure, scalable and excellent online game experience. The Rabbit platform has Block Game, Space Dominion, Rainbow Garden Adventure, and Multi-Awakening Games.

Rabbit 代币Rait发行总量100亿枚(直接销毁70亿),实际总量30亿枚。Rait也是Turtsat上的IDO项目。目前Rait 价格为0.003美元左右,24h交易量为1100多万美元。

Rabit shares a total of 10 billion copies (directly destroyed by 7 billion) of Rait. Rait is also an IDO project on Turtsat. The current cost of Rait is around US$0.003 and 24h is worth more than US$ 11 million.


concluding remarks


The link travel takes longer development time and community operations to present a convincing element than the inscriptions. Currently, the link travel of the Bitcoin ecology is more focused on the conceptual phase of the “bitcoin ecology” narrative, which appears to be more like meme.

未来在比特币生态各种 Layer2 和侧链的基础设施发展下,比特币生态是否能真的诞生优质有应用价值的链游,值得期待。返回搜狐,查看更多

The future is to be expected in the context of infrastructure development in the various Layer2 and side chains of the Bitcoin ecology, whether or not the Bitcoin ecology actually produces a high-quality and applied chain of interest.





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    0.000 15693比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.000 15693比特币等于10.6 1678529美元/76.86554996人民币。比特币(BTC)【比特币价格翻倍】美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000/克洛克-0/5693【数字货币矿机】10.6 167852976.8655254996比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:489,807.72 CNY(1比特币= 489,807.72人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00015693 U...
  • 币圈院士:5.20比特币(BTC)以太坊(ETH)行情分析

    利空出尽?华尔街多头坚信美股将摆脱泥潭 经济衰退风险被夸大A lot of people on Wall Street believe that beauty will escape the quagmire; the risk of recession is exaggerated. 从目前美国经济的情况加上美股先有的走势来判断,确信通胀已经或即将见顶,这为价格压力回落铺平了道路,这最终将使美联储得以放缓...
  • 2000年美国GDP占世界的304%,中国GDP仅占35%,现在呢?
