It's something that's easier than stock than a dealer's. It's just an endless ride through the mountain, until it's broken.
It will certainly have an impact, and the United States economy is still at the forefront of the world economy.
Bitcoin, the initial price of which was US$ 0.0025, began by halving it for the first time in 2012, with a huge increase in prices known to a growing number of people. After a decade of development, Bitcoin prices peaked at US$ 20,000 in December 2017, up 8 million times.
After experiencing its peak, Bitcoin prices began to fall, at a current price of $10,000+, more than 4 million times higher than they initially were. So, four million times as much as many people hadn't thought about it in a decade. No doubt, Bitcoins made a fortune, but not everyone who took part in it was paid back.
从它的曲线我们就可以看出,它是属于高风险高回报 ,24小时不间断交易,波动起伏大,一般人承受不了这样的风险波动。整个数字货币市场目前都处于初期,因此,币圈有风险,入币需要谨慎。
As can be seen from its curves, it is a high-risk, high-return, round-the-clock, volatile, and generally unaffordable. The entire digital currency market is now in its early stages, and therefore the currency is risky and requires caution in entering the currency.
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